Check-Script: debhelper Author: Joey Hess Abbrev: dh Type: source Unpack-Level: 2 Info: This looks for common mistakes in debhelper source packages. Needs-Info: debfiles, source-control-file Tag: maintainer-script-lacks-debhelper-token Type: warning Info: This package is built using debhelper commands that may modify maintainer scripts, but the maintainer scripts do not contain the "#DEBHELPER#" token debhelper uses to modify them. . Adding the token to the scripts is recommended. Tag: package-uses-debhelper-but-lacks-build-depends Type: error Info: If a package uses debhelper, it must declare a Build-Depends on debhelper. Tag: package-lacks-versioned-build-depends-on-debhelper Type: info Info: If a package sets debhelper's compatibility version to >= 5, either via DH_COMPAT, or via debian/compat, or via dh_testversion (which is deprecated), it should declare a versioned Build-Depends on the needed version of debhelper. . All versions of debhelper back to etch support compatibility version 5, but the debhelper released with sarge did not, so this dependency is still helpful for oldstable backports. Tag: dh-make-template-in-source Type: warning Info: This package contains debian/*.ex and/or debian/ex.* files installed by dh_make. These are intended to be filled in with the package's details and renamed for use by various debhelper commands. If they are not being used, they should be removed. Tag: dh_testversion-is-deprecated Type: warning Ref: dh_testversion(1) Info: This package calls dh_testversion in its debian/rules file. dh_testversion is deprecated. Packages using debhelper should use versioned build dependencies to ensure that the correct version of debhelper is installed. Tag: dh_dhelp-is-deprecated Type: warning Info: This package calls dh_dhelp in its debian/rules file. dh_dhelp is deprecated as it is not part of the canonical debhelper suite and due to be removed since it supports only one single documentation system (dhelp). . Simply use dh_installdocs, which creates doc-base files and supports all of the documentation systems that way. Tag: dh_suidregister-is-obsolete Type: warning Ref: dh_suidregister(1) Info: suidregister is obsoleted by dpkg-statoverride, so registration of files in with dh_suidregister is unnecessary, and even harmful. Tag: debhelper-compat-file-is-empty Type: error Ref: debhelper(7) Info: The source package has an empty debian/compat file. This is an error, the compat level of debhelper should be in there. Tag: declares-possibly-conflicting-debhelper-compat-versions Type: error Ref: debhelper(7) Info: The source package declares the debhelper compatibility version both in the debian/compat file and in the debian/rules file. If these ever get out of synchronisation, the package may not build as expected. Tag: package-uses-deprecated-debhelper-compat-version Type: warning Ref: debhelper(7) Info: The debhelper compatibility version used by this package is marked as deprecated by the debhelper developer. You should really consider using a newer compatibility version. . The compatibility version can be set in (preferred) debian/compat or by setting and exporting DH_COMPAT in debian/rules. If it is not set in either place, debhelper defaults to the deprecated compatibility version 1. Tag: package-needs-python-policy-debhelper Type: info Info: The source package requests dh_python compatibility level 2 (or higher) in debian/pycompat but doesn't depend on a new enough debhelper. A Build-Depends on debhelper (>= is required for this support. . All versions of debhelper back to etch support this, but the debhelper released with sarge did not, so this dependency is still helpful for oldstable backports. Tag: uses-dh-python-with-no-pycompat Type: warning Info: This package uses dh_python but apparently does not tell it to use the current Python policy by putting 2 in debian/pycompat. This may mean that the package has not been converted to the current Python policy, in which case it probably should be. Tag: debhelper-script-needs-versioned-build-depends Type: warning Info: The given debhelper script was introduced in a later version of debhelper than the package Build-Depends on. The package Build-Depends should be updated to require that version of debhelper. Giving the version followed by ~ is recommended so that backports will satisfy the dependency.