e^(j pi) + 1 = 0

An RPN Calculator for Maemo

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The interface focuses on history manipulation and quick access to functionality through something like pie menus. It takes advantage of pythons type system under the hood for support of integer, float, and complex operations. For integers it tracks the base used and tries to persist that through the operations.

The name (e^(j pi) + 1 = 0, or shortened ejpi) is Euler's Identity. If you do not understand the beauty of it, I recommend reading the article. Why "j"? I come from an engineering background. Yeah, it put a smile on my face when I learned Python and found out it used "j".

RPN? I've just always been a fan of its simplicity to understand, simplicity to code, uniformity in action, less mental tracking, etc. Yes, I own several HP calculators.

ejpi has been tested on Ubuntu 9.05, Maemo 5, and Maemo 4.1

ejpi is Free Software and available under the LGPLv2.1.


ejpi v0.9.4 (See t.m.o Thread)

Sample Screenshots

Screenshot of ejpi v1.0.0 on Ubuntu

ejpi v1.0.0 on Ubuntu

Notice the tracking of base through the operations. Just prefix your number with the appropriate prefix (see poorly named "Computer" tab)

Notice Each square has a value in the middle and is sometimes surrounded by others. Just clicking on the button will cause the center item's operation to be performed. Click and drag will in the direction of any of the other symbols will cause that operation to occur. Note: Not all click-and-drag symbols are shown by default so explore a bit.

Screenshot of ejpi v1.0.0 on Ubuntu

ejpi v1.0.0 on Ubuntu