/* This file is part of Cinaest. * * Copyright (C) 2009 Philipp Zabel * * Cinaest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Cinaest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Cinaest. If not, see . */ using Sqlite; class IMDbSqlite : Object { Database db; List genres; public delegate void ReceiveMovieFunction (string title, string? aka, int year, int rating, int genres); public IMDbSqlite (string filename) { int rc; genres = new List (); rc = Database.open (filename, out db); if (rc != Sqlite.OK) { stderr.printf ("Can't open database: %d, %s\n", rc, db.errmsg ()); return; } rc = db.exec ("PRAGMA journal_mode = OFF;", callback, null); if (rc != Sqlite.OK) { stderr.printf ("Can't turn off journal mode: %d, %s\n", rc, db.errmsg ()); return; } rc = db.exec ("PRAGMA locking_mode = EXCLUSIVE;", callback, null); if (rc != Sqlite.OK) { stderr.printf ("Can't get exclusive lock: %d, %s\n", rc, db.errmsg ()); return; } rc = db.exec ("PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;", callback, null); if (rc != Sqlite.OK) stderr.printf ("Can't turn off synchronous access: %d, %s\n", rc, db.errmsg ()); } public static int callback (int n_columns, string[] values, string[] column_names) { for (int i = 0; i < n_columns; i++) { stdout.printf ("%s = %s\n", column_names[i], values[i]); } stdout.printf ("\n"); return 0; } Statement add_statement = null; public int add_movie (string title, int year) { int rc; if (add_statement == null) { string sql = "INSERT INTO Movies(Title, Year) VALUES (?, ?);"; assert (db.prepare_v2 (sql, -1, out add_statement) == Sqlite.OK); } assert (add_statement.bind_text (1, title) == Sqlite.OK); assert (add_statement.bind_int (2, year) == Sqlite.OK); rc = add_statement.step (); if (rc != Sqlite.DONE) { if (rc == Sqlite.CONSTRAINT) stderr.printf ("Skipped duplicate \"%s\" (%d)\n", title, year); else stderr.printf ("Failed to insert movie \"%s\" (%d): %d, %s\n", title, year, rc, db.errmsg ()); add_statement.reset (); return 1; } add_statement.reset (); return 0; } Statement rating_statement = null; public int movie_set_rating (string title, int rating, int votes) { int rc; if (rating_statement == null) { var sql = "UPDATE Movies SET Rating=?, Votes=? WHERE Title=?;"; assert (db.prepare_v2 (sql, -1, out rating_statement) == Sqlite.OK); } assert (rating_statement.bind_int (1, rating) == Sqlite.OK); assert (rating_statement.bind_int (2, votes) == Sqlite.OK); assert (rating_statement.bind_text (3, title) == Sqlite.OK); rc = rating_statement.step (); if (rc != Sqlite.DONE) { stderr.printf ("Failed to set rating %d(%d) for \"%s\": %d, %s\n", rating, votes, title, rc, db.errmsg ()); rating_statement.reset (); return 1; } rating_statement.reset (); return 0; } Statement genre_statement = null; public int movie_add_genre (string title, string genre) { string sql; int bit; int rc; bit = genre_bit (genre); if (bit == 0) { genres.append (genre); bit = genre_bit (genre); sql = "INSERT INTO Genres(Bit, Genre) VALUES (%d, \"%s\");".printf (bit, genre); rc = db.exec (sql, callback, null); if (rc != Sqlite.OK) { stderr.printf ("SQL error: %d, %s\n", rc, db.errmsg ()); return 1; } } if (genre_statement == null) { sql = "UPDATE Movies SET Genres=Genres|? WHERE Title=?;"; assert (db.prepare_v2 (sql, -1, out genre_statement) == Sqlite.OK); } assert (genre_statement.bind_int (1, bit) == Sqlite.OK); assert (genre_statement.bind_text (2, title) == Sqlite.OK); rc = genre_statement.step (); if (rc != Sqlite.DONE) { stderr.printf ("Failed to add genre %s to \"%s\": %d, %s\n", genre, title, rc, db.errmsg ()); rating_statement.reset (); return 1; } genre_statement.reset (); return 0; } int genre_bit (string genre) { for (int i = 0; i < genres.length (); i++) { if (genres.nth_data (i) == genre) return 1 << i; } return 0; } Statement aka_statement = null; public int add_aka (string title, string aka) { int rc; int rowid; if (!movie_exists (title, out rowid)) return 1; if (aka_statement == null) { string sql = "INSERT INTO Akas(Aka, TitleID) VALUES (?, ?);"; assert (db.prepare_v2 (sql, -1, out aka_statement) == Sqlite.OK); } assert (aka_statement.bind_text (1, aka) == Sqlite.OK); assert (aka_statement.bind_int (2, rowid) == Sqlite.OK); rc = aka_statement.step (); if (rc != Sqlite.DONE) { stderr.printf ("Failed to add aka \"%s\" to \"%s\": %d, %s\n", aka, title, rc, db.errmsg ()); aka_statement.reset (); return 1; } aka_statement.reset (); return 0; } Statement plot_statement = null; public int add_plot (string title, string plot, string? author) { int rc; int rowid; if (!movie_exists (title, out rowid)) return 1; if (plot_statement == null) { var sql = "INSERT INTO Plots(rowid, Plot, Author) VALUES (?, ?, ?);"; assert (db.prepare_v2 (sql, -1, out plot_statement) == Sqlite.OK); } assert (plot_statement.bind_int (1, rowid) == Sqlite.OK); assert (plot_statement.bind_text (2, plot.replace ("\"", """)) == Sqlite.OK); if (author != null) assert (plot_statement.bind_text (3, author) == Sqlite.OK); else assert (plot_statement.bind_null (3) == Sqlite.OK); rc = plot_statement.step (); if (rc != Sqlite.DONE) { stderr.printf ("Failed to add plot for \"%s\": %d, %s\n", title, rc, db.errmsg ()); plot_statement.reset (); return 1; } plot_statement.reset (); return 0; } Statement person_statement = null; public int add_person (string name) { int rc; if (person_statement == null) { string sql = "INSERT INTO People(Name) VALUES (?);"; rc = db.prepare_v2 (sql, -1, out person_statement); if (rc != Sqlite.OK) { error ("Failed to prepare statement \"" + sql + "\": " + db.errmsg ()); } } assert (person_statement.bind_text (1, name) == Sqlite.OK); rc = person_statement.step (); if (rc != Sqlite.DONE) { if (rc == Sqlite.CONSTRAINT) stderr.printf ("Skipped duplicate person \"%s\"\n", name); else stderr.printf ("Failed to insert person \"%s\": %d, %s\n", name, rc, db.errmsg ()); person_statement.reset (); return 1; } person_statement.reset (); return 0; } Statement actor_statement; public int add_actor (string name, string title, string? info, string? character, int number = 0) { int actorid; int titleid; int rc; if (!person_exists (name, out actorid)) return 1; if (!movie_exists (title, out titleid)) return 1; if (actor_statement == null) { string sql = "INSERT INTO Actors(ActorID, TitleID, Info, Character, Number) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"; assert (db.prepare_v2 (sql, -1, out actor_statement) == Sqlite.OK); } assert (actor_statement.bind_int (1, actorid) == Sqlite.OK); assert (actor_statement.bind_int (2, titleid) == Sqlite.OK); if (info != null) assert (actor_statement.bind_text (3, info) == Sqlite.OK); else assert (actor_statement.bind_null (3) == Sqlite.OK); if (character != null) assert (actor_statement.bind_text (4, character) == Sqlite.OK); else assert (actor_statement.bind_null (4) == Sqlite.OK); assert (actor_statement.bind_int (5, number) == Sqlite.OK); rc = actor_statement.step (); if (rc != Sqlite.DONE) { stderr.printf ("Failed to insert actor \"%s\": %d, %s\n", name, rc, db.errmsg ()); actor_statement.reset (); return 1; } actor_statement.reset (); return 0; } Statement exists_statement = null; public bool movie_exists (string title, out int rowid = null) { if (exists_statement == null) { string sql = "SELECT rowid FROM Movies WHERE Title=?"; assert (db.prepare_v2 (sql, -1, out exists_statement) == Sqlite.OK); } assert (exists_statement.bind_text (1, title) == Sqlite.OK); int rc = Sqlite.OK; do { rc = exists_statement.step (); if (rc == Sqlite.ROW) { if (&rowid != null) { rowid = exists_statement.column_int (0); } exists_statement.reset (); return true; } } while (rc == Sqlite.ROW); exists_statement.reset (); return false; } Statement person_exists_statement = null; public bool person_exists (string name, out int rowid = null) { if (person_exists_statement == null) { string sql = "SELECT rowid FROM People WHERE Name=?"; assert (db.prepare_v2 (sql, -1, out person_exists_statement) == Sqlite.OK); } assert (person_exists_statement.bind_text (1, name) == Sqlite.OK); int rc = Sqlite.OK; do { rc = person_exists_statement.step (); if (rc == Sqlite.ROW) { if (&rowid != null) { rowid = person_exists_statement.column_int (0); } person_exists_statement.reset (); return true; } } while (rc == Sqlite.ROW); person_exists_statement.reset (); return false; } public int count (string table) { string sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM %s".printf (table); Statement stmt; int rc; int count = 0; rc = db.prepare_v2 (sql, -1, out stmt); if (rc != Sqlite.OK) { stderr.printf ("SQL error: %d, %s\n", rc, db.errmsg ()); db.progress_handler (0, null); return 0; } do { rc = stmt.step (); if (rc == Sqlite.ROW) { count = stmt.column_int (0); } } while (rc == Sqlite.ROW); return count; } public bool has_table (string table) { string sql = "SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type=\"table\" AND name=\"%s\"".printf (table); Statement stmt; int rc; rc = db.prepare_v2 (sql, -1, out stmt); if (rc != Sqlite.OK) { stderr.printf ("SQL error: %d, %s\n", rc, db.errmsg ()); db.progress_handler (0, null); return false; } do { rc = stmt.step (); if (rc == Sqlite.ROW) return true; } while (rc == Sqlite.ROW); return false; } public string get_plot (string title) { string sql = "SELECT Plot FROM Plots WHERE rowid in (SELECT rowid FROM Movies WHERE Title=\"%s\")".printf (title); Statement stmt; int rc; int count = 0; rc = db.prepare_v2 (sql, -1, out stmt); if (rc != Sqlite.OK) { stderr.printf ("SQL error: %d, %s\n", rc, db.errmsg ()); db.progress_handler (0, null); return ""; } do { rc = stmt.step (); if (rc == Sqlite.ROW) { return stmt.column_text (0).replace (""", "\""); } } while (rc == Sqlite.ROW); return ""; } public List get_cast (string title) { int rowid; string sql = "SELECT Name,Character FROM Actors,People WHERE TitleID IN (SELECT rowid FROM Movies WHERE Title=\"%s\") AND ActorID=People.rowid AND Number>0 ORDER BY NUMBER LIMIT 3".printf (title); Statement stmt; int rc; int count = 0; var cast = new List (); if (!movie_exists (title, out rowid)) return null; rc = db.prepare_v2 (sql, -1, out stmt); if (rc != Sqlite.OK) { stderr.printf ("SQL error: %d, %s\n", rc, db.errmsg ()); return null; } do { rc = stmt.step (); if (rc == Sqlite.ROW) { var role = new Role (); role.actor_name = stmt.column_text (0); role.character = stmt.column_text (1); cast.append (role); } } while (rc == Sqlite.ROW); return cast; } public int clear () { int rc; rc = db.exec ( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Movies;" + "CREATE TABLE Movies (Title TEXT PRIMARY KEY COLLATE NOCASE, Year INTEGER, Rating INTEGER, Votes INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, Genres INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0);" + "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Genres;" + "CREATE TABLE Genres (Bit INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Genre TEXT NOT NULL);" + "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Akas;" + "CREATE TABLE Akas (Aka TEXT NOT NULL COLLATE NOCASE, TitleID INTEGER NOT NULL);" + "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Plots;" + "CREATE TABLE Plots (Plot TEXT NOT NULL, Author TEXT);" + "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS People;" + "CREATE TABLE People (Name TEXT PRIMARY KEY COLLATE NOCASE);" + "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Actors;" + "CREATE TABLE Actors (ActorID INTEGER NOT NULL, TitleID INTEGER NOT NULL, Info TEXT, Character TEXT, Number INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0);" + "CREATE INDEX MovieCast ON Actors(TitleID);" + "CREATE INDEX ActorFilmography ON Actors(ActorID);", callback, null); if (rc != Sqlite.OK) { stderr.printf ("SQL error: %d, %s\n", rc, db.errmsg ()); return 1; } return 0; } public int create_aka_index () { int rc; rc = db.exec ("CREATE INDEX AkasAka ON Akas(Aka);", callback, null); if (rc != Sqlite.OK) { stderr.printf ("SQL error: %d, %s\n", rc, db.errmsg ()); return 1; } return 0; } public int create_votes_index () { int rc; rc = db.exec ("CREATE INDEX MovieVotes ON Movies(Votes);", callback, null); if (rc != Sqlite.OK) { stderr.printf ("SQL error: %d, %s\n", rc, db.errmsg ()); return 1; } return 0; } private Cancellable? _cancellable; public async int query (MovieFilter filter, ReceiveMovieFunction receive_movie, int limit, Cancellable? cancellable) { var sql = "SELECT Title, Year, Rating, Genres FROM Movies"; var sep = " WHERE "; string match = null; Statement stmt; int rc; // FIXME - how many opcodes until main loop iteration for best responsivity? _cancellable = cancellable; db.progress_handler (1000, progress_handler); if (filter.title != null && filter.title != "") { if ("*" in filter.title) { match = "GLOB \"%s (*)\"".printf (filter.title); } else { match = "LIKE \"%s%%\"".printf (filter.title); } sql += sep + "(Title %s OR rowid IN (SELECT TitleID FROM Akas WHERE Aka %s))".printf (match, match); sep = " AND "; } if (filter.year_min > 0) { sql += sep + "Year >= %d".printf (filter.year_min); sep = " AND "; } if (filter.year_max > 0) { sql += sep + "Year <= %d".printf (filter.year_max); sep = " AND "; } if (filter.rating_min > 0) { sql += sep + "Rating >= %d".printf (filter.rating_min); sep = " AND "; } if (filter.genres.field != 0) { sql += sep + "Genres&%d = %d".printf (filter.genres.field, filter.genres.field); } sql += " ORDER BY Votes DESC LIMIT %d;".printf (limit + 1); stdout.printf("SQL: \"%s\"\n", sql); rc = db.prepare_v2 (sql, -1, out stmt); if (rc != Sqlite.OK) { stderr.printf ("SQL error: %d, %s\n", rc, db.errmsg ()); db.progress_handler (0, null); return 0; } int n = 0; do { if (++n > limit) break; Idle.add (query.callback); yield; rc = stmt.step (); if (rc == Sqlite.ROW) { int year = stmt.column_int (1); string title = stmt.column_text (0); int rating; if (stmt.column_type (2) != Sqlite.NULL) rating = stmt.column_int (2); else rating = -1; int genres = stmt.column_int (3); string aka = null; if (match != null && !(filter.matches_title (strip_year (title, year)))) { aka = movie_aka (title, match); if (aka != null) aka = strip_year (aka, year); } receive_movie (strip_year (title, year), aka, year, rating, genres); } } while (rc == Sqlite.ROW); db.progress_handler (0, null); return n; } private string? movie_aka (string title, string match) { string sql = "SELECT Aka FROM Akas WHERE (TitleID = (SELECT rowid FROM Movies WHERE Title = \"%s\") AND Aka %s) LIMIT 1;".printf (title, match); Statement stmt; int rc; string aka = null; rc = db.prepare_v2 (sql, -1, out stmt); if (rc != Sqlite.OK) { stderr.printf ("SQL error: %d, %s\n", rc, db.errmsg ()); return null; } do { rc = stmt.step (); if (rc == Sqlite.ROW) { aka = stmt.column_text (0); } } while (rc == Sqlite.ROW); return aka; } private int progress_handler () { ((MainContext) null).iteration (false); return (int) _cancellable.is_cancelled (); } private string strip_year (string title, int year) { string year_suffix = " (%d)".printf (year); if (title.has_suffix (year_suffix)) return title.substring (0, title.length - year_suffix.length); year_suffix = " (%d/I)".printf (year); if (title.has_suffix (year_suffix)) return title.substring (0, title.length - year_suffix.length); year_suffix = " (%d/II)".printf (year); if (title.has_suffix (year_suffix)) return title.substring (0, title.length - year_suffix.length); return title.dup (); } }