------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TODO for Faster Application Manager Note that many of these are just random ideas, not all of them will get implemented ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.7: * promt for filename when storing/loading selections * ability to save all installed user-category packages as a selection list * added command line scripts to use apt-get with FAM's cache (fapt-get, fapt-cache) - possibility to force reinstall of an already installed package - improve package dialog UI in portrait mode - better blacklist editor - ability to import/export blacklist? 0.8: - support loading .install files - support installing local .debs - dbus interface for installing packages by name - mime type handling for .install and .deb (can it be done without conflicting HAM?) - support translations later/any/uncertain: - fetch dates from other repositories than maemo.org? - fetch dates for other than user categories? - add an option to start fetching changelogs automatically for all upgradeable packages? - how to handle package names that end in '-'? (theoretically they are valid but nonexistent?) - ability to easily add extras-devel and extras-testing to repos if they don't exist - load package lists in the background when the main menu is visible? - warn about unauthenticated packages / option to disable installing unauthenticated packages - show download speed and current repo for apt-get update (very hard to do since apt-get update output does not show all the information needed to get the current list file names?) - "problem solver" feature (find broken packages, handle recovery from broken packages better) known bugs: - no window menu indicator in stacked windows (probably a Qt bug) - updating menu icons after installation does not work or works only sometimes (currently disabled) - does not warn about system upgrade? - date fetching is quite slow with qt4.7