Moving pie menus into the utils
authorEd Page <>
Wed, 25 Aug 2010 01:36:57 +0000 (20:36 -0500)
committerEd Page <>
Wed, 25 Aug 2010 01:36:57 +0000 (20:36 -0500)
src/libraries/ [deleted file]
src/libraries/ [deleted file]
src/libraries/ [deleted file]
src/util/ [new file with mode: 0755]
src/util/ [new file with mode: 0755]

index 8992f72..05b597f 100755 (executable)
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ import constants
 import maeqt
 from util import misc as misc_utils
-from libraries import qtpie
-from libraries import qtpieboard
+from util import qtpie
+from util import qtpieboard
 import plugin_utils
 import history
 import qhistory
diff --git a/src/libraries/ b/src/libraries/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3e621cd..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from pkgutil import extend_path
-#__path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__)
diff --git a/src/libraries/ b/src/libraries/
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 884d5ce..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1069 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import math
-import logging
-from PyQt4 import QtGui
-from PyQt4 import QtCore
-       from util import misc as misc_utils
-except ImportError:
-       class misc_utils(object):
-               @staticmethod
-               def log_exception(logger):
-                       def wrapper(func):
-                               return func
-                       return wrapper
-_moduleLogger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-_TWOPI = 2 * math.pi
-def _radius_at(center, pos):
-       delta = pos - center
-       xDelta = delta.x()
-       yDelta = delta.y()
-       radius = math.sqrt(xDelta ** 2 + yDelta ** 2)
-       return radius
-def _angle_at(center, pos):
-       delta = pos - center
-       xDelta = delta.x()
-       yDelta = delta.y()
-       radius = math.sqrt(xDelta ** 2 + yDelta ** 2)
-       angle = math.acos(xDelta / radius)
-       if 0 <= yDelta:
-               angle = _TWOPI - angle
-       return angle
-class QActionPieItem(object):
-       def __init__(self, action, weight = 1):
-               self._action = action
-               self._weight = weight
-       def action(self):
-               return self._action
-       def setWeight(self, weight):
-               self._weight = weight
-       def weight(self):
-               return self._weight
-       def setEnabled(self, enabled = True):
-               self._action.setEnabled(enabled)
-       def isEnabled(self):
-               return self._action.isEnabled()
-class PieFiling(object):
-       SELECTION_NONE = -2
-       NULL_CENTER = QActionPieItem(QtGui.QAction(None))
-       def __init__(self):
-               self._innerRadius = self.INNER_RADIUS_DEFAULT
-               self._outerRadius = self.OUTER_RADIUS_DEFAULT
-               self._children = []
-               self._center = self.NULL_CENTER
-               self._cacheIndexToAngle = {}
-               self._cacheTotalWeight = 0
-       def insertItem(self, item, index = -1):
-               self._children.insert(index, item)
-               self._invalidate_cache()
-       def removeItemAt(self, index):
-               item = self._children.pop(index)
-               self._invalidate_cache()
-       def set_center(self, item):
-               if item is None:
-                       item = self.NULL_CENTER
-               self._center = item
-       def center(self):
-               return self._center
-       def clear(self):
-               del self._children[:]
-               self._center = self.NULL_CENTER
-               self._invalidate_cache()
-       def itemAt(self, index):
-               return self._children[index]
-       def indexAt(self, center, point):
-               return self._angle_to_index(_angle_at(center, point))
-       def innerRadius(self):
-               return self._innerRadius
-       def setInnerRadius(self, radius):
-               self._innerRadius = radius
-       def outerRadius(self):
-               return self._outerRadius
-       def setOuterRadius(self, radius):
-               self._outerRadius = radius
-       def __iter__(self):
-               return iter(self._children)
-       def __len__(self):
-               return len(self._children)
-       def __getitem__(self, index):
-               return self._children[index]
-       def _invalidate_cache(self):
-               self._cacheIndexToAngle.clear()
-               self._cacheTotalWeight = sum(child.weight() for child in self._children)
-               if self._cacheTotalWeight == 0:
-                       self._cacheTotalWeight = 1
-       def _index_to_angle(self, index, isShifted):
-               key = index, isShifted
-               if key in self._cacheIndexToAngle:
-                       return self._cacheIndexToAngle[key]
-               index = index % len(self._children)
-               baseAngle = _TWOPI / self._cacheTotalWeight
-               angle = math.pi / 2
-               if isShifted:
-                       if self._children:
-                               angle -= (self._children[0].weight() * baseAngle) / 2
-                       else:
-                               angle -= baseAngle / 2
-               while angle < 0:
-                       angle += _TWOPI
-               for i, child in enumerate(self._children):
-                       if index < i:
-                               break
-                       angle += child.weight() * baseAngle
-               while _TWOPI < angle:
-                       angle -= _TWOPI
-               self._cacheIndexToAngle[key] = angle
-               return angle
-       def _angle_to_index(self, angle):
-               numChildren = len(self._children)
-               if numChildren == 0:
-                       return self.SELECTION_CENTER
-               baseAngle = _TWOPI / self._cacheTotalWeight
-               iterAngle = math.pi / 2 - (self.itemAt(0).weight() * baseAngle) / 2
-               while iterAngle < 0:
-                       iterAngle += _TWOPI
-               oldIterAngle = iterAngle
-               for index, child in enumerate(self._children):
-                       iterAngle += child.weight() * baseAngle
-                       if oldIterAngle < angle and angle <= iterAngle:
-                               return index - 1 if index != 0 else numChildren - 1
-                       elif oldIterAngle < (angle + _TWOPI) and (angle + _TWOPI <= iterAngle):
-                               return index - 1 if index != 0 else numChildren - 1
-                       oldIterAngle = iterAngle
-class PieArtist(object):
-       ICON_SIZE_DEFAULT = 48
-       SHAPE_CIRCLE = "circle"
-       SHAPE_SQUARE = "square"
-       def __init__(self, filing):
-               self._filing = filing
-               self._cachedOuterRadius = self._filing.outerRadius()
-               self._cachedInnerRadius = self._filing.innerRadius()
-               canvasSize = self._cachedOuterRadius * 2 + 1
-               self._canvas = QtGui.QPixmap(canvasSize, canvasSize)
-               self._mask = None
-               self.palette = None
-       def pieSize(self):
-               diameter = self._filing.outerRadius() * 2 + 1
-               return QtCore.QSize(diameter, diameter)
-       def centerSize(self):
-               painter = QtGui.QPainter(self._canvas)
-               text =
-               fontMetrics = painter.fontMetrics()
-               if text:
-                       textBoundingRect = fontMetrics.boundingRect(text)
-               else:
-                       textBoundingRect = QtCore.QRect()
-               textWidth = textBoundingRect.width()
-               textHeight = textBoundingRect.height()
-               return QtCore.QSize(
-                       textWidth + self.ICON_SIZE_DEFAULT,
-                       max(textHeight, self.ICON_SIZE_DEFAULT),
-               )
-       def show(self, palette):
-               self.palette = palette
-               if (
-                       self._cachedOuterRadius != self._filing.outerRadius() or
-                       self._cachedInnerRadius != self._filing.innerRadius()
-               ):
-                       self._cachedOuterRadius = self._filing.outerRadius()
-                       self._cachedInnerRadius = self._filing.innerRadius()
-                       self._canvas = self._canvas.scaled(self.pieSize())
-               if self._mask is None:
-                       self._mask = QtGui.QBitmap(self._canvas.size())
-                       self._mask.fill(QtCore.Qt.color0)
-                       self._generate_mask(self._mask)
-                       self._canvas.setMask(self._mask)
-               return self._mask
-       def hide(self):
-               self.palette = None
-       def paint(self, selectionIndex):
-               painter = QtGui.QPainter(self._canvas)
-               painter.setRenderHint(QtGui.QPainter.Antialiasing, True)
-               adjustmentRect = self._canvas.rect().adjusted(0, 0, -1, -1)
-               numChildren = len(self._filing)
-               if numChildren == 0:
-                       if selectionIndex == PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER and
-                               painter.setBrush(self.palette.highlight())
-                       else:
-                               painter.setBrush(self.palette.window())
-                       painter.setPen(self.palette.mid().color())
-                       painter.drawRect(self._canvas.rect())
-                       self._paint_center_foreground(painter, selectionIndex)
-                       return self._canvas
-               elif numChildren == 1:
-                       if selectionIndex == 0 and self._filing[0].isEnabled():
-                               painter.setBrush(self.palette.highlight())
-                       else:
-                               painter.setBrush(self.palette.window())
-                       painter.fillRect(self._canvas.rect(), painter.brush())
-               else:
-                       for i in xrange(len(self._filing)):
-                               self._paint_slice_background(painter, adjustmentRect, i, selectionIndex)
-               self._paint_center_background(painter, adjustmentRect, selectionIndex)
-               self._paint_center_foreground(painter, selectionIndex)
-               for i in xrange(len(self._filing)):
-                       self._paint_slice_foreground(painter, i, selectionIndex)
-               return self._canvas
-       def _generate_mask(self, mask):
-               """
-               Specifies on the mask the shape of the pie menu
-               """
-               painter = QtGui.QPainter(mask)
-               painter.setPen(QtCore.Qt.color1)
-               painter.setBrush(QtCore.Qt.color1)
-               if self.DEFAULT_SHAPE == self.SHAPE_SQUARE:
-                       painter.drawRect(mask.rect())
-               elif self.DEFAULT_SHAPE == self.SHAPE_CIRCLE:
-                       painter.drawEllipse(mask.rect().adjusted(0, 0, -1, -1))
-               else:
-                       raise NotImplementedError(self.DEFAULT_SHAPE)
-       def _paint_slice_background(self, painter, adjustmentRect, i, selectionIndex):
-               if self.DEFAULT_SHAPE == self.SHAPE_SQUARE:
-                       currentWidth = adjustmentRect.width()
-                       newWidth = math.sqrt(2) * currentWidth
-                       dx = (newWidth - currentWidth) / 2
-                       adjustmentRect = adjustmentRect.adjusted(-dx, -dx, dx, dx)
-               elif self.DEFAULT_SHAPE == self.SHAPE_CIRCLE:
-                       pass
-               else:
-                       raise NotImplementedError(self.DEFAULT_SHAPE)
-               if i == selectionIndex and self._filing[i].isEnabled():
-                       painter.setBrush(self.palette.highlight())
-               else:
-                       painter.setBrush(self.palette.window())
-               painter.setPen(self.palette.mid().color())
-               a = self._filing._index_to_angle(i, True)
-               b = self._filing._index_to_angle(i + 1, True)
-               if b < a:
-                       b += _TWOPI
-               size = b - a
-               if size < 0:
-                       size += _TWOPI
-               startAngleInDeg = (a * 360 * 16) / _TWOPI
-               sizeInDeg = (size * 360 * 16) / _TWOPI
-               painter.drawPie(adjustmentRect, int(startAngleInDeg), int(sizeInDeg))
-       def _paint_slice_foreground(self, painter, i, selectionIndex):
-               child = self._filing[i]
-               a = self._filing._index_to_angle(i, True)
-               b = self._filing._index_to_angle(i + 1, True)
-               if b < a:
-                       b += _TWOPI
-               middleAngle = (a + b) / 2
-               averageRadius = (self._cachedInnerRadius + self._cachedOuterRadius) / 2
-               sliceX = averageRadius * math.cos(middleAngle)
-               sliceY = - averageRadius * math.sin(middleAngle)
-               piePos = self._canvas.rect().center()
-               pieX = piePos.x()
-               pieY = piePos.y()
-               self._paint_label(
-                       painter, child.action(), i == selectionIndex, pieX+sliceX, pieY+sliceY
-               )
-       def _paint_label(self, painter, action, isSelected, x, y):
-               text = action.text()
-               fontMetrics = painter.fontMetrics()
-               if text:
-                       textBoundingRect = fontMetrics.boundingRect(text)
-               else:
-                       textBoundingRect = QtCore.QRect()
-               textWidth = textBoundingRect.width()
-               textHeight = textBoundingRect.height()
-               icon = action.icon().pixmap(
-                       QtCore.QSize(self.ICON_SIZE_DEFAULT, self.ICON_SIZE_DEFAULT),
-                       QtGui.QIcon.Normal,
-                       QtGui.QIcon.On,
-               )
-               iconWidth = icon.width()
-               iconHeight = icon.width()
-               averageWidth = (iconWidth + textWidth)/2
-               if not icon.isNull():
-                       iconRect = QtCore.QRect(
-                               x - averageWidth,
-                               y - iconHeight/2,
-                               iconWidth,
-                               iconHeight,
-                       )
-                       painter.drawPixmap(iconRect, icon)
-               if text:
-                       if isSelected:
-                               if action.isEnabled():
-                                       pen = self.palette.highlightedText()
-                                       brush = self.palette.highlight()
-                               else:
-                                       pen = self.palette.mid()
-                                       brush = self.palette.window()
-                       else:
-                               if action.isEnabled():
-                                       pen = self.palette.windowText()
-                               else:
-                                       pen = self.palette.mid()
-                               brush = self.palette.window()
-                       leftX = x - averageWidth + iconWidth
-                       topY = y + textHeight/2
-                       painter.setPen(pen.color())
-                       painter.setBrush(brush)
-                       painter.drawText(leftX, topY, text)
-       def _paint_center_background(self, painter, adjustmentRect, selectionIndex):
-               dark = self.palette.mid().color()
-               light = self.palette.light().color()
-               if selectionIndex == PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER and
-                       background = self.palette.highlight().color()
-               else:
-                       background = self.palette.window().color()
-               innerRadius = self._cachedInnerRadius
-               adjustmentCenterPos =
-               innerRect = QtCore.QRect(
-                       adjustmentCenterPos.x() - innerRadius,
-                       adjustmentCenterPos.y() - innerRadius,
-                       innerRadius * 2 + 1,
-                       innerRadius * 2 + 1,
-               )
-               painter.setPen(QtCore.Qt.NoPen)
-               painter.setBrush(background)
-               painter.drawPie(innerRect, 0, 360 * 16)
-               painter.setPen(QtGui.QPen(dark, 1))
-               painter.setBrush(QtCore.Qt.NoBrush)
-               painter.drawEllipse(innerRect)
-               if self.DEFAULT_SHAPE == self.SHAPE_SQUARE:
-                       pass
-               elif self.DEFAULT_SHAPE == self.SHAPE_CIRCLE:
-                       painter.setPen(QtGui.QPen(dark, 1))
-                       painter.setBrush(QtCore.Qt.NoBrush)
-                       painter.drawEllipse(adjustmentRect)
-               else:
-                       raise NotImplementedError(self.DEFAULT_SHAPE)
-       def _paint_center_foreground(self, painter, selectionIndex):
-               centerPos = self._canvas.rect().center()
-               pieX = centerPos.x()
-               pieY = centerPos.y()
-               x = pieX
-               y = pieY
-               self._paint_label(
-                       painter,
-             ,
-                       selectionIndex == PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER,
-                       x, y
-               )
-class QPieDisplay(QtGui.QWidget):
-       def __init__(self, filing, parent = None, flags = QtCore.Qt.Window):
-               QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent, flags)
-               self._filing = filing
-               self._artist = PieArtist(self._filing)
-               self._selectionIndex = PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE
-       def popup(self, pos):
-               self._update_selection(pos)
-       def sizeHint(self):
-               return self._artist.pieSize()
-       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
-       def showEvent(self, showEvent):
-               mask =
-               self.setMask(mask)
-               QtGui.QWidget.showEvent(self, showEvent)
-       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
-       def hideEvent(self, hideEvent):
-               self._artist.hide()
-               self._selectionIndex = PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE
-               QtGui.QWidget.hideEvent(self, hideEvent)
-       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
-       def paintEvent(self, paintEvent):
-               canvas = self._artist.paint(self._selectionIndex)
-               screen = QtGui.QPainter(self)
-               screen.drawPixmap(QtCore.QPoint(0, 0), canvas)
-               QtGui.QWidget.paintEvent(self, paintEvent)
-       def selectAt(self, index):
-               oldIndex = self._selectionIndex
-               self._selectionIndex = index
-               if self.isVisible():
-                       self.update()
-class QPieButton(QtGui.QWidget):
-       activated = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int)
-       highlighted = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int)
-       canceled = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
-       aboutToShow = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
-       aboutToHide = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
-       BUTTON_RADIUS = 24
-       DELAY = 250
-       def __init__(self, buttonSlice, parent = None):
-               # @bug Artifacts on Maemo 5 due to window 3D effects, find way to disable them for just these?
-               # @bug The pie's are being pushed back on screen on Maemo, leading to coordinate issues
-               QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
-               self._cachedCenterPosition = self.rect().center()
-               self._filing = PieFiling()
-               self._display = QPieDisplay(self._filing, None, QtCore.Qt.SplashScreen)
-               self._selectionIndex = PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE
-               self._buttonFiling = PieFiling()
-               self._buttonFiling.set_center(buttonSlice)
-               self._buttonFiling.setOuterRadius(self.BUTTON_RADIUS)
-               self._buttonArtist = PieArtist(self._buttonFiling)
-               self._poppedUp = False
-               self._delayPopupTimer = QtCore.QTimer()
-               self._delayPopupTimer.setInterval(self.DELAY)
-               self._delayPopupTimer.setSingleShot(True)
-               self._delayPopupTimer.timeout.connect(self._on_delayed_popup)
-               self._popupLocation = None
-               self._mousePosition = None
-               self.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.StrongFocus)
-       def insertItem(self, item, index = -1):
-               self._filing.insertItem(item, index)
-       def removeItemAt(self, index):
-               self._filing.removeItemAt(index)
-       def set_center(self, item):
-               self._filing.set_center(item)
-       def set_button(self, item):
-               self.update()
-       def clear(self):
-               self._filing.clear()
-       def itemAt(self, index):
-               return self._filing.itemAt(index)
-       def indexAt(self, point):
-               return self._filing.indexAt(self._cachedCenterPosition, point)
-       def innerRadius(self):
-               return self._filing.innerRadius()
-       def setInnerRadius(self, radius):
-               self._filing.setInnerRadius(radius)
-       def outerRadius(self):
-               return self._filing.outerRadius()
-       def setOuterRadius(self, radius):
-               self._filing.setOuterRadius(radius)
-       def buttonRadius(self):
-               return self._buttonFiling.outerRadius()
-       def setButtonRadius(self, radius):
-               self._buttonFiling.setOuterRadius(radius)
-       def minimumSizeHint(self):
-               return self._buttonArtist.centerSize()
-       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
-       def mousePressEvent(self, mouseEvent):
-               lastSelection = self._selectionIndex
-               lastMousePos = mouseEvent.pos()
-               self._mousePosition = lastMousePos
-               self._update_selection(self._cachedCenterPosition)
-               self.highlighted.emit(self._selectionIndex)
-               self._display.selectAt(self._selectionIndex)
-               self._popupLocation = mouseEvent.globalPos()
-               self._delayPopupTimer.start()
-       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
-       def _on_delayed_popup(self):
-               assert self._popupLocation is not None
-               self._popup_child(self._popupLocation)
-       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
-       def mouseMoveEvent(self, mouseEvent):
-               lastSelection = self._selectionIndex
-               lastMousePos = mouseEvent.pos()
-               if self._mousePosition is None:
-                       # Absolute
-                       self._update_selection(lastMousePos)
-               else:
-                       # Relative
-                       self._update_selection(
-                               self._cachedCenterPosition + (lastMousePos - self._mousePosition),
-                               ignoreOuter = True,
-                       )
-               if lastSelection != self._selectionIndex:
-                       self.highlighted.emit(self._selectionIndex)
-                       self._display.selectAt(self._selectionIndex)
-               if self._selectionIndex != PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER and self._delayPopupTimer.isActive():
-                       self._on_delayed_popup()
-       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
-       def mouseReleaseEvent(self, mouseEvent):
-               self._delayPopupTimer.stop()
-               self._popupLocation = None
-               lastSelection = self._selectionIndex
-               lastMousePos = mouseEvent.pos()
-               if self._mousePosition is None:
-                       # Absolute
-                       self._update_selection(lastMousePos)
-               else:
-                       # Relative
-                       self._update_selection(
-                               self._cachedCenterPosition + (lastMousePos - self._mousePosition),
-                               ignoreOuter = True,
-                       )
-               self._mousePosition = None
-               self._activate_at(self._selectionIndex)
-               self._hide_child()
-       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
-       def keyPressEvent(self, keyEvent):
-               if keyEvent.key() in [QtCore.Qt.Key_Right, QtCore.Qt.Key_Down, QtCore.Qt.Key_Tab]:
-                       self._popup_child(QtGui.QCursor.pos())
-                       if self._selectionIndex != len(self._filing) - 1:
-                               nextSelection = self._selectionIndex + 1
-                       else:
-                               nextSelection = 0
-                       self._select_at(nextSelection)
-                       self._display.selectAt(self._selectionIndex)
-               elif keyEvent.key() in [QtCore.Qt.Key_Left, QtCore.Qt.Key_Up, QtCore.Qt.Key_Backtab]:
-                       self._popup_child(QtGui.QCursor.pos())
-                       if 0 < self._selectionIndex:
-                               nextSelection = self._selectionIndex - 1
-                       else:
-                               nextSelection = len(self._filing) - 1
-                       self._select_at(nextSelection)
-                       self._display.selectAt(self._selectionIndex)
-               elif keyEvent.key() in [QtCore.Qt.Key_Space]:
-                       self._popup_child(QtGui.QCursor.pos())
-                       self._select_at(PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER)
-                       self._display.selectAt(self._selectionIndex)
-               elif keyEvent.key() in [QtCore.Qt.Key_Return, QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter, QtCore.Qt.Key_Space]:
-                       self._delayPopupTimer.stop()
-                       self._popupLocation = None
-                       self._activate_at(self._selectionIndex)
-                       self._hide_child()
-               elif keyEvent.key() in [QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape, QtCore.Qt.Key_Backspace]:
-                       self._delayPopupTimer.stop()
-                       self._popupLocation = None
-                       self._activate_at(PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE)
-                       self._hide_child()
-               else:
-                       QtGui.QWidget.keyPressEvent(self, keyEvent)
-       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
-       def resizeEvent(self, resizeEvent):
-               self.setButtonRadius(min(resizeEvent.size().width(), resizeEvent.size().height()) / 2 - 1)
-               QtGui.QWidget.resizeEvent(self, resizeEvent)
-       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
-       def showEvent(self, showEvent):
-               self._cachedCenterPosition = self.rect().center()
-               QtGui.QWidget.showEvent(self, showEvent)
-       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
-       def hideEvent(self, hideEvent):
-               self._display.hide()
-               self._select_at(PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE)
-               QtGui.QWidget.hideEvent(self, hideEvent)
-       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
-       def paintEvent(self, paintEvent):
-               self.setButtonRadius(min(self.rect().width(), self.rect().height()) / 2 - 1)
-               if self._poppedUp:
-                       canvas = self._buttonArtist.paint(PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER)
-               else:
-                       canvas = self._buttonArtist.paint(PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE)
-               screen = QtGui.QPainter(self)
-               screen.drawPixmap(QtCore.QPoint(0, 0), canvas)
-               QtGui.QWidget.paintEvent(self, paintEvent)
-       def __iter__(self):
-               return iter(self._filing)
-       def __len__(self):
-               return len(self._filing)
-       def _popup_child(self, position):
-               self._poppedUp = True
-               self.aboutToShow.emit()
-               self._delayPopupTimer.stop()
-               self._popupLocation = None
-               position = position - QtCore.QPoint(self._filing.outerRadius(), self._filing.outerRadius())
-               self._display.move(position)
-               self.update()
-       def _hide_child(self):
-               self._poppedUp = False
-               self.aboutToHide.emit()
-               self._display.hide()
-               self.update()
-       def _select_at(self, index):
-               self._selectionIndex = index
-       def _update_selection(self, lastMousePos, ignoreOuter = False):
-               radius = _radius_at(self._cachedCenterPosition, lastMousePos)
-               if radius < self._filing.innerRadius():
-                       self._select_at(PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER)
-               elif radius <= self._filing.outerRadius() or ignoreOuter:
-                       self._select_at(self.indexAt(lastMousePos))
-               else:
-                       self._select_at(PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE)
-       def _activate_at(self, index):
-               if index == PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE:
-                       self.canceled.emit()
-                       return
-               elif index == PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER:
-                       child =
-               else:
-                       child = self.itemAt(index)
-               if child.action().isEnabled():
-                       child.action().trigger()
-                       self.activated.emit(index)
-               else:
-                       self.canceled.emit()
-class QPieMenu(QtGui.QWidget):
-       activated = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int)
-       highlighted = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int)
-       canceled = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
-       aboutToShow = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
-       aboutToHide = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
-       def __init__(self, parent = None):
-               QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
-               self._cachedCenterPosition = self.rect().center()
-               self._filing = PieFiling()
-               self._artist = PieArtist(self._filing)
-               self._selectionIndex = PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE
-               self._mousePosition = ()
-               self.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.StrongFocus)
-       def popup(self, pos):
-               self._update_selection(pos)
-       def insertItem(self, item, index = -1):
-               self._filing.insertItem(item, index)
-               self.update()
-       def removeItemAt(self, index):
-               self._filing.removeItemAt(index)
-               self.update()
-       def set_center(self, item):
-               self._filing.set_center(item)
-               self.update()
-       def clear(self):
-               self._filing.clear()
-               self.update()
-       def itemAt(self, index):
-               return self._filing.itemAt(index)
-       def indexAt(self, point):
-               return self._filing.indexAt(self._cachedCenterPosition, point)
-       def innerRadius(self):
-               return self._filing.innerRadius()
-       def setInnerRadius(self, radius):
-               self._filing.setInnerRadius(radius)
-               self.update()
-       def outerRadius(self):
-               return self._filing.outerRadius()
-       def setOuterRadius(self, radius):
-               self._filing.setOuterRadius(radius)
-               self.update()
-       def sizeHint(self):
-               return self._artist.pieSize()
-       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
-       def mousePressEvent(self, mouseEvent):
-               lastSelection = self._selectionIndex
-               lastMousePos = mouseEvent.pos()
-               self._update_selection(lastMousePos)
-               self._mousePosition = lastMousePos
-               if lastSelection != self._selectionIndex:
-                       self.highlighted.emit(self._selectionIndex)
-                       self.update()
-       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
-       def mouseMoveEvent(self, mouseEvent):
-               lastSelection = self._selectionIndex
-               lastMousePos = mouseEvent.pos()
-               self._update_selection(lastMousePos)
-               if lastSelection != self._selectionIndex:
-                       self.highlighted.emit(self._selectionIndex)
-                       self.update()
-       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
-       def mouseReleaseEvent(self, mouseEvent):
-               lastSelection = self._selectionIndex
-               lastMousePos = mouseEvent.pos()
-               self._update_selection(lastMousePos)
-               self._mousePosition = ()
-               self._activate_at(self._selectionIndex)
-               self.update()
-       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
-       def keyPressEvent(self, keyEvent):
-               if keyEvent.key() in [QtCore.Qt.Key_Right, QtCore.Qt.Key_Down, QtCore.Qt.Key_Tab]:
-                       if self._selectionIndex != len(self._filing) - 1:
-                               nextSelection = self._selectionIndex + 1
-                       else:
-                               nextSelection = 0
-                       self._select_at(nextSelection)
-                       self.update()
-               elif keyEvent.key() in [QtCore.Qt.Key_Left, QtCore.Qt.Key_Up, QtCore.Qt.Key_Backtab]:
-                       if 0 < self._selectionIndex:
-                               nextSelection = self._selectionIndex - 1
-                       else:
-                               nextSelection = len(self._filing) - 1
-                       self._select_at(nextSelection)
-                       self.update()
-               elif keyEvent.key() in [QtCore.Qt.Key_Return, QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter, QtCore.Qt.Key_Space]:
-                       self._activate_at(self._selectionIndex)
-               elif keyEvent.key() in [QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape, QtCore.Qt.Key_Backspace]:
-                       self._activate_at(PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE)
-               else:
-                       QtGui.QWidget.keyPressEvent(self, keyEvent)
-       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
-       def showEvent(self, showEvent):
-               self.aboutToShow.emit()
-               self._cachedCenterPosition = self.rect().center()
-               mask =
-               self.setMask(mask)
-               lastMousePos = self.mapFromGlobal(QtGui.QCursor.pos())
-               self._update_selection(lastMousePos)
-               QtGui.QWidget.showEvent(self, showEvent)
-       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
-       def hideEvent(self, hideEvent):
-               self._artist.hide()
-               self._selectionIndex = PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE
-               QtGui.QWidget.hideEvent(self, hideEvent)
-       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
-       def paintEvent(self, paintEvent):
-               canvas = self._artist.paint(self._selectionIndex)
-               screen = QtGui.QPainter(self)
-               screen.drawPixmap(QtCore.QPoint(0, 0), canvas)
-               QtGui.QWidget.paintEvent(self, paintEvent)
-       def __iter__(self):
-               return iter(self._filing)
-       def __len__(self):
-               return len(self._filing)
-       def _select_at(self, index):
-               self._selectionIndex = index
-       def _update_selection(self, lastMousePos):
-               radius = _radius_at(self._cachedCenterPosition, lastMousePos)
-               if radius < self._filing.innerRadius():
-                       self._selectionIndex = PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER
-               elif radius <= self._filing.outerRadius():
-                       self._select_at(self.indexAt(lastMousePos))
-               else:
-                       self._selectionIndex = PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE
-       def _activate_at(self, index):
-               if index == PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE:
-                       self.canceled.emit()
-                       self.aboutToHide.emit()
-                       self.hide()
-                       return
-               elif index == PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER:
-                       child =
-               else:
-                       child = self.itemAt(index)
-               if child.isEnabled():
-                       child.action().trigger()
-                       self.activated.emit(index)
-               else:
-                       self.canceled.emit()
-               self.aboutToHide.emit()
-               self.hide()
-def init_pies():
-       PieFiling.NULL_CENTER.setEnabled(False)
-def _print(msg):
-       print msg
-def _on_about_to_hide(app):
-       app.exit()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-       app = QtGui.QApplication([])
-       init_pies()
-       if False:
-               pie = QPieMenu()
-       if False:
-               singleAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
-               singleAction.setText("Boo")
-               singleItem = QActionPieItem(singleAction)
-               spie = QPieMenu()
-               spie.insertItem(singleItem)
-       if False:
-               oneAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
-               oneAction.setText("Chew")
-               oneItem = QActionPieItem(oneAction)
-               twoAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
-               twoAction.setText("Foo")
-               twoItem = QActionPieItem(twoAction)
-               iconTextAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
-               iconTextAction.setText("Icon")
-               iconTextAction.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("gtk-close"))
-               iconTextItem = QActionPieItem(iconTextAction)
-               mpie = QPieMenu()
-               mpie.insertItem(oneItem)
-               mpie.insertItem(twoItem)
-               mpie.insertItem(oneItem)
-               mpie.insertItem(iconTextItem)
-       if True:
-               oneAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
-               oneAction.setText("Chew")
-               oneAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Chew"))
-               oneItem = QActionPieItem(oneAction)
-               twoAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
-               twoAction.setText("Foo")
-               twoAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Foo"))
-               twoItem = QActionPieItem(twoAction)
-               iconAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
-               iconAction.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("gtk-open"))
-               iconAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Icon"))
-               iconItem = QActionPieItem(iconAction)
-               iconTextAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
-               iconTextAction.setText("Icon")
-               iconTextAction.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("gtk-close"))
-               iconTextAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Icon and text"))
-               iconTextItem = QActionPieItem(iconTextAction)
-               mpie = QPieMenu()
-               mpie.set_center(iconItem)
-               mpie.insertItem(oneItem)
-               mpie.insertItem(twoItem)
-               mpie.insertItem(oneItem)
-               mpie.insertItem(iconTextItem)
-               mpie.aboutToHide.connect(lambda: _on_about_to_hide(app))
-               mpie.canceled.connect(lambda: _print("Canceled"))
-       if False:
-               oneAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
-               oneAction.setText("Chew")
-               oneAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Chew"))
-               oneItem = QActionPieItem(oneAction)
-               twoAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
-               twoAction.setText("Foo")
-               twoAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Foo"))
-               twoItem = QActionPieItem(twoAction)
-               iconAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
-               iconAction.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("gtk-open"))
-               iconAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Icon"))
-               iconItem = QActionPieItem(iconAction)
-               iconTextAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
-               iconTextAction.setText("Icon")
-               iconTextAction.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("gtk-close"))
-               iconTextAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Icon and text"))
-               iconTextItem = QActionPieItem(iconTextAction)
-               pieFiling = PieFiling()
-               pieFiling.set_center(iconItem)
-               pieFiling.insertItem(oneItem)
-               pieFiling.insertItem(twoItem)
-               pieFiling.insertItem(oneItem)
-               pieFiling.insertItem(iconTextItem)
-               mpie = QPieDisplay(pieFiling)
-       if False:
-               oneAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
-               oneAction.setText("Chew")
-               oneAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Chew"))
-               oneItem = QActionPieItem(oneAction)
-               twoAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
-               twoAction.setText("Foo")
-               twoAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Foo"))
-               twoItem = QActionPieItem(twoAction)
-               iconAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
-               iconAction.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("gtk-open"))
-               iconAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Icon"))
-               iconItem = QActionPieItem(iconAction)
-               iconTextAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
-               iconTextAction.setText("Icon")
-               iconTextAction.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("gtk-close"))
-               iconTextAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Icon and text"))
-               iconTextItem = QActionPieItem(iconTextAction)
-               mpie = QPieButton(iconItem)
-               mpie.set_center(iconItem)
-               mpie.insertItem(oneItem)
-               mpie.insertItem(twoItem)
-               mpie.insertItem(oneItem)
-               mpie.insertItem(iconTextItem)
-               mpie.aboutToHide.connect(lambda: _on_about_to_hide(app))
-               mpie.canceled.connect(lambda: _print("Canceled"))
-       app.exec_()
diff --git a/src/libraries/ b/src/libraries/
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 80c43d0..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from __future__ import division
-import os
-import warnings
-from PyQt4 import QtGui
-from PyQt4 import QtCore
-import qtpie
-class PieKeyboard(object):
-       SLICE_CENTER = -1
-       SLICE_NORTH = 0
-       SLICE_NORTH_WEST = 1
-       SLICE_WEST = 2
-       SLICE_SOUTH_WEST = 3
-       SLICE_SOUTH = 4
-       SLICE_SOUTH_EAST = 5
-       SLICE_EAST = 6
-       SLICE_NORTH_EAST = 7
-               SLICE_CENTER,
-               SLICE_NORTH,
-               SLICE_NORTH_WEST,
-               SLICE_WEST,
-               SLICE_SOUTH_WEST,
-               SLICE_SOUTH,
-               SLICE_SOUTH_EAST,
-               SLICE_EAST,
-               SLICE_NORTH_EAST,
-       ]
-               "CENTER",
-               "NORTH",
-               "NORTH_WEST",
-               "WEST",
-               "SOUTH_WEST",
-               "SOUTH",
-               "SOUTH_EAST",
-               "EAST",
-               "NORTH_EAST",
-       ]
-       def __init__(self):
-               self._layout = QtGui.QGridLayout()
-               self._widget = QtGui.QWidget()
-               self._widget.setLayout(self._layout)
-               self.__cells = {}
-       @property
-       def toplevel(self):
-               return self._widget
-       def add_pie(self, row, column, pieButton):
-               assert len(pieButton) == 8
-               self._layout.addWidget(pieButton, row, column)
-               self.__cells[(row, column)] = pieButton
-       def get_pie(self, row, column):
-               return self.__cells[(row, column)]
-class KeyboardModifier(object):
-       def __init__(self, name):
-      = name
-               self.lock = False
-               self.once = False
-       @property
-       def isActive(self):
-               return self.lock or self.once
-       def on_toggle_lock(self, *args, **kwds):
-               self.lock = not self.lock
-       def on_toggle_once(self, *args, **kwds):
-               self.once = not self.once
-       def reset_once(self):
-               self.once = False
-def parse_keyboard_data(text):
-       return eval(text)
-def _enumerate_pie_slices(pieData, iconPaths):
-       for direction, directionName in zip(
-               PieKeyboard.SLICE_DIRECTIONS, PieKeyboard.SLICE_DIRECTION_NAMES
-       ):
-               if directionName in pieData:
-                       sliceData = pieData[directionName]
-                       action = QtGui.QAction(None)
-                       try:
-                               action.setText(sliceData["text"])
-                       except KeyError:
-                               pass
-                       try:
-                               relativeIconPath = sliceData["path"]
-                       except KeyError:
-                               pass
-                       else:
-                               for iconPath in iconPaths:
-                                       absIconPath = os.path.join(iconPath, relativeIconPath)
-                                       if os.path.exists(absIconPath):
-                                               action.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(absIconPath))
-                                               break
-                       pieItem = qtpie.QActionPieItem(action)
-                       actionToken = sliceData["action"]
-               else:
-                       pieItem = qtpie.PieFiling.NULL_CENTER
-                       actionToken = ""
-               yield direction, pieItem, actionToken
-def load_keyboard(keyboardName, dataTree, keyboard, keyboardHandler, iconPaths):
-       for (row, column), pieData in dataTree.iteritems():
-               pieItems = list(_enumerate_pie_slices(pieData, iconPaths))
-               assert pieItems[0][0] == PieKeyboard.SLICE_CENTER, pieItems[0]
-               _, center, centerAction = pieItems.pop(0)
-               pieButton = qtpie.QPieButton(center)
-               pieButton.set_center(center)
-               keyboardHandler.map_slice_action(center, centerAction)
-               for direction, pieItem, action in pieItems:
-                       pieButton.insertItem(pieItem)
-                       keyboardHandler.map_slice_action(pieItem, action)
-               keyboard.add_pie(row, column, pieButton)
-class KeyboardHandler(object):
-       def __init__(self, keyhandler):
-               self.__keyhandler = keyhandler
-               self.__commandHandlers = {}
-               self.__modifiers = {}
-               self.__sliceActions = {}
-               self.register_modifier("Shift")
-               self.register_modifier("Super")
-               self.register_modifier("Control")
-               self.register_modifier("Alt")
-       def register_command_handler(self, command, handler):
-               # @todo Look into hooking these up directly to the pie actions
-               self.__commandHandlers["[%s]" % command] = handler
-       def unregister_command_handler(self, command):
-               # @todo Look into hooking these up directly to the pie actions
-               del self.__commandHandlers["[%s]" % command]
-       def register_modifier(self, modifierName):
-               mod = KeyboardModifier(modifierName)
-               self.register_command_handler(modifierName, mod.on_toggle_lock)
-               self.__modifiers["<%s>" % modifierName] = mod
-       def unregister_modifier(self, modifierName):
-               self.unregister_command_handler(modifierName)
-               del self.__modifiers["<%s>" % modifierName]
-       def map_slice_action(self, slice, action):
-               callback = lambda direction: self(direction, action)
-               slice.action().triggered.connect(callback)
-               self.__sliceActions[slice] = (action, callback)
-       def __call__(self, direction, action):
-               activeModifiers = [
-                       for mod in self.__modifiers.itervalues()
-                               if mod.isActive
-               ]
-               needResetOnce = False
-               if action.startswith("[") and action.endswith("]"):
-                       commandName = action[1:-1]
-                       if action in self.__commandHandlers:
-                               self.__commandHandlers[action](commandName, activeModifiers)
-                               needResetOnce = True
-                       else:
-                               warnings.warn("Unknown command: [%s]" % commandName)
-               elif action.startswith("<") and action.endswith(">"):
-                       modName = action[1:-1]
-                       for mod in self.__modifiers.itervalues():
-                               if == modName:
-                                       mod.on_toggle_once()
-                                       break
-                       else:
-                               warnings.warn("Unknown modifier: <%s>" % modName)
-               else:
-                       self.__keyhandler(action, activeModifiers)
-                       needResetOnce = True
-               if needResetOnce:
-                       for mod in self.__modifiers.itervalues():
-                               mod.reset_once()
index f5bef68..087f8db 100644 (file)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import os
 import inspect
 import ConfigParser
-from libraries import qtpieboard
+from util import qtpieboard
 from util import io
 import operation
diff --git a/src/util/ b/src/util/
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..884d5ce
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1069 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import math
+import logging
+from PyQt4 import QtGui
+from PyQt4 import QtCore
+       from util import misc as misc_utils
+except ImportError:
+       class misc_utils(object):
+               @staticmethod
+               def log_exception(logger):
+                       def wrapper(func):
+                               return func
+                       return wrapper
+_moduleLogger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+_TWOPI = 2 * math.pi
+def _radius_at(center, pos):
+       delta = pos - center
+       xDelta = delta.x()
+       yDelta = delta.y()
+       radius = math.sqrt(xDelta ** 2 + yDelta ** 2)
+       return radius
+def _angle_at(center, pos):
+       delta = pos - center
+       xDelta = delta.x()
+       yDelta = delta.y()
+       radius = math.sqrt(xDelta ** 2 + yDelta ** 2)
+       angle = math.acos(xDelta / radius)
+       if 0 <= yDelta:
+               angle = _TWOPI - angle
+       return angle
+class QActionPieItem(object):
+       def __init__(self, action, weight = 1):
+               self._action = action
+               self._weight = weight
+       def action(self):
+               return self._action
+       def setWeight(self, weight):
+               self._weight = weight
+       def weight(self):
+               return self._weight
+       def setEnabled(self, enabled = True):
+               self._action.setEnabled(enabled)
+       def isEnabled(self):
+               return self._action.isEnabled()
+class PieFiling(object):
+       SELECTION_NONE = -2
+       NULL_CENTER = QActionPieItem(QtGui.QAction(None))
+       def __init__(self):
+               self._innerRadius = self.INNER_RADIUS_DEFAULT
+               self._outerRadius = self.OUTER_RADIUS_DEFAULT
+               self._children = []
+               self._center = self.NULL_CENTER
+               self._cacheIndexToAngle = {}
+               self._cacheTotalWeight = 0
+       def insertItem(self, item, index = -1):
+               self._children.insert(index, item)
+               self._invalidate_cache()
+       def removeItemAt(self, index):
+               item = self._children.pop(index)
+               self._invalidate_cache()
+       def set_center(self, item):
+               if item is None:
+                       item = self.NULL_CENTER
+               self._center = item
+       def center(self):
+               return self._center
+       def clear(self):
+               del self._children[:]
+               self._center = self.NULL_CENTER
+               self._invalidate_cache()
+       def itemAt(self, index):
+               return self._children[index]
+       def indexAt(self, center, point):
+               return self._angle_to_index(_angle_at(center, point))
+       def innerRadius(self):
+               return self._innerRadius
+       def setInnerRadius(self, radius):
+               self._innerRadius = radius
+       def outerRadius(self):
+               return self._outerRadius
+       def setOuterRadius(self, radius):
+               self._outerRadius = radius
+       def __iter__(self):
+               return iter(self._children)
+       def __len__(self):
+               return len(self._children)
+       def __getitem__(self, index):
+               return self._children[index]
+       def _invalidate_cache(self):
+               self._cacheIndexToAngle.clear()
+               self._cacheTotalWeight = sum(child.weight() for child in self._children)
+               if self._cacheTotalWeight == 0:
+                       self._cacheTotalWeight = 1
+       def _index_to_angle(self, index, isShifted):
+               key = index, isShifted
+               if key in self._cacheIndexToAngle:
+                       return self._cacheIndexToAngle[key]
+               index = index % len(self._children)
+               baseAngle = _TWOPI / self._cacheTotalWeight
+               angle = math.pi / 2
+               if isShifted:
+                       if self._children:
+                               angle -= (self._children[0].weight() * baseAngle) / 2
+                       else:
+                               angle -= baseAngle / 2
+               while angle < 0:
+                       angle += _TWOPI
+               for i, child in enumerate(self._children):
+                       if index < i:
+                               break
+                       angle += child.weight() * baseAngle
+               while _TWOPI < angle:
+                       angle -= _TWOPI
+               self._cacheIndexToAngle[key] = angle
+               return angle
+       def _angle_to_index(self, angle):
+               numChildren = len(self._children)
+               if numChildren == 0:
+                       return self.SELECTION_CENTER
+               baseAngle = _TWOPI / self._cacheTotalWeight
+               iterAngle = math.pi / 2 - (self.itemAt(0).weight() * baseAngle) / 2
+               while iterAngle < 0:
+                       iterAngle += _TWOPI
+               oldIterAngle = iterAngle
+               for index, child in enumerate(self._children):
+                       iterAngle += child.weight() * baseAngle
+                       if oldIterAngle < angle and angle <= iterAngle:
+                               return index - 1 if index != 0 else numChildren - 1
+                       elif oldIterAngle < (angle + _TWOPI) and (angle + _TWOPI <= iterAngle):
+                               return index - 1 if index != 0 else numChildren - 1
+                       oldIterAngle = iterAngle
+class PieArtist(object):
+       ICON_SIZE_DEFAULT = 48
+       SHAPE_CIRCLE = "circle"
+       SHAPE_SQUARE = "square"
+       def __init__(self, filing):
+               self._filing = filing
+               self._cachedOuterRadius = self._filing.outerRadius()
+               self._cachedInnerRadius = self._filing.innerRadius()
+               canvasSize = self._cachedOuterRadius * 2 + 1
+               self._canvas = QtGui.QPixmap(canvasSize, canvasSize)
+               self._mask = None
+               self.palette = None
+       def pieSize(self):
+               diameter = self._filing.outerRadius() * 2 + 1
+               return QtCore.QSize(diameter, diameter)
+       def centerSize(self):
+               painter = QtGui.QPainter(self._canvas)
+               text =
+               fontMetrics = painter.fontMetrics()
+               if text:
+                       textBoundingRect = fontMetrics.boundingRect(text)
+               else:
+                       textBoundingRect = QtCore.QRect()
+               textWidth = textBoundingRect.width()
+               textHeight = textBoundingRect.height()
+               return QtCore.QSize(
+                       textWidth + self.ICON_SIZE_DEFAULT,
+                       max(textHeight, self.ICON_SIZE_DEFAULT),
+               )
+       def show(self, palette):
+               self.palette = palette
+               if (
+                       self._cachedOuterRadius != self._filing.outerRadius() or
+                       self._cachedInnerRadius != self._filing.innerRadius()
+               ):
+                       self._cachedOuterRadius = self._filing.outerRadius()
+                       self._cachedInnerRadius = self._filing.innerRadius()
+                       self._canvas = self._canvas.scaled(self.pieSize())
+               if self._mask is None:
+                       self._mask = QtGui.QBitmap(self._canvas.size())
+                       self._mask.fill(QtCore.Qt.color0)
+                       self._generate_mask(self._mask)
+                       self._canvas.setMask(self._mask)
+               return self._mask
+       def hide(self):
+               self.palette = None
+       def paint(self, selectionIndex):
+               painter = QtGui.QPainter(self._canvas)
+               painter.setRenderHint(QtGui.QPainter.Antialiasing, True)
+               adjustmentRect = self._canvas.rect().adjusted(0, 0, -1, -1)
+               numChildren = len(self._filing)
+               if numChildren == 0:
+                       if selectionIndex == PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER and
+                               painter.setBrush(self.palette.highlight())
+                       else:
+                               painter.setBrush(self.palette.window())
+                       painter.setPen(self.palette.mid().color())
+                       painter.drawRect(self._canvas.rect())
+                       self._paint_center_foreground(painter, selectionIndex)
+                       return self._canvas
+               elif numChildren == 1:
+                       if selectionIndex == 0 and self._filing[0].isEnabled():
+                               painter.setBrush(self.palette.highlight())
+                       else:
+                               painter.setBrush(self.palette.window())
+                       painter.fillRect(self._canvas.rect(), painter.brush())
+               else:
+                       for i in xrange(len(self._filing)):
+                               self._paint_slice_background(painter, adjustmentRect, i, selectionIndex)
+               self._paint_center_background(painter, adjustmentRect, selectionIndex)
+               self._paint_center_foreground(painter, selectionIndex)
+               for i in xrange(len(self._filing)):
+                       self._paint_slice_foreground(painter, i, selectionIndex)
+               return self._canvas
+       def _generate_mask(self, mask):
+               """
+               Specifies on the mask the shape of the pie menu
+               """
+               painter = QtGui.QPainter(mask)
+               painter.setPen(QtCore.Qt.color1)
+               painter.setBrush(QtCore.Qt.color1)
+               if self.DEFAULT_SHAPE == self.SHAPE_SQUARE:
+                       painter.drawRect(mask.rect())
+               elif self.DEFAULT_SHAPE == self.SHAPE_CIRCLE:
+                       painter.drawEllipse(mask.rect().adjusted(0, 0, -1, -1))
+               else:
+                       raise NotImplementedError(self.DEFAULT_SHAPE)
+       def _paint_slice_background(self, painter, adjustmentRect, i, selectionIndex):
+               if self.DEFAULT_SHAPE == self.SHAPE_SQUARE:
+                       currentWidth = adjustmentRect.width()
+                       newWidth = math.sqrt(2) * currentWidth
+                       dx = (newWidth - currentWidth) / 2
+                       adjustmentRect = adjustmentRect.adjusted(-dx, -dx, dx, dx)
+               elif self.DEFAULT_SHAPE == self.SHAPE_CIRCLE:
+                       pass
+               else:
+                       raise NotImplementedError(self.DEFAULT_SHAPE)
+               if i == selectionIndex and self._filing[i].isEnabled():
+                       painter.setBrush(self.palette.highlight())
+               else:
+                       painter.setBrush(self.palette.window())
+               painter.setPen(self.palette.mid().color())
+               a = self._filing._index_to_angle(i, True)
+               b = self._filing._index_to_angle(i + 1, True)
+               if b < a:
+                       b += _TWOPI
+               size = b - a
+               if size < 0:
+                       size += _TWOPI
+               startAngleInDeg = (a * 360 * 16) / _TWOPI
+               sizeInDeg = (size * 360 * 16) / _TWOPI
+               painter.drawPie(adjustmentRect, int(startAngleInDeg), int(sizeInDeg))
+       def _paint_slice_foreground(self, painter, i, selectionIndex):
+               child = self._filing[i]
+               a = self._filing._index_to_angle(i, True)
+               b = self._filing._index_to_angle(i + 1, True)
+               if b < a:
+                       b += _TWOPI
+               middleAngle = (a + b) / 2
+               averageRadius = (self._cachedInnerRadius + self._cachedOuterRadius) / 2
+               sliceX = averageRadius * math.cos(middleAngle)
+               sliceY = - averageRadius * math.sin(middleAngle)
+               piePos = self._canvas.rect().center()
+               pieX = piePos.x()
+               pieY = piePos.y()
+               self._paint_label(
+                       painter, child.action(), i == selectionIndex, pieX+sliceX, pieY+sliceY
+               )
+       def _paint_label(self, painter, action, isSelected, x, y):
+               text = action.text()
+               fontMetrics = painter.fontMetrics()
+               if text:
+                       textBoundingRect = fontMetrics.boundingRect(text)
+               else:
+                       textBoundingRect = QtCore.QRect()
+               textWidth = textBoundingRect.width()
+               textHeight = textBoundingRect.height()
+               icon = action.icon().pixmap(
+                       QtCore.QSize(self.ICON_SIZE_DEFAULT, self.ICON_SIZE_DEFAULT),
+                       QtGui.QIcon.Normal,
+                       QtGui.QIcon.On,
+               )
+               iconWidth = icon.width()
+               iconHeight = icon.width()
+               averageWidth = (iconWidth + textWidth)/2
+               if not icon.isNull():
+                       iconRect = QtCore.QRect(
+                               x - averageWidth,
+                               y - iconHeight/2,
+                               iconWidth,
+                               iconHeight,
+                       )
+                       painter.drawPixmap(iconRect, icon)
+               if text:
+                       if isSelected:
+                               if action.isEnabled():
+                                       pen = self.palette.highlightedText()
+                                       brush = self.palette.highlight()
+                               else:
+                                       pen = self.palette.mid()
+                                       brush = self.palette.window()
+                       else:
+                               if action.isEnabled():
+                                       pen = self.palette.windowText()
+                               else:
+                                       pen = self.palette.mid()
+                               brush = self.palette.window()
+                       leftX = x - averageWidth + iconWidth
+                       topY = y + textHeight/2
+                       painter.setPen(pen.color())
+                       painter.setBrush(brush)
+                       painter.drawText(leftX, topY, text)
+       def _paint_center_background(self, painter, adjustmentRect, selectionIndex):
+               dark = self.palette.mid().color()
+               light = self.palette.light().color()
+               if selectionIndex == PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER and
+                       background = self.palette.highlight().color()
+               else:
+                       background = self.palette.window().color()
+               innerRadius = self._cachedInnerRadius
+               adjustmentCenterPos =
+               innerRect = QtCore.QRect(
+                       adjustmentCenterPos.x() - innerRadius,
+                       adjustmentCenterPos.y() - innerRadius,
+                       innerRadius * 2 + 1,
+                       innerRadius * 2 + 1,
+               )
+               painter.setPen(QtCore.Qt.NoPen)
+               painter.setBrush(background)
+               painter.drawPie(innerRect, 0, 360 * 16)
+               painter.setPen(QtGui.QPen(dark, 1))
+               painter.setBrush(QtCore.Qt.NoBrush)
+               painter.drawEllipse(innerRect)
+               if self.DEFAULT_SHAPE == self.SHAPE_SQUARE:
+                       pass
+               elif self.DEFAULT_SHAPE == self.SHAPE_CIRCLE:
+                       painter.setPen(QtGui.QPen(dark, 1))
+                       painter.setBrush(QtCore.Qt.NoBrush)
+                       painter.drawEllipse(adjustmentRect)
+               else:
+                       raise NotImplementedError(self.DEFAULT_SHAPE)
+       def _paint_center_foreground(self, painter, selectionIndex):
+               centerPos = self._canvas.rect().center()
+               pieX = centerPos.x()
+               pieY = centerPos.y()
+               x = pieX
+               y = pieY
+               self._paint_label(
+                       painter,
+             ,
+                       selectionIndex == PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER,
+                       x, y
+               )
+class QPieDisplay(QtGui.QWidget):
+       def __init__(self, filing, parent = None, flags = QtCore.Qt.Window):
+               QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent, flags)
+               self._filing = filing
+               self._artist = PieArtist(self._filing)
+               self._selectionIndex = PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE
+       def popup(self, pos):
+               self._update_selection(pos)
+       def sizeHint(self):
+               return self._artist.pieSize()
+       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
+       def showEvent(self, showEvent):
+               mask =
+               self.setMask(mask)
+               QtGui.QWidget.showEvent(self, showEvent)
+       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
+       def hideEvent(self, hideEvent):
+               self._artist.hide()
+               self._selectionIndex = PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE
+               QtGui.QWidget.hideEvent(self, hideEvent)
+       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
+       def paintEvent(self, paintEvent):
+               canvas = self._artist.paint(self._selectionIndex)
+               screen = QtGui.QPainter(self)
+               screen.drawPixmap(QtCore.QPoint(0, 0), canvas)
+               QtGui.QWidget.paintEvent(self, paintEvent)
+       def selectAt(self, index):
+               oldIndex = self._selectionIndex
+               self._selectionIndex = index
+               if self.isVisible():
+                       self.update()
+class QPieButton(QtGui.QWidget):
+       activated = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int)
+       highlighted = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int)
+       canceled = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
+       aboutToShow = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
+       aboutToHide = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
+       BUTTON_RADIUS = 24
+       DELAY = 250
+       def __init__(self, buttonSlice, parent = None):
+               # @bug Artifacts on Maemo 5 due to window 3D effects, find way to disable them for just these?
+               # @bug The pie's are being pushed back on screen on Maemo, leading to coordinate issues
+               QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
+               self._cachedCenterPosition = self.rect().center()
+               self._filing = PieFiling()
+               self._display = QPieDisplay(self._filing, None, QtCore.Qt.SplashScreen)
+               self._selectionIndex = PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE
+               self._buttonFiling = PieFiling()
+               self._buttonFiling.set_center(buttonSlice)
+               self._buttonFiling.setOuterRadius(self.BUTTON_RADIUS)
+               self._buttonArtist = PieArtist(self._buttonFiling)
+               self._poppedUp = False
+               self._delayPopupTimer = QtCore.QTimer()
+               self._delayPopupTimer.setInterval(self.DELAY)
+               self._delayPopupTimer.setSingleShot(True)
+               self._delayPopupTimer.timeout.connect(self._on_delayed_popup)
+               self._popupLocation = None
+               self._mousePosition = None
+               self.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.StrongFocus)
+       def insertItem(self, item, index = -1):
+               self._filing.insertItem(item, index)
+       def removeItemAt(self, index):
+               self._filing.removeItemAt(index)
+       def set_center(self, item):
+               self._filing.set_center(item)
+       def set_button(self, item):
+               self.update()
+       def clear(self):
+               self._filing.clear()
+       def itemAt(self, index):
+               return self._filing.itemAt(index)
+       def indexAt(self, point):
+               return self._filing.indexAt(self._cachedCenterPosition, point)
+       def innerRadius(self):
+               return self._filing.innerRadius()
+       def setInnerRadius(self, radius):
+               self._filing.setInnerRadius(radius)
+       def outerRadius(self):
+               return self._filing.outerRadius()
+       def setOuterRadius(self, radius):
+               self._filing.setOuterRadius(radius)
+       def buttonRadius(self):
+               return self._buttonFiling.outerRadius()
+       def setButtonRadius(self, radius):
+               self._buttonFiling.setOuterRadius(radius)
+       def minimumSizeHint(self):
+               return self._buttonArtist.centerSize()
+       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
+       def mousePressEvent(self, mouseEvent):
+               lastSelection = self._selectionIndex
+               lastMousePos = mouseEvent.pos()
+               self._mousePosition = lastMousePos
+               self._update_selection(self._cachedCenterPosition)
+               self.highlighted.emit(self._selectionIndex)
+               self._display.selectAt(self._selectionIndex)
+               self._popupLocation = mouseEvent.globalPos()
+               self._delayPopupTimer.start()
+       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
+       def _on_delayed_popup(self):
+               assert self._popupLocation is not None
+               self._popup_child(self._popupLocation)
+       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
+       def mouseMoveEvent(self, mouseEvent):
+               lastSelection = self._selectionIndex
+               lastMousePos = mouseEvent.pos()
+               if self._mousePosition is None:
+                       # Absolute
+                       self._update_selection(lastMousePos)
+               else:
+                       # Relative
+                       self._update_selection(
+                               self._cachedCenterPosition + (lastMousePos - self._mousePosition),
+                               ignoreOuter = True,
+                       )
+               if lastSelection != self._selectionIndex:
+                       self.highlighted.emit(self._selectionIndex)
+                       self._display.selectAt(self._selectionIndex)
+               if self._selectionIndex != PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER and self._delayPopupTimer.isActive():
+                       self._on_delayed_popup()
+       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
+       def mouseReleaseEvent(self, mouseEvent):
+               self._delayPopupTimer.stop()
+               self._popupLocation = None
+               lastSelection = self._selectionIndex
+               lastMousePos = mouseEvent.pos()
+               if self._mousePosition is None:
+                       # Absolute
+                       self._update_selection(lastMousePos)
+               else:
+                       # Relative
+                       self._update_selection(
+                               self._cachedCenterPosition + (lastMousePos - self._mousePosition),
+                               ignoreOuter = True,
+                       )
+               self._mousePosition = None
+               self._activate_at(self._selectionIndex)
+               self._hide_child()
+       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
+       def keyPressEvent(self, keyEvent):
+               if keyEvent.key() in [QtCore.Qt.Key_Right, QtCore.Qt.Key_Down, QtCore.Qt.Key_Tab]:
+                       self._popup_child(QtGui.QCursor.pos())
+                       if self._selectionIndex != len(self._filing) - 1:
+                               nextSelection = self._selectionIndex + 1
+                       else:
+                               nextSelection = 0
+                       self._select_at(nextSelection)
+                       self._display.selectAt(self._selectionIndex)
+               elif keyEvent.key() in [QtCore.Qt.Key_Left, QtCore.Qt.Key_Up, QtCore.Qt.Key_Backtab]:
+                       self._popup_child(QtGui.QCursor.pos())
+                       if 0 < self._selectionIndex:
+                               nextSelection = self._selectionIndex - 1
+                       else:
+                               nextSelection = len(self._filing) - 1
+                       self._select_at(nextSelection)
+                       self._display.selectAt(self._selectionIndex)
+               elif keyEvent.key() in [QtCore.Qt.Key_Space]:
+                       self._popup_child(QtGui.QCursor.pos())
+                       self._select_at(PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER)
+                       self._display.selectAt(self._selectionIndex)
+               elif keyEvent.key() in [QtCore.Qt.Key_Return, QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter, QtCore.Qt.Key_Space]:
+                       self._delayPopupTimer.stop()
+                       self._popupLocation = None
+                       self._activate_at(self._selectionIndex)
+                       self._hide_child()
+               elif keyEvent.key() in [QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape, QtCore.Qt.Key_Backspace]:
+                       self._delayPopupTimer.stop()
+                       self._popupLocation = None
+                       self._activate_at(PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE)
+                       self._hide_child()
+               else:
+                       QtGui.QWidget.keyPressEvent(self, keyEvent)
+       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
+       def resizeEvent(self, resizeEvent):
+               self.setButtonRadius(min(resizeEvent.size().width(), resizeEvent.size().height()) / 2 - 1)
+               QtGui.QWidget.resizeEvent(self, resizeEvent)
+       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
+       def showEvent(self, showEvent):
+               self._cachedCenterPosition = self.rect().center()
+               QtGui.QWidget.showEvent(self, showEvent)
+       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
+       def hideEvent(self, hideEvent):
+               self._display.hide()
+               self._select_at(PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE)
+               QtGui.QWidget.hideEvent(self, hideEvent)
+       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
+       def paintEvent(self, paintEvent):
+               self.setButtonRadius(min(self.rect().width(), self.rect().height()) / 2 - 1)
+               if self._poppedUp:
+                       canvas = self._buttonArtist.paint(PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER)
+               else:
+                       canvas = self._buttonArtist.paint(PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE)
+               screen = QtGui.QPainter(self)
+               screen.drawPixmap(QtCore.QPoint(0, 0), canvas)
+               QtGui.QWidget.paintEvent(self, paintEvent)
+       def __iter__(self):
+               return iter(self._filing)
+       def __len__(self):
+               return len(self._filing)
+       def _popup_child(self, position):
+               self._poppedUp = True
+               self.aboutToShow.emit()
+               self._delayPopupTimer.stop()
+               self._popupLocation = None
+               position = position - QtCore.QPoint(self._filing.outerRadius(), self._filing.outerRadius())
+               self._display.move(position)
+               self.update()
+       def _hide_child(self):
+               self._poppedUp = False
+               self.aboutToHide.emit()
+               self._display.hide()
+               self.update()
+       def _select_at(self, index):
+               self._selectionIndex = index
+       def _update_selection(self, lastMousePos, ignoreOuter = False):
+               radius = _radius_at(self._cachedCenterPosition, lastMousePos)
+               if radius < self._filing.innerRadius():
+                       self._select_at(PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER)
+               elif radius <= self._filing.outerRadius() or ignoreOuter:
+                       self._select_at(self.indexAt(lastMousePos))
+               else:
+                       self._select_at(PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE)
+       def _activate_at(self, index):
+               if index == PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE:
+                       self.canceled.emit()
+                       return
+               elif index == PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER:
+                       child =
+               else:
+                       child = self.itemAt(index)
+               if child.action().isEnabled():
+                       child.action().trigger()
+                       self.activated.emit(index)
+               else:
+                       self.canceled.emit()
+class QPieMenu(QtGui.QWidget):
+       activated = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int)
+       highlighted = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int)
+       canceled = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
+       aboutToShow = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
+       aboutToHide = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
+       def __init__(self, parent = None):
+               QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
+               self._cachedCenterPosition = self.rect().center()
+               self._filing = PieFiling()
+               self._artist = PieArtist(self._filing)
+               self._selectionIndex = PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE
+               self._mousePosition = ()
+               self.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.StrongFocus)
+       def popup(self, pos):
+               self._update_selection(pos)
+       def insertItem(self, item, index = -1):
+               self._filing.insertItem(item, index)
+               self.update()
+       def removeItemAt(self, index):
+               self._filing.removeItemAt(index)
+               self.update()
+       def set_center(self, item):
+               self._filing.set_center(item)
+               self.update()
+       def clear(self):
+               self._filing.clear()
+               self.update()
+       def itemAt(self, index):
+               return self._filing.itemAt(index)
+       def indexAt(self, point):
+               return self._filing.indexAt(self._cachedCenterPosition, point)
+       def innerRadius(self):
+               return self._filing.innerRadius()
+       def setInnerRadius(self, radius):
+               self._filing.setInnerRadius(radius)
+               self.update()
+       def outerRadius(self):
+               return self._filing.outerRadius()
+       def setOuterRadius(self, radius):
+               self._filing.setOuterRadius(radius)
+               self.update()
+       def sizeHint(self):
+               return self._artist.pieSize()
+       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
+       def mousePressEvent(self, mouseEvent):
+               lastSelection = self._selectionIndex
+               lastMousePos = mouseEvent.pos()
+               self._update_selection(lastMousePos)
+               self._mousePosition = lastMousePos
+               if lastSelection != self._selectionIndex:
+                       self.highlighted.emit(self._selectionIndex)
+                       self.update()
+       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
+       def mouseMoveEvent(self, mouseEvent):
+               lastSelection = self._selectionIndex
+               lastMousePos = mouseEvent.pos()
+               self._update_selection(lastMousePos)
+               if lastSelection != self._selectionIndex:
+                       self.highlighted.emit(self._selectionIndex)
+                       self.update()
+       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
+       def mouseReleaseEvent(self, mouseEvent):
+               lastSelection = self._selectionIndex
+               lastMousePos = mouseEvent.pos()
+               self._update_selection(lastMousePos)
+               self._mousePosition = ()
+               self._activate_at(self._selectionIndex)
+               self.update()
+       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
+       def keyPressEvent(self, keyEvent):
+               if keyEvent.key() in [QtCore.Qt.Key_Right, QtCore.Qt.Key_Down, QtCore.Qt.Key_Tab]:
+                       if self._selectionIndex != len(self._filing) - 1:
+                               nextSelection = self._selectionIndex + 1
+                       else:
+                               nextSelection = 0
+                       self._select_at(nextSelection)
+                       self.update()
+               elif keyEvent.key() in [QtCore.Qt.Key_Left, QtCore.Qt.Key_Up, QtCore.Qt.Key_Backtab]:
+                       if 0 < self._selectionIndex:
+                               nextSelection = self._selectionIndex - 1
+                       else:
+                               nextSelection = len(self._filing) - 1
+                       self._select_at(nextSelection)
+                       self.update()
+               elif keyEvent.key() in [QtCore.Qt.Key_Return, QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter, QtCore.Qt.Key_Space]:
+                       self._activate_at(self._selectionIndex)
+               elif keyEvent.key() in [QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape, QtCore.Qt.Key_Backspace]:
+                       self._activate_at(PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE)
+               else:
+                       QtGui.QWidget.keyPressEvent(self, keyEvent)
+       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
+       def showEvent(self, showEvent):
+               self.aboutToShow.emit()
+               self._cachedCenterPosition = self.rect().center()
+               mask =
+               self.setMask(mask)
+               lastMousePos = self.mapFromGlobal(QtGui.QCursor.pos())
+               self._update_selection(lastMousePos)
+               QtGui.QWidget.showEvent(self, showEvent)
+       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
+       def hideEvent(self, hideEvent):
+               self._artist.hide()
+               self._selectionIndex = PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE
+               QtGui.QWidget.hideEvent(self, hideEvent)
+       @misc_utils.log_exception(_moduleLogger)
+       def paintEvent(self, paintEvent):
+               canvas = self._artist.paint(self._selectionIndex)
+               screen = QtGui.QPainter(self)
+               screen.drawPixmap(QtCore.QPoint(0, 0), canvas)
+               QtGui.QWidget.paintEvent(self, paintEvent)
+       def __iter__(self):
+               return iter(self._filing)
+       def __len__(self):
+               return len(self._filing)
+       def _select_at(self, index):
+               self._selectionIndex = index
+       def _update_selection(self, lastMousePos):
+               radius = _radius_at(self._cachedCenterPosition, lastMousePos)
+               if radius < self._filing.innerRadius():
+                       self._selectionIndex = PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER
+               elif radius <= self._filing.outerRadius():
+                       self._select_at(self.indexAt(lastMousePos))
+               else:
+                       self._selectionIndex = PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE
+       def _activate_at(self, index):
+               if index == PieFiling.SELECTION_NONE:
+                       self.canceled.emit()
+                       self.aboutToHide.emit()
+                       self.hide()
+                       return
+               elif index == PieFiling.SELECTION_CENTER:
+                       child =
+               else:
+                       child = self.itemAt(index)
+               if child.isEnabled():
+                       child.action().trigger()
+                       self.activated.emit(index)
+               else:
+                       self.canceled.emit()
+               self.aboutToHide.emit()
+               self.hide()
+def init_pies():
+       PieFiling.NULL_CENTER.setEnabled(False)
+def _print(msg):
+       print msg
+def _on_about_to_hide(app):
+       app.exit()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+       app = QtGui.QApplication([])
+       init_pies()
+       if False:
+               pie = QPieMenu()
+       if False:
+               singleAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
+               singleAction.setText("Boo")
+               singleItem = QActionPieItem(singleAction)
+               spie = QPieMenu()
+               spie.insertItem(singleItem)
+       if False:
+               oneAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
+               oneAction.setText("Chew")
+               oneItem = QActionPieItem(oneAction)
+               twoAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
+               twoAction.setText("Foo")
+               twoItem = QActionPieItem(twoAction)
+               iconTextAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
+               iconTextAction.setText("Icon")
+               iconTextAction.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("gtk-close"))
+               iconTextItem = QActionPieItem(iconTextAction)
+               mpie = QPieMenu()
+               mpie.insertItem(oneItem)
+               mpie.insertItem(twoItem)
+               mpie.insertItem(oneItem)
+               mpie.insertItem(iconTextItem)
+       if True:
+               oneAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
+               oneAction.setText("Chew")
+               oneAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Chew"))
+               oneItem = QActionPieItem(oneAction)
+               twoAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
+               twoAction.setText("Foo")
+               twoAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Foo"))
+               twoItem = QActionPieItem(twoAction)
+               iconAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
+               iconAction.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("gtk-open"))
+               iconAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Icon"))
+               iconItem = QActionPieItem(iconAction)
+               iconTextAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
+               iconTextAction.setText("Icon")
+               iconTextAction.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("gtk-close"))
+               iconTextAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Icon and text"))
+               iconTextItem = QActionPieItem(iconTextAction)
+               mpie = QPieMenu()
+               mpie.set_center(iconItem)
+               mpie.insertItem(oneItem)
+               mpie.insertItem(twoItem)
+               mpie.insertItem(oneItem)
+               mpie.insertItem(iconTextItem)
+               mpie.aboutToHide.connect(lambda: _on_about_to_hide(app))
+               mpie.canceled.connect(lambda: _print("Canceled"))
+       if False:
+               oneAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
+               oneAction.setText("Chew")
+               oneAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Chew"))
+               oneItem = QActionPieItem(oneAction)
+               twoAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
+               twoAction.setText("Foo")
+               twoAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Foo"))
+               twoItem = QActionPieItem(twoAction)
+               iconAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
+               iconAction.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("gtk-open"))
+               iconAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Icon"))
+               iconItem = QActionPieItem(iconAction)
+               iconTextAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
+               iconTextAction.setText("Icon")
+               iconTextAction.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("gtk-close"))
+               iconTextAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Icon and text"))
+               iconTextItem = QActionPieItem(iconTextAction)
+               pieFiling = PieFiling()
+               pieFiling.set_center(iconItem)
+               pieFiling.insertItem(oneItem)
+               pieFiling.insertItem(twoItem)
+               pieFiling.insertItem(oneItem)
+               pieFiling.insertItem(iconTextItem)
+               mpie = QPieDisplay(pieFiling)
+       if False:
+               oneAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
+               oneAction.setText("Chew")
+               oneAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Chew"))
+               oneItem = QActionPieItem(oneAction)
+               twoAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
+               twoAction.setText("Foo")
+               twoAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Foo"))
+               twoItem = QActionPieItem(twoAction)
+               iconAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
+               iconAction.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("gtk-open"))
+               iconAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Icon"))
+               iconItem = QActionPieItem(iconAction)
+               iconTextAction = QtGui.QAction(None)
+               iconTextAction.setText("Icon")
+               iconTextAction.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("gtk-close"))
+               iconTextAction.triggered.connect(lambda: _print("Icon and text"))
+               iconTextItem = QActionPieItem(iconTextAction)
+               mpie = QPieButton(iconItem)
+               mpie.set_center(iconItem)
+               mpie.insertItem(oneItem)
+               mpie.insertItem(twoItem)
+               mpie.insertItem(oneItem)
+               mpie.insertItem(iconTextItem)
+               mpie.aboutToHide.connect(lambda: _on_about_to_hide(app))
+               mpie.canceled.connect(lambda: _print("Canceled"))
+       app.exec_()
diff --git a/src/util/ b/src/util/
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..80c43d0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from __future__ import division
+import os
+import warnings
+from PyQt4 import QtGui
+from PyQt4 import QtCore
+import qtpie
+class PieKeyboard(object):
+       SLICE_CENTER = -1
+       SLICE_NORTH = 0
+       SLICE_NORTH_WEST = 1
+       SLICE_WEST = 2
+       SLICE_SOUTH_WEST = 3
+       SLICE_SOUTH = 4
+       SLICE_SOUTH_EAST = 5
+       SLICE_EAST = 6
+       SLICE_NORTH_EAST = 7
+               SLICE_CENTER,
+               SLICE_NORTH,
+               SLICE_NORTH_WEST,
+               SLICE_WEST,
+               SLICE_SOUTH_WEST,
+               SLICE_SOUTH,
+               SLICE_SOUTH_EAST,
+               SLICE_EAST,
+               SLICE_NORTH_EAST,
+       ]
+               "CENTER",
+               "NORTH",
+               "NORTH_WEST",
+               "WEST",
+               "SOUTH_WEST",
+               "SOUTH",
+               "SOUTH_EAST",
+               "EAST",
+               "NORTH_EAST",
+       ]
+       def __init__(self):
+               self._layout = QtGui.QGridLayout()
+               self._widget = QtGui.QWidget()
+               self._widget.setLayout(self._layout)
+               self.__cells = {}
+       @property
+       def toplevel(self):
+               return self._widget
+       def add_pie(self, row, column, pieButton):
+               assert len(pieButton) == 8
+               self._layout.addWidget(pieButton, row, column)
+               self.__cells[(row, column)] = pieButton
+       def get_pie(self, row, column):
+               return self.__cells[(row, column)]
+class KeyboardModifier(object):
+       def __init__(self, name):
+      = name
+               self.lock = False
+               self.once = False
+       @property
+       def isActive(self):
+               return self.lock or self.once
+       def on_toggle_lock(self, *args, **kwds):
+               self.lock = not self.lock
+       def on_toggle_once(self, *args, **kwds):
+               self.once = not self.once
+       def reset_once(self):
+               self.once = False
+def parse_keyboard_data(text):
+       return eval(text)
+def _enumerate_pie_slices(pieData, iconPaths):
+       for direction, directionName in zip(
+               PieKeyboard.SLICE_DIRECTIONS, PieKeyboard.SLICE_DIRECTION_NAMES
+       ):
+               if directionName in pieData:
+                       sliceData = pieData[directionName]
+                       action = QtGui.QAction(None)
+                       try:
+                               action.setText(sliceData["text"])
+                       except KeyError:
+                               pass
+                       try:
+                               relativeIconPath = sliceData["path"]
+                       except KeyError:
+                               pass
+                       else:
+                               for iconPath in iconPaths:
+                                       absIconPath = os.path.join(iconPath, relativeIconPath)
+                                       if os.path.exists(absIconPath):
+                                               action.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(absIconPath))
+                                               break
+                       pieItem = qtpie.QActionPieItem(action)
+                       actionToken = sliceData["action"]
+               else:
+                       pieItem = qtpie.PieFiling.NULL_CENTER
+                       actionToken = ""
+               yield direction, pieItem, actionToken
+def load_keyboard(keyboardName, dataTree, keyboard, keyboardHandler, iconPaths):
+       for (row, column), pieData in dataTree.iteritems():
+               pieItems = list(_enumerate_pie_slices(pieData, iconPaths))
+               assert pieItems[0][0] == PieKeyboard.SLICE_CENTER, pieItems[0]
+               _, center, centerAction = pieItems.pop(0)
+               pieButton = qtpie.QPieButton(center)
+               pieButton.set_center(center)
+               keyboardHandler.map_slice_action(center, centerAction)
+               for direction, pieItem, action in pieItems:
+                       pieButton.insertItem(pieItem)
+                       keyboardHandler.map_slice_action(pieItem, action)
+               keyboard.add_pie(row, column, pieButton)
+class KeyboardHandler(object):
+       def __init__(self, keyhandler):
+               self.__keyhandler = keyhandler
+               self.__commandHandlers = {}
+               self.__modifiers = {}
+               self.__sliceActions = {}
+               self.register_modifier("Shift")
+               self.register_modifier("Super")
+               self.register_modifier("Control")
+               self.register_modifier("Alt")
+       def register_command_handler(self, command, handler):
+               # @todo Look into hooking these up directly to the pie actions
+               self.__commandHandlers["[%s]" % command] = handler
+       def unregister_command_handler(self, command):
+               # @todo Look into hooking these up directly to the pie actions
+               del self.__commandHandlers["[%s]" % command]
+       def register_modifier(self, modifierName):
+               mod = KeyboardModifier(modifierName)
+               self.register_command_handler(modifierName, mod.on_toggle_lock)
+               self.__modifiers["<%s>" % modifierName] = mod
+       def unregister_modifier(self, modifierName):
+               self.unregister_command_handler(modifierName)
+               del self.__modifiers["<%s>" % modifierName]
+       def map_slice_action(self, slice, action):
+               callback = lambda direction: self(direction, action)
+               slice.action().triggered.connect(callback)
+               self.__sliceActions[slice] = (action, callback)
+       def __call__(self, direction, action):
+               activeModifiers = [
+                       for mod in self.__modifiers.itervalues()
+                               if mod.isActive
+               ]
+               needResetOnce = False
+               if action.startswith("[") and action.endswith("]"):
+                       commandName = action[1:-1]
+                       if action in self.__commandHandlers:
+                               self.__commandHandlers[action](commandName, activeModifiers)
+                               needResetOnce = True
+                       else:
+                               warnings.warn("Unknown command: [%s]" % commandName)
+               elif action.startswith("<") and action.endswith(">"):
+                       modName = action[1:-1]
+                       for mod in self.__modifiers.itervalues():
+                               if == modName:
+                                       mod.on_toggle_once()
+                                       break
+                       else:
+                               warnings.warn("Unknown modifier: <%s>" % modName)
+               else:
+                       self.__keyhandler(action, activeModifiers)
+                       needResetOnce = True
+               if needResetOnce:
+                       for mod in self.__modifiers.itervalues():
+                               mod.reset_once()