# # $Id: pm3d.dem,v 2007/01/19 17:44:14 mikulik Exp $ # # demo for pm3d splotting # # This demo can be directly used if your default terminal supports pm3d, # like OS/2 Presentation Manager, X11, Linux VGA, Windows. # Otherwise you can use the output to postscript, for example: # set term push; set term postscript color enhanced # set out 'pm3d_demo.ps' # load 'pm3d.dem' # set out; set term pop # Prepared by Petr Mikulik # History: # - 12. 3. 2003 pm: added demo for corners2color # - 9. 3. 2002 pm: added demo for ftriangles # - 31. 1. 2002 pm: removed pm3d/demo and stand-alone pm3d.dem in demo/ # - 29. 1. 2002 joze: added demo for the 4th column # - 18. 3. 2001 pm: updated for cb-axis # - 18.11. 2000 pm: updated for 'set colorbox' # - 03. 3. 2000 joze: updated to show new pm3d features # - 15. 6. 1999 pm: update for `set pm3d`+`set palette` # - 29. 4. 1999 pm: the 1st version, directory pm3d/demo # print "WARNING: This demo works only on terminals supporting pm3d, i.e. on " # print "-------- OS/2 Presentation Manager, X11, Linux VGA, Windows. Please use" # print " output to a postscript file otherwise." set xlabel "x" set ylabel "y" set key top set border 4095 set xrange [-15:15] set yrange [-15:15] set zrange [-0.25:1] set samples 25 set isosamples 20 set title "pm3d demo. Radial sinc function. Default options." set pm3d; set palette #show pm3d #show palette splot sin(sqrt(x**2+y**2))/sqrt(x**2+y**2) pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set title "pm3d at s (surface) / ticslevel 0" set ticslevel 0 set pm3d at s set cblabel "colour gradient" replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set title "pm3d at b (bottom)" set pm3d at b replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set title "unset surface; set pm3d at st (surface and top)" unset surface set pm3d at st replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" unset cblabel set title "set pm3d at bstbst (funny combination, only for screen or postscript)" set view 50,50 set pm3d at bstbst replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set title "gray map" set pm3d map set palette gray set samples 100; set isosamples 100 replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set title "gray map, negative" set pm3d map set palette gray negative replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set title "colour map, using default rgbformulae 7,5,15 ... traditional pm3d (black-blue-red-yellow)" set palette color positive set pm3d map set samples 50; set isosamples 50 replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set title "colour, rgbformulae 3,11,6 ... green-red-violet" set palette rgbformulae 3,11,6 replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set title "colour, rgbformulae 23,28,3 ... ocean (green-blue-white); OK are also all other permutations" set palette rgbformulae 23,28,3 replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set title "colour, rgbformulae 30,31,32 ... color printable on gray (black-blue-violet-yellow-white)" set palette rgbformulae 30,31,32 replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set title "rgbformulae 31,-11,32: negative formula number=inverted color" set palette rgbformulae 31,-11,32 replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set yrange [*:*] noreverse reset set title "set pm3d scansforward: wrong, because back overwrites front" set pm3d set palette set view 130,10 set samples 50; set isosamples 50 set border 4095 unset surface set pm3d at s scansforward splot sin(sqrt(x**2+y**2))/sqrt(x**2+y**2) pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set title "set pm3d scansbackward: correctly looking surface" set xlabel set border 4095 set pm3d scansbackward replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set title "set hidden3d" set samples 30; set isosamples 30 set hidden3d set pm3d set surface set view 50,220 set xrange [-2:2] set yrange [-2:2] splot log(x*x*y*y) pause -1 "Hit return to continue" unset hidden3d # draw the surface using pm3d's hidden3d with line type 100 unset hidden unset surface set title "set pm3d hidden3d : pm3d's much faster hidden3d variant" set samples 30; set isosamples 30 set pm3d set style line 100 lt 5 lw 0.5 set pm3d hidden3d 100 set view 50,220 set xrange [-2:2] set yrange [-2:2] splot log(x*x*y*y) pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set pm3d nohidden3d set title "bad: surface and top are too close together" set xrange [-1:1] set yrange [-1:1] unset hidd set zrange [-15:4] set ticslevel 0 set pm3d at st splot log(x*x*y*y) pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set title "solution: use independent 'set zrange' and 'set cbrange'" unset surf set cbrange [-15:4] set zrange [-15:60] splot log(x*x*y*y) pause -1 "Press Enter; I will continue by 'set autoscale cb' and much more..." set autoscale cb set title "color box is on by default at a certain position" set samples 20; set isosamples 20 set autoscale set key on set pm3d set pm3d at s set view 60,30 splot y pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set title "color box is on again, now with horizontal gradient" set size 0.6,0.6; set origin 0.2,0.25 set colorbox horizontal set colorbox user origin 0.1,0.15 size 0.8,0.1 set mcbtics 2 set grid cb set cblabel "see cblabel, grid cb, mcbtics, ..." replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" unset cblabel; unset mcbtics; set grid nocb; set colorbox default set title "color box is switched off" unset colorbox replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set title 'using now "set grid back; unset colorbox"' unset colorbox set pm3d set border 895 set grid back replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set size 1,1; set origin 0,0 set grid layerdefault set xlabel "X LABEL" set ylabel "Y LABEL" set sample 11; set isosamples 11 set pm3d map set palette set colorbox set lmargin 0 set pm3d flush begin set title "Datafile with different nb of points in scans; pm3d flush begin" set pm3d flush begin noftriangles scansforward splot 'triangle.dat' #show pm3d pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set title "Datafile with different nb of points in scans; pm3d flush center" set pm3d flush center scansforward replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set title "Datafile with different nb of points in scans; pm3d flush end" set pm3d flush end scansforward replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set grid front set pm3d flush begin set title "Data with different nb of points in scans; pm3d ftriangles flush begin" set pm3d flush begin ftriangles scansforward splot 'triangle.dat' #show pm3d pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set title "Data with different nb of points in scans; pm3d ftriangles flush center" set pm3d flush center ftriangles scansforward replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set title "Data with different nb of points in scans; pm3d ftriangles flush end" set pm3d flush end ftriangles scansforward replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set title "Using interpolation with datafile; pm3d map interpolate 2,1" set pm3d flush begin noftriangles scansforward interpolate 2,1 replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set title "Using interpolation with datafile; pm3d map ftriangles interpolate 10,1" set pm3d flush begin ftriangles scansforward interpolate 10,1 replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set title "Using interpolation with datafile; pm3d at s ftriangles interpolate 10,1" set pm3d flush begin ftriangles scansforward at s interpolate 10,1 set view 20,20 replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" reset set title "only for enhanced terminals: 'set format cb ...'" set xlabel "X" set ylabel "Y" set sample 31; set isosamples 31 set xrange [-185:185] set yrange [-185:185] set format cb "%.01t*10^{%T}" unset surface set border 4095 set ticslevel 0 set pm3d at s; set palette gray set cblabel "the colour gradient" splot abs(x)**3+abs(y)**3 pause -1 "Hit return to continue" unset cblabel set pal color set xrange [*:*]; set yrange [*:*] set title "function 'x+y' using all colors available, 'set pal maxcolors 0'" set pal maxcolors 0 splot x+y pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set xrange [*:*]; set yrange [*:*] set title "function 'x+y' using only 5 colors, 'set pal maxcolors 5'" set pal maxcolors 5 splot x+y pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set pal maxcolors 0 unset pm3d set surface set format z set palette set title "color lines: 'splot sin(y)/(y) with lines palette'" set ticslevel 0 set border 4095 set xrange [-10:10]; set yrange [-10:10] set hidden3d set isosamples 40,40; set samples 40,40 splot sin(y)/(y) w lines palette pause -1 "Hit return to continue" reset set title "Demo for clipping of 2 rectangles comes now. The xrange is [0:2]..." set pm3d; set palette set pm3d map set xrange [0:2] splot 'clip14in.dat' pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set xrange [0:1.5] set yrange [*:*] set title "...and now xrange is [0:1.5] and 'set pm3d clip1in'" set pm3d clip1in replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set title "...now xrange is [0:1.5] and 'set pm3d clip4in'" set pm3d clip4in replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" reset sinc(u,v) = sin(sqrt(u**2+v**2)) /sqrt(u**2+v**2) set sam 40 set iso 40 set title "pm3d explicit mode --- coloring according to the 4th parameter of 'using'" set ticslevel 0 set pm3d at s explicit # 'binary2' binary u 1:2:(column(3)+column(-1)/20.0):3 w pm3d, splot \ 'binary2' binary u 1:2:3:($2+($1+$2)/10) w pm3d, \ 1+sinc(x*4, y*4) w l pause -1 "Hit return to continue" set title "coloring according to the 3rd 'using' parameter (left) and to the z-value (bottom)" set border 895 splot \ 'binary2' binary u 2:(12 - column(3) * 10):1 notitle w lines, \ 'binary2' binary u (-12 + column(3) * 10):2:1:(-12 + column(3) * 10) notitle w pm3d, \ 'binary2' binary u 1:2:(column(3) * 10 - 12) notitle w pm3d pause -1 "Hit return to continue" reset print "Plot by pm3d algorithm draws quadrangles filled with color calculated from" print "the z- or color-value of the surrounding 4 corners. The following demo shows" print "different color spots for a plot with very small number of quadrangles (here" print "rectangular pixels). Note that the default option is 'mean'." set pm3d map set iso 4 set samples 4 set xrange [0:3] set yrange [0:3] set cbrange [0:9] f(x,y)=2*x+y set key off unset xtics unset ytics set tics scale 2 set colorbox horizontal user origin 0.1,0.025 size .8,0.02 # Needed by terminals limited on colors: #set palette maxcolors 26 # Note: no more space in the following multiplot to show demo for #set pm3d corners2color median #set pm3d corners2color geomean set multiplot # Let us do multiplot grid 3x3: dx = 1.0/3; dy = 1.0/3; set size dx,dy set origin 0*dx,0*dy set title "set pm3d corners2color c1" set pm3d corners2color c1 splot f(x,y) set origin 2*dx,0*dy set title "set pm3d corners2color c2" set pm3d corners2color c2 replot set origin 0*dx,2*dy set title "set pm3d corners2color c3" set pm3d corners2color c3 replot set origin 2*dx,2*dy set title "set pm3d corners2color c4" set pm3d corners2color c4 replot set origin 0*dx,1*dy set title "set pm3d corners2color mean" set pm3d corners2color mean replot set origin 2*dx,1*dy set title "set pm3d corners2color geomean" set pm3d corners2color geomean replot set origin 1*dx,0*dy set title "set pm3d corners2color median" set pm3d corners2color median replot set origin 1*dx,1*dy set title "Original grid points" unset pm3d set border 0 unset xtics unset ytics unset colorbox #splot x*2+y with points ps 3 pt 5 palette splot f(x,y) with linesp ps 3 pt 5 palette unset multiplot pause -1 "Hit return to continue" reset print "End of pm3d demo."