Updated station list (up to 715 stations)
[quandoparte] / application / resources / stations / downloaddata.sh
2011-06-30 Luciano MontanaroFixed and expanded downloaddata.sh script
2011-06-24 Luciano MontanaroAdded "halts" in addition to stations
2011-06-18 Luciano MontanaroFetch data from openstreetmap serially
2011-06-16 Luciano MontanaroUpdated station generation script, station list
2011-06-11 Luciano MontanaroTweaked station download/generation scripts
2011-06-05 Luciano MontanaroChanged scripts to download a better map area
2011-06-01 Luciano MontanaroExchanged latitude and longitude order
2011-05-27 Luciano MontanaroAdded stationlist generation tools