Check-Script: init.d Author: Christian Schwarz Abbrev: ini Type: binary Needs-Info: init.d Unpack-Level: 1 Tag: duplicate-updaterc.d-calls-in-postinst Type: error Info: The postinst script calls update-rc.d several times for the same /etc/init.d script. Tag: output-of-updaterc.d-not-redirected-to-dev-null Type: info Info: The output messages of the update-rc.d command should be redirected to /dev/null because it is currently very chatty per default. Tag: preinst-calls-updaterc.d Type: error Info: The preinst package calls update-rc.d. Instead, you should call it in the postinst script. Ref: policy Tag: duplicate-updaterc.d-calls-in-postrm Type: error Info: The postrm script calls update-rc.d several times for the same /etc/init.d script. Tag: prerm-calls-updaterc.d Type: error Info: The prerm package calls update-rc.d. Instead, you should call it in the postrm script. Ref: policy Tag: postrm-does-not-call-updaterc.d-for-init.d-script Type: error Info: An /etc/init.d script which has been registered in the postinst script is not de-registered in the postrm script. Tag: postrm-contains-additional-updaterc.d-calls Type: error Info: The postrm de-registers an /etc/init.d script which has not been registered in the postinst script before. Tag: file-in-etc-rc.d-marked-as-conffile Type: error Ref: policy 9.3.3 Info: The symbolic links in /etc/rc?.d may not be marked as conffiles. Tag: init.d-script-not-marked-as-conffile Type: warning Ref: policy 9.3.2 Info: /etc/init.d scripts should be marked as conffiles. . This is usually an error, but the Policy allows for managing these files manually in maintainer scripts and Lintian cannot reliably detect that. Tag: init.d-script-does-not-implement-required-option Type: error Info: The /etc/init.d scripts have to support the following command line arguments: start, stop, restart, force-reload. Tag: init.d-script-not-included-in-package Type: error Info: The /etc/init.d script is registered in the postinst script, but is not included in the package. Tag: script-in-etc-init.d-not-registered-via-update-rc.d Type: warning Info: The package installs an /etc/init.d script which is not registered in the postinst script. This is usually a bug, unless you omit the links intentionally for some reason or create the links some other way. Tag: init.d-script-has-duplicate-lsb-section Type: error Ref: Info: This /etc/init.d script has more than one LSB keyword section. These sections start with ### BEGIN INIT INFO and end with ### END INIT INFO. There should be only one such section per init script. Tag: init.d-script-has-unterminated-lsb-section Type: error Ref: Info: This /etc/init.d script has an LSB keyword section starting with ### BEGIN INIT INFO but either has no matching ### END INIT INFO or has lines between those two markers that are not comments. The line number given is the first line that doesn't look like part of an LSB keyword section. There must be an end marker after all the keyword settings and there must not be any lines between those markers that do not begin with #. Tag: init.d-script-has-duplicate-lsb-keyword Type: warning Ref: Info: The given keyword was set twice in the LSB keyword section in this /etc/init.d script. This is probably a mistake; the behavior of setting the same keyword twice is undefined. Tag: init.d-script-has-unknown-lsb-keyword Type: warning Ref: Info: The given keyword was set in the LSB keyword section in this /etc/init.d script but isn't one of the known LSB keywords and doesn't begin with X-. One of the standard keywords may have been misspelled. Tag: init.d-script-has-bad-lsb-line Type: warning Ref: Info: This line in the LSB keyword section of an /etc/init.d script doesn't match the required formatting of that section. Note that keyword settings must start with #, a single space, the keyword, a colon, and some whitespace, followed by the value (if any). Only the Description keyword allows continuation lines, and continuation lines must begin with # and either a tab or two or more spaces. Tag: init.d-script-missing-lsb-section Type: warning Ref: Info: This /etc/init.d script does not have an LSB keyword section (or the ### BEGIN INIT INFO tag is incorrect). This section provides description and runlevel information in a standard format and provides dependency information that can be used to parallelize the boot process. Please consider adding it. Tag: init.d-script-missing-lsb-keyword Type: warning Ref: Info: This /etc/init.d script has an LSB keyword section, but it is missing the given required LSB keyword. If the value of this keyword should be empty, please still include it in the LSB keyword section with an empty value. Tag: init.d-script-missing-lsb-short-description Type: info Ref: Info: This /etc/init.d script has an LSB keyword section, but it is missing a Short-Description LSB keyword. This field isn't directly used currently, but adding it is still a good idea for documentation purposes. Tag: init.d-script-has-bad-start-runlevel Type: warning Ref: Info: The given runlevel specified in the Default-Start keyword of the LSB keyword section of this /etc/init.d script isn't one of the recognized standard runlevels (S, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6). Tag: init.d-script-has-bad-stop-runlevel Type: warning Ref: Info: The given runlevel specified in the Default-Stop keyword of the LSB keyword section of this /etc/init.d script isn't one of the recognized standard runlevels (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6). Tag: init.d-script-has-conflicting-start-stop Type: warning Ref: Info: The given runlevel was included in both the Default-Start and Default-Stop keywords of the LSB keyword section of this /etc/init.d script. Since it doesn't make sense to both start and stop a service in the same runlevel, there is probably an error in one or the other of these keywords. Tag: init-d-script-stops-in-s-runlevel Type: warning Info: This /etc/init.d script specifies the S runlevel in Default-Stop in its LSB keyword section. The S runlevel is not a real runlevel and is only used during boot. There is no way to switch to it and hence no use for stop scripts for it, so S should be removed from Default-Stop.