
Jamaendo is a media player for the Nokia N900 and Maemo 5 (Fremantle) internet tablet / phone, that plays music from the music catalog of Jamendo.

JAMENDO is an online platform that distributes musical works under Creative Commons licenses.

Jamaendo is written by Kristoffer Grönlund.


Jamaendo is now available from the Extras-Devel repository at All the warnings that apply to that repository applies to this package as well! It is still very early in development, and is only recommended for developers and users prepared to deal with immature software.

More information about the project can be found on the Maemo Garage project page.

Debian packages that can be installed on the N900 are available here:

You can get the source code for Jamaendo at the Maemo Garage, or directly via git.

git clone

I also have a development branch at, which may or may not be more up-to-date than the maemo garage version.

The git repository can also be browsed online, here.


Version 0.2

Version 0.1