
Vocabulary trainer for mobile devices, written in QT which supports kvtml files from the KDE (kdeedu) project, so many ready made training files are available. Querymee allows you to train languages and to memorize things.

Additionally the following file formats are supported (read only):

At the moment just multiple choice is supported, but so called flash card learning is planned (we are looking for developers to help with that).

.kvtml files

As main file format KDEs kvtml format is used (a XML format), so you can easily edit and create your own files with Parley or KwordQuiz. Parley and KwordQuiz run also under windows (might be that not all features are fully supported, but to create a kvtml file it is sufficent), please see the The KDE on Windows Project.

The program WordQuiz from Peter B. Hedlund also creates kvtml files. It works under Windows and Mac OS X. It might be easier to install than the KDE programs under Windows. It can be used to create your own kvtml files.

Store your own kvtml files under MyDocs/Querymee in your N900 so Querymee finds it and offers it in the pull-down menu. You can store the file anywhere, then use the “open dictionary“ dialogue from the menu to open it.

Please make the files public available, Parley has build in support to upload files. To upload files on kde-files.org you need an account, you can register at: http://kde-files.org/usermanager/new.php. You can upload files also via the web interface without Parley at: http://kde-files.org/content/add.php. It takes some time until the file shows up in the catalogue...

You can also use ready made kvtml files from the KDE project, use the “Download KVTML files” dialogue from the menu. The first time you open it the list will be empty, just click the button “update list” and Querymee will download the freshest list from the internet. Unfortunately some kvtml files are uploaded in compressed form, Querymee is not yet able to handle these files.

You can also browse the lists here:

.voc files

Querymee (starting from version 0.1.2) is able to open vocabulary files from Langenscheidt Vokabeltrainer Version 1. More than 150 ready made files are listed on the download page. The files are zipped, so extract the .voc files first and store them under MyDocs/Querymee in your N900 so Querymee finds it and offers it in the pull-down menu. You can store the file anywhere, then use the “open dictionary“ dialogue from the menu to open it.

.tsv files

Querymee (starting from version 0.1.2) is able to open "Tab Separated Values" vocabulary files. An example .tsv file can be found in the sources under doc/example.tsv.

The example, where <TAB> denotes a TAB character (TAB-Key), do not surround the values with any text indicating character like " or ':

 Expression<TAB>Translation 1<TAB>Translation 2
 ajaa<TAB>fahren<TAB>to drive
 aloittaa<TAB>anfangen<TAB>to start

You can write such files with any text editor, but it's much easier with a spreadsheet application:

Just make sure you save your file with the file ending .tsv before you transfer it to the N900. Store your own tsv files under MyDocs/Querymee in your N900 so Querymee finds it and offers it in the pull-down menu. You can store the file anywhere, then use the “open dictionary“ dialogue from the menu to open it.


Bugs can be reported here:

Feature requests:

Support requests:

Source code

Querymee on Gitorious