Report bugs

If StockThis has a problem when you're using it, it's a good idea to report this problem so that the developer can fix it and so StockThis be improved.

A good bug report should contain all possible information to reproduce the problem. It's best to write detailed and step by step instructions that must be done so that the problem happens. Every small detail is important.

In the specific case of StockThis besides the detailed list of actions, there is a menu in the application called "Log", this text can also be useful, please don't forget to addit in the bug report.

Of course, a bug report with little information is often better than none.

Request features

If StockThis lacks some function that you think may be a good idea for a mobile blogging client, please ask for it. It probably won't be implemented overnight, but if it's a good and useful idea for sure it will be implemented later.

A good way to ask for a feature is to give all possible information on how it should work and if it's possible give an example of an application that has this functionality implemented.


Now you know everything that you need to report bugs and request features, you can do so at: bugzilla section for StockThis