The tools subdirectory contains various Neverball-related utilities. Currently it only contains the replay converter and a wrapper Windows NT command shell script. * democonv A bare-bones Neverball 1.4.0 to v3 (Neverball 1.5.0) format replay converter. Reads a replay from standard input and writes a converted replay to standard output. See below for examples. democonv recognizes several command line options. Default values are used when an option is not present (these are noted below). Unrecognized options are silently ignored. Multiple options of the same kind may be given, but only the last one will be used. These options are recognized: --help Request a usage message. A short list of options and their meanings is printed to standard error and democonv exits with a non-zero exit code. --goal --time-out --fall-out Specify the outcome of the replay. By default none of these values is used, resulting in a "status: aborted" message at the replay selection screen. --best-time --most-coins --freestyle Specify the type of the record. Although promising, these options only influence what game mode to set for the replay. The practice mode is used for Best Time replays and the normal mode is used for Most Coins replays. A custom value is used for Freestyle replays which is also the default when none of these options is present. This results in an "mode: unknown" message at the replay selection screen. --player Specify name of the player. Name of any length may be used here, but only the first 8 bytes are meaningful. Using characters not in ASCII is discouraged. It will work but it won't make sense. The default value is "Player". --date Specify the date and time of creation. These are treated as local date/time and are used to calculate the actual UTC time to store in the replay. datetime should be in the following format: YYYY:mm:ddTHH:MM:SS. "T" is literally the character T. The default value is 2003-07-16T00:00:00 (UTC). (Trivia: it is the date of posting of Super Empty Ball on flipcode.) A few examples: $ democonv --goal --most-coins --player parasti \ --date 2006-10-10T15:30:00 < cE01para > cE01para.nbr $ wget -O - | democonv \ --fall-out --player mym > fM25mym.nbr Windows users, note that cmd.exe supports input redirection and pipes the same way Unix shells do, so these examples should work in Windows NT command shell. Substitute '>' for the prompt sign and '^' for the line continuation symbol. * convert-replays.bat A convenience wrapper script around democonv for Windows users. This script takes a list of files on its command line and saves sucessfully converted files to the current working directory. Wildcards are supported. Original filenames with the '.nbr' extension appended are used for converted files. convert-replays.bat recognizes all of democonv's command line options. In addition, a --prefix option is recognized. --prefix Specify a prefix to use for filenames of converted files. Useful if you want to save converted files to a directory other than CWD. Examples: > convert-replays --player Dave --most-coins c*dav > convert-replays --goal --player parasti ^ --prefix ..\new-replays\ ..\old-replays\*