descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb.
last changeTue, 29 Sep 2009 00:23:51 +0000 (01:23 +0100)
2009-09-29 maemoversion 1.0.0 master
2009-09-29 maemoautoconf cleanup
2009-09-27 maemoautogen cleanup
2009-09-27 maemoautoconf tweaking
2009-09-27 maemosmall fix to pupil coordinate calculation
2009-09-27 maemoredraw only when something has changed
2009-09-27 maemoremove hildon notify
2009-09-27 maemodisplay blanking detection via dbus
2009-09-22 Mikko Vartiainenfix indentation
2009-09-22 Mikko Vartiainenfix indentation
2009-09-22 Mikko Vartiainenformatting
2009-09-22 Mikko VartiainenRemoved unused code
2009-09-22 Mikko Vartiainenremoved leftover binary
2009-09-21 Mikko VartiainenRemove libosso depency 0.1.0
2009-09-21 Mikko VartiainenMerge commit 'origin/master'
2009-09-21 mikkovInitial commit
14 years ago 0.1.0 Version 0.1.0
14 years ago master