#!/bin/sh # Sets up (if necessary) for chroot into a Debian environment. # Expects root privileges, does not drop them. # Look to /usr/bin/debbie for a friendly wrapper. # By Alan M Bruce (qole) with help from Benson Mitchell and Thomas Perl # # GPL licensed; keep code free! if [ "`whoami`" != "root" ] ; then echo "please run me as root!" exit 9 fi #Pull in the config, if possible... if [ -f "/home/user/.chroot" ] ; then . /home/user/.chroot else echo "No ~/.chroot file." >/dev/stderr fi #This comes from the config file... If not, fall back on '/debian' if [ "x$CHROOT" = "x" ] ; then CHROOT=/debian echo "No chroot dir specified; using $CHROOT" >/dev/stderr else echo "Chroot dir specified: $CHROOT" >/dev/stderr fi #This comes from the config. If not, search for debian*.img.ext2 if [ "x$IMGFILE" = "x" ] ; then echo "No image file or partition specified." >/dev/stderr IMGMMC="`ls -1 /media/mmc?/debian*.img* | head -1`" if [ "x$IMGMMC" != x ] ; then IMGFILE="$IMGMMC" else MSG1=`printf "ERROR!\n\nYou have no debian.img.ext2 file on your memory cards.\n\nPlease use the Debian Image Installer in Extras."` if [ ! -f "/usr/bin/gxmessage" ] ; then echo $MSG1 >/dev/stderr else gxmessage -center -alignbuttons center -buttons GTK_STOCK_OK:0 -geometry 680x250 -title "MISSING DISK IMAGE" "$MSG1" fi exit 9 fi else echo "$IMGFILE specified in ~/.chroot" >/dev/stderr fi # #Make the temp dir bigger for OpenOffice etc. # #This comes from the config file... #If not, fall back to a 6MB /tmp dir # [ "x$TMPSIZE" != x ] || TMPSIZE=6M mount -o remount,size=$TMPSIZE /tmp #Messy hack to make tap-and-hold work with GTK apps. export GTK_MODULES=libgtkstylus.so #Some OpenOffice environment variables export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN="gtk" export OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP="gnome" export SAL_NOOPENGL="true" export OOO_DISABLE_RECOVERY="true" export SAL_DISABLE_SYNCHRONOUS_PRINTER_DETECTION="true" #export SAL_DISABLE_CUPS="true" qchroot $IMGFILE $CHROOT "$@"