Check-Script: patch-systems Author: Marc Brockschmidt Abbrev: pat Type: source Unpack-Level: 1 Info: This script checks for various possible problems when using patch systems Needs-Info: debfiles Tag: dpatch-build-dep-but-no-patch-list Type: warning Info: Using dpatch requires you to explicitly list all patches you want to apply in debian/patches/00list. This package build-depends on dpatch, but does not provide a patch list. . You should either remove the dpatch build dependency or add a patch list. Tag: dpatch-index-references-non-existent-patch Type: error Info: In the 00list file listing all your dpatches, you referenced a file that does not exist. This will lead to a fatal error when calling dpatch. Tag: dpatch-missing-description Type: warning Info: dpatch files should carry a description of the function of the included patch. Description lines start with "## DP:". Tag: quilt-build-dep-but-no-series-file Type: warning Info: Using quilt requires you to explicitly list all patches you want to apply in debian/patches/series. This package build-depends on quilt, but does not provide a patch list. . You should either remove the quilt build dependency or add a series file. Tag: quilt-series-but-no-build-dep Type: warning Info: The package contains a debian/patches/series file usually used by quilt to apply patches at build time, but quilt is not listed in the build dependencies. . You should either remove the series file if it's effectively not useful or add quilt to the build-dependencies if quilt is used during the build process. . If you don't need quilt during build but only during maintenance work, then you can override this warning. Tag: quilt-patch-with-non-standard-options Type: warning Info: The quilt series file contains non-standard options to apply some of the listed patches. Quilt uses '-p1' by default if nothing is specified after the name of the patch and the current series file specify something else for some of the patches listed. . For compatibility with the source "3.0 (quilt)" source package format, you should avoid using any option at all and make sure that your patches apply with "-p1". This can be done by refreshing all patches like this: quilt pop -a; while quilt push; do quilt refresh -pab; done Tag: quilt-series-references-non-existent-patch Type: error Info: In the series file listing all your quilt patches, you referenced a file that does not exist. This will lead to a fatal error when calling quilt. Tag: patch-modifying-debian-files Type: error Info: A patch stored in debian/patches/ should never modify files in the debian directory (even when it's only creating new files) because the debian directory is always directly provided by the Debian packaging. And you shouldn't have to modify what you choose to provide in the first place. . If the patch provides a new file (say a manual page), place that file in the upstream directory hierarchy as if it was ready to be submitted. Tag: patch-system-but-direct-changes-in-diff Type: warning Info: The package uses a patch-system, but the Debian diff.gz contains changes made on files without being separated out in a patch. Tag: more-than-one-patch-system Type: warning Info: The build-dependencies list more than one patch system and it's unlikely that you need both at the same time. . Currently lintian knows only dpatch and quilt.