descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb.
last changeTue, 7 Aug 2012 08:34:38 +0000 (10:34 +0200)
2012-08-07 Roman Moravčíkadded very simple html page. master
2012-08-06 Roman MoravčíkRelease 0.2.0
2012-08-06 Roman MoravčíkFixed label wraping.
2012-08-06 Roman MoravčíkFixed about dialog localization
2012-08-06 Roman MoravčíkAdded spacing between map and navigation.
2012-08-06 Roman MoravčíkUpdated translations.
2012-08-06 Roman MoravčíkFixed disabling of navigation buttons.
2012-08-06 Roman MoravčíkUpdated translations.
2012-08-06 Roman MoravčíkAdded new icons
2012-08-06 Roman MoravčíkFixed instalation of translations
2012-08-06 Roman MoravčíkFixed landscape orientation.
2012-08-06 Roman MoravčíkUse application name with first capital letter.
2012-08-06 Roman MoravčíkUpdated build for Harmattan.
2011-06-29 Roman MoravcikFixed toolbar and menu items.
2011-06-29 Roman MoravcikFixed debian packaging.
2011-06-29 Roman MoravcikSet font style of forecast widget.
13 years ago v0.1-3
13 years ago v0.1-2
13 years ago v0.1-1
11 years ago master