X-Git-Url: http://vcs.maemo.org/git/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=README;h=ed8471a7ef994e0af2539298ccf48a205283162c;hb=70919653bbc48145860b5b2ce03db72a48137f4b;hp=9625645cace92c20278646aee4028b45c2180269;hpb=d40424927ecf0fc91daa8788a85cf5f2ca8fa749;p=uzbl-mobile diff --git a/README b/README index 9625645..ed8471a 100644 --- a/README +++ b/README @@ -1,8 +1,103 @@ -Control: - - FIFO opened in /tmp/uzbl_pid - - 'forward', 'back', 'http://www.blah.com', are the supported commands. +- Uzbl. + In my opinion, any program can only be really useful if it complies to the unix philosophy. + Web browsers are frequent violators of this principle. Time to change that! -Todo: +Right now uzbl is in a very early state but here are some ideas I would like to (not) implement -Bugs: - - Segfault occurs on shutdown, almost definitely FIFO related +- each instance of uzbl renders 1 page (eg it's a small wrapper around webkit), no tabbing, tab previews, or speed dial things. we have window managers for that. + -> well actually, there is lots of dicussion about this, i'll probably implement a basic form of tabbing. +- simple ini config file ("profile") for keyboard, network,.. settings +- implement some basic keyboard shortcuts for going up, down, refresh etc. preferably vim-like command style. +- listen to signals and do useful stuff when triggered. +- open up a socket file/fifo/.. so we can easily control each instance by writing things like 'uri ' to /tmp/uzbl-windowid +- MAYBE (if needed): 1 control application called uzblctrl or something. use this to modify the behavior of a uzbl instance (change url, refresh). use xdotool to get the window with focus. eg uzblctrl -win -url . + use xbindkeys to bind keys to call uzblctrl. +- no bookmark management builtin. make your own solution. for pulling a bookmark a plaintxt-based program using dmenu would work great here. combine with uzbltcrl and xbindkeys. + uzblctrl should support an option to query the current page so you can script something to add to your bookmarks. use zenity or something to add tags. +- history: log 'Y-m-d H:M:S ' entries to a plaintext file. you can then use dmenu or whatever to select an entry and pipe the output to uzbl's fifo. +- no ad blocking built in (I think). + alternatives: + -> /etc/hosts (not very good cause you need root and it affects the whole system)-> uzblctrl would need to support an option to list all images on a page, so you can easily pick the links to ads to add them to your /etc/hosts. (dmenu can again be great here to automate this) + -> privoxy looks cool and perfectly demonstrates the unix philosphy. +- no download manager. allow user to pick wget/curl/a custom script/... +- no build in command interpreters like ubiquity. uzbl should be accessible and you should use a shell or similar. +- no "clear cookies/cache/..." menu items. rm ~/$XDG_{DATA,CACHE}_DIR/uzbl/{cache,cookies}/* +- vimperator/konqueror-like hyperlink following. +- password management. maybe an encrypted store that unlocks with an ssh key? +- use the XDG basedir spec for separation of config, data and cache. and state will be a subdir in the config dir (not part of the spec yet) too. + +WIDGET ROADMAP: +* statusbar? (the bar you see in pretty much every gtk program at the bottom. eg firefox) + consumes too much space (if always visible) for the little it is used. (+ you can put only 1 message in it at a time!) + -> option 1: no statusbar at all. when hovering over a link (or pressing key to preview the url without changing page) -> show url in tooltip on page. + -> option 2: toggle visibility of statusbar on/off when hovering over a link. since it's at the bottom I don't think it will disturb too much. +* viewing progress/state of pageload? most programs use statusbar for this. + -> option 1: titlebar can show a percentage when it's loading a new page. + -> option 2: toggle a statusbar everytime we start loading a new page. +* uri bar -> yes, even though we can write stuff to the fifo, it can still be convenient to change the url manually and stuff, so a widget in uzbl itself is good. +* tabs -> yes. you don't have to use them, but you can. +* back/forward/.. buttons? -> no: use keyboard shortcuts. +* searching in a page? not sure.. maybe we can abuse the statusbar for that too. + eg toggle it on when the user wants to search for something and then do searching in some vim-like fashion. + we don't need a gtk text entry widget, just a feedback display of what the current command is. +* scrollbar? no: use keyboard shortcuts. we should however have some info about the page length and where we are. + -> option 1: put a percentage in the window title + -> option 2: everytime you hit a key to change position, temporarily make a statusbar visible and put the percentage in the statusbar. + what will we do with pages who are too wide? horizontal scrolling? +all of the above goes in 1 bar at the top of the program. there should be a key to toggle visibility of it and one to toggle visibilety + focus on the entrybar at once. + +input welcome! + + +HISTORY FILE SIZE/PERFORMANCE +each new pageload -> fopen(history_file, "a"), fwrite one line, fclose. +I use utf8, so unless you use characters that are "special" (chinese etc) +each character takes 1 byte. +So, assume each entry is about 80 chars, you visit 100 pages per day (?), and you wonder when your history file will be 50MB big: +(50 * 1000 * 1000 ) / ( 80 * 100 ) = 6250 days or 17 years. +There is code to run a benchmark in the 'extra' dir. For results & interpretation, see http://dieter.plaetinck.be/poor_mans_dmenu_benchmark + +CONTROL: +- FIFO opened in /tmp/uzbl_pid +- See config file for commands +- Press ESC/i to toggle command/insert mode + +NOTES: +- My c skills are very rusty, it will take me a while to get back up to speed +- For more thoughts & ideas see http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=67463 + +REPO's: +- http://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl + master -> uzbl stable branch + experimental -> bleeding edge stuff that may break. after QA codes gets merged into master +- various contributors also have their clones on github (http://github.com/dusanx, http://github.com/Barrucadu/uzbl, ...). + They may be developing specific features, which get merged into Dieters experimental branch + + +EXTERNAL SCRIPTS +You can use external scripts with uzbl the following ways: +1) let uzbl call them. these scripts are called handlers in the uzbl config. used for handling logging history, handling a new download,.. +2) call them yourself from inside uzbl. you can bind keys for this. examples: add new bookmark, load new url,.. +3) if you want to call scripts that have no option, you can trigger them with something like xbindkeys. example: ? (we try to keep all possibilities inside option 1/2) + +Scripts that are called by uzbl are passed the following arguments: +$1 uzbl-config-file +$2 uzbl-pid +$3 uzbl-x-window-id +$4 uzbl_fifo-filename +.. [ script specific ] (optional) + +The script specific arguments are this: +* history: + $5 page url + $6 page title + $7 date of visit (Y-m-d H:i:s localtime) +* add bookmark: + $5 page url + $6 page title +* download: + $5 url + +KNOWN BUGS +- Segfaults when using zoom commands (happens when max zoom already reached?). +- Something in the FIFO code causes CPU usage to jump.