PrinterListJob Member List

This is the complete list of members for PrinterListJob, including all inherited members.
cancel()UrpoJob [inline, slot]
cancelJob() (defined in PrinterListJob)PrinterListJob [protected, virtual]
Cancelled enum value (defined in UrpoJob)UrpoJob
debugMessage(QString message) (defined in UrpoJob)UrpoJob [signal]
doList(bool success)PrinterListJob [slot]
fail(QString errorString)UrpoJob [protected]
Failed enum value (defined in UrpoJob)UrpoJob
finish(JobStatus status)UrpoJob [protected]
finished(bool successed, QString errorStr=QString())UrpoJob [signal]
getConnection()UrpoJob [inline, protected]
getPrinters() const PrinterListJob [inline]
getStatus() const UrpoJob [inline]
JobStatus enum name (defined in UrpoJob)UrpoJob
newProcess()UrpoJob [protected]
PrinterListJob(UrpoConnection *connection) (defined in PrinterListJob)PrinterListJob [explicit]
Ready enum value (defined in UrpoJob)UrpoJob
Running enum value (defined in UrpoJob)UrpoJob
sendDebugMessage(QString message)UrpoJob [protected]
setStatus(JobStatus status)UrpoJob [inline, protected]
start()UrpoJob [inline, slot]
startJob() (defined in PrinterListJob)PrinterListJob [protected, virtual]
Successed enum value (defined in UrpoJob)UrpoJob
UrpoJob(UrpoConnection *connection) (defined in UrpoJob)UrpoJob [explicit]
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