import QtQuick 1.1 Rectangle { id: reel property alias interactive: path.interactive property int index: 0 property bool moving: false property ListModel model property Component delegate property int itemsShown: 4 property bool autoClose: true property alias closingDelay: clippingTimer.interval property int closingTimeout: 800 function open() { focus = true; clip = false } function close() { clip = true } function toggle() { clip ? open() : close() } function shiftZ(obj, delta) { if (typeof obj.z != 'undefined') obj.z += delta if (obj.parent) shiftZ(obj.parent, delta) // Set z recursively to parent } width: 100 height: 100 color: "transparent" clip: true // Close reel when the focus is lost onFocusChanged: if (!focus) close() // Bring to front if not clipped onClipChanged: { clip ? shiftZ(reel, -500) : shiftZ(reel, 500) } onIndexChanged: path.currentIndex = reel.index PathView { id: path width: parent.width height: (pathItemCount-1)*parent.height pathItemCount: parent.itemsShown+1 clip: true anchors.centerIn: parent model: parent.model delegate: reel.delegate preferredHighlightBegin: 0.5 preferredHighlightEnd: 0.5 highlightRangeMode: PathView.StrictlyEnforceRange focus: false path: Path { startX: path.x+path.width/2; startY: 1-reel.height/2 PathLine {x: path.x+path.width/2; y: path.height+reel.height/2-1} } onMovementStarted: {} onMovementEnded: { reel.index = path.currentIndex; parent.mouseoff() } Timer { id: clippingTimer repeat: false; interval: reel.closingTimeout; triggeredOnStart: false; onTriggered: reel.close() } } }