reset set pm3d set datafile separator '\t' set border 0 unset xtics unset ytics unset ztics set cbrange [0:100] set view 42,100, 1.3 set colorbox horiz user origin .1,.1 size .8,.04 # # set palette color rgbformula -33,-13,-10 # set title "Gliese star catalog - 7 parsec neighborhood centered on Earth" set cblabel "Luminosity" offset 0,1 # splot 'nearmap.csv' using 5:6:7:11 with points pt 6 ps 2 pal notitle, \ '' using 5:6:7:11 with points pt 7 ps 1 pal notitle, \ '' using 5:6:7:2 with labels font "Helvetica,9" left \ point pt 0 offset 1,0 notitle # pause -1