#!/bin/sh # Sets up (if necessary) and chroots into a different environment. # Expects root privileges, does not drop them. # By Alan M Bruce (qole) with help from Benson Mitchell and Thomas Perl # # GPL licensed; keep code free! # This script should have a wrapper to set up extra variables, # OR, it can be run as a command: # ezchroot if [ "`whoami`" != "root" ] ; then echo "please run me as root!" exit 9 fi IMGFILE=$1 shift 1 CHROOT=$1 shift 1 # echo ezchroot $IMGFILE $CHROOT $* # Strip off a trailing slash LASTCHAR=`echo $CHROOT | cut -c ${#CHROOT}` if [ "$LASTCHAR" = "/" ] ; then echo "..stripping trailing slash..." >/dev/stderr CHROOT=`echo $CHROOT | cut -c 0-$((${#CHROOT}-1))` fi qmount $IMGFILE $CHROOT MOUNTSUCCESS=$? if [ "$MOUNTSUCCESS" != "1" ] && [ "$MOUNTSUCCESS" != "0" ] ; then echo Cancelling chroot... exit $MOUNTSUCCESS fi if [ "$MOUNTSUCCESS" = "0" ] ; then #Make the tablet's devices available to the chroot echo . >/dev/stderr mount -o bind /dev "$CHROOT/dev" mount -o bind /proc "$CHROOT/proc" #Gentoo wiki says this will make X work echo .. >/dev/stderr mount -t devpts none "$CHROOT/dev/pts" mount -o bind /tmp "$CHROOT/tmp" #Open e-mail attachments, etc mount -o bind /var/tmp "$CHROOT/var/tmp" #ArchLinux suggestions mount -o bind /dev/shm "$CHROOT/dev/shm" mount -o bind /sys "$CHROOT/sys" #Any external devices echo ... >/dev/stderr MNTD=`cat /proc/mounts | grep ' /media/' | awk '{print $2}'` for MDRV in $MNTD ; do if [ ! -d "$CHROOT$MDRV" ] ; then mkdir -p "$CHROOT$MDRV" fi mount -o bind "$MDRV" "$CHROOT$MDRV" done #Mount the user's home dir echo .... >/dev/stderr #mount -o bind /home/user "$CHROOT/home/user" # Do it the Fremantle way. mount /dev/mmcblk0p2 "$CHROOT/home" mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 "$CHROOT/home/user/MyDocs" #Make DBus work mount -o bind /var/run/dbus "$CHROOT/var/run/dbus" mount -o bind /var/lib/dbus "$CHROOT/var/lib/dbus" #Make pulseaudio work mount -o bind /var/run/pulse "$CHROOT/var/run/pulse" #Speed hacks: lower the priority of processes #renice 0 `pidof mmcqd` #renice 20 `pidof trackerd` # Sync the chroot if requested... if [ -f /home/user/.synchroot ] ; then /sbin/synchroot $CHROOT rm /home/user/.synchroot fi # Place any commands you wish to run the first time you chroot # into the /var/run/onfirstchroot-ext.rc file (inside your rootfs) if [ -f "$CHROOT/var/run/onfirstchroot-ext.rc" ] ; then . "$CHROOT/var/run/onfirstchroot-ext.rc" fi # Place any commands you wish to run from inside the chroot # the first time you chroot into the /var/run/onfirstchroot.rc # file (inside your rootfs) if [ -f "$CHROOT/var/run/onfirstchroot.rc" ] ; then chroot $CHROOT "/var/run/onfirstchroot.rc" fi fi # Place any commands you wish to run every time you chroot # into the /var/run/onchroot-ext.rc file (inside your rootfs) if [ -f "$CHROOT/var/run/onchroot-ext.rc" ] ; then . "$CHROOT/var/run/onchroot-ext.rc" fi # Place any commands you wish to run from inside the chroot # every time you chroot into the /var/run/onchroot.rc # file (inside your rootfs) if [ -f "$CHROOT/var/run/onchroot.rc" ] ; then chroot $CHROOT "/var/run/onchroot.rc" fi #All set up. Set flag for next time... if [ ! -d "$CHROOT/var/lock" ] ; then mkdir -p "$CHROOT/var/lock" fi trap "rm -f $CHROOT/var/lock/chroot-complete ; echo -ne '\033]0;osso_xterm\007' ; exit" INT TERM EXIT echo $IMGFILE $@ > "$CHROOT/var/lock/chroot-complete" #Custom prompt and xterm title. Reduces confusion. CHRLABEL=`blkid -s LABEL $IMGFILE | cut -d' ' -f2 | cut -d'=' -f2 | sed 's/"//g'` #If the file is mounted on loop, use that label. if [ "x$CHRLABEL" = "x" ] ; then # first find the loop LOOPNO=`mount | grep loop | grep $CHROOT | awk '{print $1}'` if [ "x$LOOPNO" != "x" ] ; then CHRLABEL=`blkid -s LABEL $LOOPNO | cut -d' ' -f2 | cut -d'=' -f2 | sed 's/"//g'` fi fi if [ "x$CHRLABEL" = "x" ] ; then CHRLABEL=chroot fi echo -ne "\033]0;$CHRLABEL\007" >/dev/stderr export PS1="[\u@$CHRLABEL: \w]" #Actually chroot echo "Everything set up, running chroot..." >/dev/stderr chroot $CHROOT "$@" #All done, reset. exit 0