[nqaap] / support / build_nqaap.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python\r
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\r
3 \r
4 """\r
5 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\r
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published\r
7 by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only.\r
8 \r
9 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\r
10 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\r
12 GNU General Public License for more details.\r
13 """\r
14 \r
15 import os\r
16 import sys\r
17 \r
18 import py2deb\r
19 \r
20 \r
21 def build_package(distribution):\r
22     py2deb.Py2deb.SECTIONS = py2deb.SECTIONS_BY_POLICY[distribution]\r
23     try:\r
24         os.chdir(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))\r
25     except:\r
26         pass\r
27     print\r
28     p=py2deb.Py2deb("nqaap") #This is the package name and MUST be in\r
29                                #lowercase! (using e.g. "mClock" fails\r
30                                #miserably...)\r
31     p.prettyName="NQA Audiobook Player"\r
32     p.description="""Very simple Audiobook player.\r
33 Supports playing, pausing, seeking (sort of) and saving state when changing book/closing.\r
34 Plays books arranged as dirs under myDocs/Audiobooks\r
35 .\r
36 Homepage: http://nqaap.garage.maemo.org/"""\r
37     p.author="Soeren 'Pengman' Pedersen"\r
38     p.mail="pengmeister@gmail.com"\r
39     p.depends = ", ".join([\r
40         "python2.6 | python2.5",\r
41         "python-gtk2 | python2.5-gtk2",\r
42         "python-dbus | python2.5-dbus",\r
43         "python-telepathy | python2.5-telepathy",\r
44         "python-gobject | python2.5-gobject",\r
45     ])\r
46     maemoSpecificDepends = ", python-osso | python2.5-osso, python-hildon | python2.5-hildon"\r
47     p.depends += {\r
48         "debian": ", python-gst0.10",\r
49         "diablo": maemoSpecificDepends,\r
50         "fremantle": maemoSpecificDepends + ", python-gst0.10",\r
51     }[distribution]\r
52     p.section = {\r
53         "debian": "sound",\r
54         "diablo": "user/multimedia",\r
55         "fremantle": "user/multimedia",\r
56     }[distribution]\r
57     p.icon = "src/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/hildon/nqaap.png"\r
58     p.arch="all"                #should be all for python, any for all arch\r
59     p.urgency="low"             #not used in maemo onl for deb os\r
60     p.distribution=distribution\r
61     p.repository="extras"\r
62     p.bugTracker="http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=619738"\r
63     p.postinstall="""#!/bin/sh\r
64 rm -f ~/.nqaap/nqaap.log\r
65 """\r
66     #  p.postremove="""#!/bin/sh\r
67     #  chmod +x /usr/bin/mclock.py""" #Set here your post remove script\r
68     #  p.preinstall="""#!/bin/sh\r
69     #  chmod +x /usr/bin/mclock.py""" #Set here your pre install script\r
70     #  p.preremove="""#!/bin/sh\r
71     #  chmod +x /usr/bin/mclock.py""" #Set here your pre remove script\r
72     version = "0.8.5"           #Version of your software, e.g. "1.2.0" or "0.8.2"\r
73     build = "0" #Build number, e.g. "1" for the first build of this\r
74                                 #version of your software. Increment\r
75                                 #for later re-builds of the same\r
76                                 #version of your software.  Text with\r
77                                 #changelog information to be displayed\r
78                                 #in the package "Details" tab of the\r
79                                 #Maemo Application Manager\r
80     changeloginformation = """\r
81 * Tweaking the UI based on feedback from Addison\r
82 """.strip()\r
83     dir_name = "src" #Name of the subfolder containing your package\r
84                                 #source files\r
85                                 #(e.g. usr\share\icons\hicolor\scalable\myappicon.svg,\r
86                                 #usr\lib\myapp\somelib.py). We suggest\r
87                                 #to leave it named src in all projects\r
88                                 #and will refer to that in the wiki\r
89                                 #article on maemo.org\r
90     #Thanks to DareTheHair from talk.maemo.org for this snippet that\r
91     #recursively builds the file list\r
92     for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir_name):\r
93         if any(f.startswith(".") for f in root.split(os.sep)):\r
94             continue # avoid hidden folders, esp svn ones\r
95 \r
96         real_dir = root[len(dir_name):]\r
97         fake_file = []\r
98         for f in files:\r
99             fake_file.append(root + os.sep + f + "|" + f)\r
100         if len(fake_file) > 0:\r
101             p[real_dir] = fake_file\r
102 \r
103     print p\r
104     if distribution == "debian":\r
105         print p.generate(\r
106             version="%s-%s" % (version, build),\r
107             changelog=changeloginformation,\r
108             build=True,\r
109             tar=False,\r
110             changes=False,\r
111             dsc=False,\r
112         )\r
113     else:\r
114         print p.generate(\r
115             version="%s-%s" % (version, build),\r
116             changelog=changeloginformation,\r
117             build=False,\r
118             tar=True,\r
119             changes=True,\r
120             dsc=True,\r
121         )\r
122     print "Building for %s finished" % distribution\r
123 \r
124 \r
125 if __name__ == "__main__":\r
126     if len(sys.argv) == 1:\r
127         distribution = "fremantle"\r
128     else:\r
129         distribution = sys.argv[1]\r
130     build_package(distribution)\r