#!/bin/sh ################################## #Change these two variables to the WM of your choice. WMEXEC="$1" [ "x$WMEXEC" != x ] || WMEXEC="startlxde1" ################################## export DISPLAY=:0 # export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event3 debbie-sue 'echo "chroot is now open!"' debbie-sue '/usr/bin/Xephyr :1 -screen 800x480 -br -ac' & while [ "x$PARWIN" = "x" ] ; do # wait for Xephyr window to appear export PARWIN=`wmctrl -l | grep -i "N/A Xephyr" | awk '{print $1}'` done echo "Xephyr window ID is ($PARWIN)" DISPLAY=:1 ; debbie-sue "habak -mf /usr/share/fonts/truetype/DroidSans-Bold.ttf \ -ht 'Ctrl-back to return to dashboard.'" DISPLAY=:0 ; wmctrl -i -r $PARWIN -T 'Easy Debian' wmctrl -i -r $PARWIN -b toggle,fullscreen zenity --display=:0 --info --title="Information" --text="Welcome to Easy Debian LXDE. This window is needed to gain keyboard focus in LXDE." & while [ "x$TWOWIN" = "x" ] ; do # wait for Zenity dialog to pop up... export TWOWIN=`wmctrl -l | grep -i Information | awk '{print $1}'` done sudo debian /sbin/qobi-wmhint-fix $PARWIN debbie-sue /usr/bin/$WMEXEC killall Xephyr export DISPLAY=:0