import Qt 4.7 import 1.0 import QtWebKit 1.0 Item { id: articlePage property int buffer: 60 property string mainArticleId: parent.mainArticleId; property string feedid: parent.feedid property bool zoomEnabled: false property bool vertPanningEnabled: true width: parent.width; height: parent.height; property int webviewFontSize: settings.webviewFontSize Flipable { id: flipable front: flickableBack back: flickableFront width: parent.width height: parent.height property bool flipped: false property int targetAngle: 0 state: "back" transform: Rotation { id: rotation origin.x: flipable.width/2 origin.y: flipable.height/2 axis.x: 0; axis.y: 1; axis.z: 0 // set axis.y to 1 to rotate around y-axis angle: 0 // the default angle } states: [State { name: "back" PropertyChanges { target: rotation; angle: 180 } when: flipable.flipped }, State { name: "front" PropertyChanges { target: rotation; angle: 0 } when: !flipable.flipped }] transitions: Transition { NumberAnimation { target: rotation; property: "angle"; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad; duration: 500 } } function flipRight() { targetAngle = rotation.angle + 180 flipable.flipped = !flipable.flipped //flipped = !flipped } function flipLeft() { targetAngle = rotation.angle - 180 flipable.flipped = !flipable.flipped //flipped = !flipped } } Flickable { id: flickableFront //anchors.fill: screen; height: articlePage.height; width: articlePage.width; contentWidth: boundsRecFront.width contentHeight: boundsRecFront.height //contentWidth: childrenRect.width; contentHeight: childrenRect.height //interactive: parent.vertPanningEnabled; flickDeceleration: 1500; //flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick property bool contentIsReady: false Rectangle { id: boundsRecFront color: "white" width: webViewFront.width*webViewFront.scale + 2*buffer height: Math.max(articlePage.height,webViewFront.height*webViewFront.scale) WebView { id: webViewFront anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter //url: flipItem.url; html: controller.getArticle(articlePage.feedid, articlePage.mainArticleId); preferredWidth: articlePage.width //preferredHeight: articleView.height //scale: 1.25; transformOrigin: Item.TopLeft //scale: slider.value; settings.defaultFontSize: articlePage.webviewFontSize onLoadFinished: { flickableFront.contentX = buffer //flickable.width/2 flickableFront.contentIsReady = true flipable.flipRight(); } } // onFlickStarted: { // console.log("start contentx"+contentX) // console.log("start contenty"+contentY) // } } Behavior on contentX { id: contentXBehavior enabled: flickableFront.contentIsReady NumberAnimation { duration: 200 } } onMovingHorizontallyChanged: { if (!movingHorizontally && (!atXBeginning || !atXEnd)) { flickableFront.contentX = buffer //flickable.width/2 } } onAtXBeginningChanged: { if (atXBeginning && contentIsReady) { flickableBack.contentIsReady = false //console.log("previous") articlePage.mainArticleId = controller.getNextId(articlePage.feedid,articlePage.mainArticleId) // if (flipable.side == Flipable.Back) { // webViewFront.html = controller.getArticle(articlePage.feedid, articlePage.mainArticleId); // } else { webViewBack.html = controller.getArticle(articlePage.feedid, articlePage.mainArticleId); // } //flickableBack.contentY = 0 flickableFront.contentX = buffer //flipable.flipped = !flipable.flipped //flipable.flipLeft() } } onAtXEndChanged: { if (atXEnd && contentIsReady) { //console.log("next") flickableBack.contentIsReady = false articlePage.mainArticleId = controller.getPreviousId(articlePage.feedid,articlePage.mainArticleId) // if (flipable.side == Flipable.Back) { // webViewFront.html = controller.getArticle(articlePage.feedid, articlePage.mainArticleId); // } else { webViewBack.html = controller.getArticle(articlePage.feedid, articlePage.mainArticleId); // } //flickableBack.contentY = 0 flickableFront.contentX = buffer //flipable.flipped = !flipable.flipped //flipable.flipRight(); } } } Flickable { id: flickableBack //anchors.fill: screen; height: articlePage.height; width: articlePage.width; contentWidth: boundsRecBack.width contentHeight: boundsRecBack.height //contentWidth: childrenRect.width; contentHeight: childrenRect.height //interactive: parent.vertPanningEnabled; flickDeceleration: 1500; //flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick property bool contentIsReady: false Rectangle { id: boundsRecBack color: "white" width: webViewBack.width*webViewBack.scale + 2*buffer // flickable.width height: Math.max(articlePage.height,webViewBack.height*webViewBack.scale) WebView { id: webViewBack anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter //url: flipItem.url; preferredWidth: articlePage.width //preferredHeight: articleView.height //scale: 1.25; transformOrigin: Item.TopLeft //scale: slider.value; settings.defaultFontSize: articlePage.webviewFontSize onLoadFinished: { flickableBack.contentX = buffer //flickable.width/2 flickableBack.contentIsReady = true flipable.flipRight(); } } // onFlickStarted: { // console.log("start contentx"+contentX) // console.log("start contenty"+contentY) // } } Behavior on contentX { id: contentXBehaviorBack enabled: flickableBack.contentIsReady NumberAnimation { duration: 200 } } onMovingHorizontallyChanged: { if (!movingHorizontally && (!atXBeginning || !atXEnd)) { flickableBack.contentX = buffer //flickable.width/2 } } onAtXBeginningChanged: { if (atXBeginning && contentIsReady) { flickableFront.contentIsReady = false //console.log("previous") articlePage.mainArticleId = controller.getNextId(articlePage.feedid,articlePage.mainArticleId) // if (flipable.side == Flipable.Back) { webViewFront.html = controller.getArticle(articlePage.feedid, articlePage.mainArticleId); // } else { // webViewBack.html = controller.getArticle(articlePage.feedid, articlePage.mainArticleId); // } //flickableFront.contentY = 0 //flickableBack.contentX = buffer //flipable.flipped = !flipable.flipped //flipable.flipLeft() } } onAtXEndChanged: { if (atXEnd && contentIsReady) { flickableFront.contentIsReady = false //console.log("next") articlePage.mainArticleId = controller.getPreviousId(articlePage.feedid,articlePage.mainArticleId) // if (flipable.side == Flipable.Back) { webViewFront.html = controller.getArticle(articlePage.feedid, articlePage.mainArticleId); // } else { // webViewBack.html = controller.getArticle(articlePage.feedid, articlePage.mainArticleId); // } //flickableFront.contentY = 0 //flickableBack.contentX = buffer //flipable.flipped = !flipable.flipped //flipable.flipRight(); } } } // ListView { // id: articleView; // model: articlesModel; // delegate: viewer; // property int webviewFontSize: settings.webviewFontSize // orientation: ListView.Horizontal // width: parent.width; // height: updateBarArticles.visible? parent.height-updateBarArticles.height : parent.height; // //onCurrentIndexChanged: articleView.positionViewAtIndex(currentIndex, ListView.Contain) // highlightRangeMode: ListView.StrictlyEnforceRange; snapMode: ListView.SnapOneItem // cacheBuffer: width; // onMovementStarted: articlePage.vertPanningEnabled=false; // onMovementEnded: articlePage.vertPanningEnabled=true; // highlightMoveDuration: 300; // clip: true // boundsBehavior: Flickable.DragOverBounds // onCurrentIndexChanged: { // if (currentIndex >= count-1) { // articlesModel.append({articleid: controller.getNextId(feedid, articlesModel.get(currentIndex).articleid)}) // } // } // onCountChanged: { // if (count == 3) { // articleView.currentIndex = 1 // } // } // } ProgressBar { id: updateBarArticles minimumValue: 0 maximumValue: 100 value: window.updateProgressValue visible: window.isUpdateInProgress width: parent.width anchors.bottom: parent.bottom } ListModel { id: articlesModel } Component { id: viewer Item { id: flipItem; width: articleDisplay.width; height: articleView.height; //property string url: (articleView.visible && Math.abs(articleView.currentIndex-index)<2) ? path: ""; property string html: controller.getArticle(articlePage.feedid, articleid) ArticleDisplay { id: articleDisplay zoomEnabled: articlePage.zoomEnabled; property bool vertPanningEnabled: articlePage.vertPanningEnabled; states: [ State { name: 'articleIsRead'; when: articleView.currentIndex == index; StateChangeScript { name: "myScript" script: { //flipItem.url=path; controller.setEntryRead(articlePage.feedid, articleid) // if (articlesModel.count==1) { // timer.start() // } } } } ] } } } Component.onCompleted: { articlesModel.append({articleid: mainArticleId}) //articlesModel.append({articleid: controller.getPreviousId(feedid, mainArticleId)}) //articleView.currentIndex = 1 } // Timer { // id: timer // interval: 500; running: false; repeat: false // onTriggered: { // articlesModel.insert(0,{articleid: controller.getNextId(feedid, mainArticleId)}) // articlesModel.append({articleid: controller.getPreviousId(feedid, mainArticleId)}) // } // } }