/* This file is part of Cinaest. * * Copyright (C) 2009 Philipp Zabel * * Cinaest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Cinaest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Cinaest. If not, see . */ using Gtk; using Hildon; class GooglePlugin : Plugin { List sources; List locations; string last_location; public override void hello (Gtk.Window window, Osso.Context context) { stdout.printf ("Google Plugin Loaded.\n"); var source = new GoogleSource (); sources = new List (); sources.append (source); locations = null; try { var config_file = Path.build_filename (Environment.get_user_config_dir (), "cinaest", "cinaest.cfg"); var keyfile = new KeyFile (); if (keyfile.load_from_file (config_file, KeyFileFlags.NONE) && keyfile.has_group ("GooglePlugin")) { if (keyfile.has_key ("GooglePlugin", "KnownLocations")) { var l = keyfile.get_string_list ("GooglePlugin", "KnownLocations"); for (int i = 0; i < l.length; i++) locations.append (l[i]); } if (keyfile.has_key ("GooglePlugin", "LastLocation")) { source.location = last_location = keyfile.get_string ("GooglePlugin", "LastLocation"); } } } catch (Error e) { if (!(e is KeyFileError.NOT_FOUND)) stdout.printf ("Error loading configuration: %s\n", e.message); } // FIXME - this forces the inclusion of config.h (void) Config.GETTEXT_PACKAGE; } public override unowned List get_sources () { return sources; } public override List get_actions (Movie movie, Gtk.Window window) { List list = null; return list; } public override void settings_dialog (Gtk.Window window) { GoogleSource source = (GoogleSource) sources.data; var dialog = new Gtk.Dialog (); dialog.set_transient_for (window); dialog.set_title (_("Google plugin settings")); var selector = new TouchSelectorEntry.text (); insert_location_sorted (source.location); foreach (string l in locations) selector.append_text (l); var button = new PickerButton (SizeType.FINGER_HEIGHT, ButtonArrangement.HORIZONTAL); button.set_title (_("Location")); button.set_selector (selector); button.set_value (source.location); var content = (VBox) dialog.get_content_area (); content.pack_start (button, true, true, 0); dialog.add_button ("Done", ResponseType.ACCEPT); dialog.show_all (); int res = dialog.run (); if (res == ResponseType.ACCEPT) { source.location = button.get_value (); if (insert_location_sorted (source.location) || source.location != last_location) { var config_dir = Path.build_filename (Environment.get_user_config_dir (), "cinaest"); var config_file = Path.build_filename (config_dir, "cinaest.cfg"); // Make sure the directory is available DirUtils.create_with_parents (config_dir, 0770); var keyfile = new KeyFile (); try { keyfile.load_from_file (config_file, KeyFileFlags.NONE); } catch (Error e) { if (!(e is KeyFileError.NOT_FOUND)) stdout.printf ("Error loading configuration: %s\n", e.message); } var l = new string[locations.length ()]; for (int i = 0; i < l.length; i++) { l[i] = locations.nth_data (i); } keyfile.set_string_list ("GooglePlugin", "KnownLocations", l); keyfile.set_string ("GooglePlugin", "LastLocation", source.location); last_location = source.location; try { var file = File.new_for_path (config_file + ".part"); var stream = file.create (FileCreateFlags.REPLACE_DESTINATION, null); var data = keyfile.to_data (); stream.write (data, data.length, null); FileUtils.rename (config_file + ".part", config_file); } catch (Error e) { stdout.printf ("Failed to store configuration: %s\n", e.message); } } } dialog.destroy (); } private bool insert_location_sorted (string? location) { if (location == null) return false; if (locations != null) { for (unowned List l = locations.first (); l != null; l = l.next) { if (l.data == location) { return false; } if (l.data > location) { l.insert (location, 0); return true; } } } locations.append (location); return true; } public override unowned string get_name () { return "Google"; } } class GoogleSource : MovieSource { public string location; public string description; public override async void get_movies (MovieFilter filter, MovieSource.ReceiveMovieFunction callback, int limit, Cancellable? cancellable) { var parser = new GoogleParser (); yield parser.query (filter, location, callback, cancellable); if (location == null) { location = parser.location; } } public override void add_movie (Movie movie) { } public override void delete_movie (Movie movie) { } public override unowned string get_name () { return _("Google"); } public override unowned string get_description () { if (location != null && location != "") { description = _("Movie Showtimes near %s").printf (location); } else { description = _("Movie Showtimes"); } return description; } public override bool get_editable () { return false; } } [ModuleInit] public Type register_plugin () { // types are registered automatically return typeof (GooglePlugin); }