src/lib/lightmediascanner.h File Reference

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#define API
#define GNUC_PURE
#define GNUC_CONST
#define GNUC_NON_NULL(...)


typedef struct lms lms_t
typedef struct lms_plugin lms_plugin_t
typedef void(* lms_free_callback_t )(void *data)
typedef void(* lms_progress_callback_t )(lms_t *lms, const char *path, int path_len, lms_progress_status_t status, void *data)


enum  lms_progress_status_t {


API lms_tlms_new (const char *db_path) GNUC_MALLOC GNUC_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
API int lms_free (lms_t *lms) GNUC_NON_NULL(1)
API int lms_process (lms_t *lms, const char *top_path) GNUC_NON_NULL(1
API int API int lms_process_single_process (lms_t *lms, const char *top_path) GNUC_NON_NULL(1
API int API int API int lms_check (lms_t *lms, const char *top_path) GNUC_NON_NULL(1
API int API int API int API int lms_check_single_process (lms_t *lms, const char *top_path) GNUC_NON_NULL(1
API int API int API int API
int API void 
lms_stop_processing (lms_t *lms) GNUC_NON_NULL(1)
API const char * lms_get_db_path (const lms_t *lms) GNUC_NON_NULL(1)
API int lms_is_processing (const lms_t *lms) GNUC_PURE GNUC_NON_NULL(1)
API int lms_get_slave_timeout (const lms_t *lms) GNUC_NON_NULL(1)
API void lms_set_slave_timeout (lms_t *lms, int ms) GNUC_NON_NULL(1)
API unsigned int lms_get_commit_interval (const lms_t *lms) GNUC_NON_NULL(1)
API void lms_set_commit_interval (lms_t *lms, unsigned int transactions) GNUC_NON_NULL(1)
API void lms_set_progress_callback (lms_t *lms, lms_progress_callback_t cb, const void *data, lms_free_callback_t free_data) GNUC_NON_NULL(1)
API lms_plugin_tlms_parser_add (lms_t *lms, const char *so_path) GNUC_NON_NULL(1
API lms_plugin_t *API
lms_parser_find_and_add (lms_t *lms, const char *name) GNUC_NON_NULL(1
API lms_plugin_t *API
lms_plugin_t *API int 
lms_parser_del (lms_t *lms, lms_plugin_t *handle) GNUC_NON_NULL(1
API lms_plugin_t *API
lms_plugin_t *API int API int 
lms_charset_add (lms_t *lms, const char *charset) GNUC_NON_NULL(1
API lms_plugin_t *API
lms_plugin_t *API int API int
API int 
lms_charset_del (lms_t *lms, const char *charset) GNUC_NON_NULL(1

Define Documentation


Definition at line 111 of file lightmediascanner.h.

#define API

Definition at line 145 of file lightmediascanner.h.

#define GNUC_CONST

Definition at line 149 of file lightmediascanner.h.


Definition at line 148 of file lightmediascanner.h.

#define GNUC_NON_NULL ( ...   ) 

Definition at line 152 of file lightmediascanner.h.


Definition at line 146 of file lightmediascanner.h.

#define GNUC_PURE

Definition at line 147 of file lightmediascanner.h.


Definition at line 150 of file lightmediascanner.h.


Definition at line 151 of file lightmediascanner.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* lms_free_callback_t)(void *data)

Definition at line 176 of file lightmediascanner.h.

typedef struct lms_plugin lms_plugin_t

Definition at line 165 of file lightmediascanner.h.

typedef void(* lms_progress_callback_t)(lms_t *lms, const char *path, int path_len, lms_progress_status_t status, void *data)

Definition at line 177 of file lightmediascanner.h.

typedef struct lms lms_t

Definition at line 164 of file lightmediascanner.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 167 of file lightmediascanner.h.

Function Documentation

API lms_plugin_t* API lms_plugin_t* API int API int lms_charset_add ( lms_t lms,
const char *  charset 

API lms_plugin_t* API lms_plugin_t* API int API int API int lms_charset_del ( lms_t lms,
const char *  charset 

API int API int API int lms_check ( lms_t lms,
const char *  top_path 

API int API int API int API int lms_check_single_process ( lms_t lms,
const char *  top_path 

API lms_plugin_t* lms_parser_add ( lms_t lms,
const char *  so_path 

API lms_plugin_t* API lms_plugin_t* API int lms_parser_del ( lms_t lms,
lms_plugin_t handle 

API lms_plugin_t* API lms_plugin_t* lms_parser_find_and_add ( lms_t lms,
const char *  name 

API int lms_process ( lms_t lms,
const char *  top_path 

API int API int lms_process_single_process ( lms_t lms,
const char *  top_path 

API void lms_set_progress_callback ( lms_t lms,
lms_progress_callback_t  cb,
const void *  data,
lms_free_callback_t  free_data 

Set callback to be used to report progress (check and process).

lms previously allocated Light Media Scanner instance.
cb function to call when files are processed or NULL to unset.
data data to give to cb when it's called, may be NULL.
free_data function to call to free data when lms is freed or new progress data is set.

Definition at line 193 of file lightmediascanner.c.

References lms::cb, lms::data, lms::free_data, and lms::progress.

API int API int API int API int API void lms_stop_processing ( lms_t lms  ) 

Definition at line 1079 of file lightmediascanner_process.c.

References lms::is_processing, and lms::stop_processing.

Generated on Sun Oct 5 12:24:54 2008 for Light Media Scanner by  doxygen 1.5.6