Modified source files and compiled any and armel versions of packages
[pkg-perl] / deb-src / libtest-exception-perl / libtest-exception-perl-0.27 / MANIFEST
1 Build.PL
2 Changes
3 lib/Test/
4 MANIFEST                        This list of files
5 t/caller.t
6 t/developer/documented.t
7 t/developer/perlcritic.t
8 t/developer/perlcriticrc
9 t/developer/pod.t
10 t/developer/spelling.t
11 t/edge-cases.t
12 t/Exception.t
13 t/import.t
14 t/isa.t
15 t/lives_and.t
16 t/preserve.t
17 t/return.t
18 t/rt.t
19 t/stacktrace.t
20 t/throws_ok.t
21 Makefile.PL
23 META.yml