import QtQuick 1.0 Rectangle { id: linePad property alias currentLine: inputLine.text /* List of available lines - will be filled w/ real data by LineSheet */ property variant availableLines: ['59A', '63A', '58'] property variant matches: availableLines onMatchesChanged: { if (matches !== undefined) { if (matches.length == 1) { inputLine.text = matches[0]; } } } function getMatches(prefix) { var result = []; for (var i in availableLines) { var line = availableLines[i]; if (line.indexOf(prefix) == 0) { result.push(line); } } return result; } height: 800 width: 480 Text { id: inputLine horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter height: 100 anchors { top: left: parent.left right: parent.right } font { pixelSize: height * .9 bold: true } text: '' onTextChanged: { if (text != '') { linePad.matches = linePad.getMatches(text); } else { linePad.matches = linePad.availableLines; } } Image { source: 'image://theme/icon-m-toolbar-backspace' anchors { verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter right: parent.right margins: 20 } MouseArea { anchors { fill: parent margins: -(inputLine.height - height)/2 } onClicked: inputLine.text = '' } } } Item { id: inputState property bool isMetro: inputLine.text[0] == 'U' } Repeater { model: [1,2,3, 4,5,6, 7,8,9, 'A',0,'B', 'D','U','VRT', 'O','N','WLB'] Rectangle { id: inputElement property variant ch: modelData property bool isCandidate isCandidate: { for (var i in linePad.matches) { if (ch == matches[i][inputLine.text.length]) { return true; } else if ((ch == 'VRT' || ch == 'WLB') && inputLine.text == '') { return true; } } return false; } opacity: isCandidate?1:.15 Behavior on opacity { PropertyAnimation { } } color: { if (inputState.isMetro) { switch (ch) { case 1: return '#E20A16'; case 2: return '#764785'; case 3: return '#F76013'; case 4: return '#008131'; case 6: return '#88471F'; } } return (index%2?'#ddd':'#eee'); } width: parent.width/3 height: (parent.height-inputLine.height)/6 x: width*(index%3) y: inputLine.height + height*parseInt(index/3) Text { anchors.centerIn: parent text: modelData font { pixelSize: parent.height * .5 bold: true } color: { if (inputState.isMetro) { return 'white'; } else if (inputElement.isCandidate) { return 'black'; } return '#ddd'; } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { inputLine.text += modelData } } } } }