# ------------------------------------------------- # Project created by QtCreator 2010-03-26T07:57:35 # ------------------------------------------------- TARGET = ../situare TEMPLATE = app INCLUDEPATH += "/usr/include/qjson" LIBS += "-lqjson" RESOURCES += ../images.qrc SOURCES += main.cpp \ ui/mainwindow.cpp \ ui/mapviewscreen.cpp \ ui/listviewscreen.cpp \ situareservice/situareservice.cpp \ cookiehandler/cookiehandler.cpp \ facebookservice/facebookcredentials.cpp \ facebookservice/facebookauthentication.cpp \ map/mapengine.cpp \ map/mapview.cpp \ map/mapscene.cpp \ map/maptile.cpp \ map/mapfetcher.cpp \ ui/pixmap.cpp \ ui/infotab.cpp \ ui/updatelocation/updatelocationdialog.cpp \ ui/updatelocation/texteditautoresizer.cpp \ ui/friendlistview.cpp \ ui/friendlistitemdelegate.cpp \ ui/friendlistitem.cpp \ engine/engine.cpp \ user/user.cpp HEADERS += ui/mainwindow.h \ ui/mapviewscreen.h \ ui/listviewscreen.h \ map/mapengine.h \ map/mapview.h \ map/mapscene.h \ map/maptile.h \ map/mapfetcher.h \ map/mapcommon.h \ ui/pixmap.h \ ui/infotab.h \ ui/updatelocation/updatelocationdialog.h \ ui/updatelocation/texteditautoresizer.h \ situareservice/situareservice.h \ situareservice/situarecommon.h \ cookiehandler/cookiehandler.h \ facebookservice/facebookcredentials.h \ facebookservice/facebookauthentication.h \ facebookservice/facebookcommon.h \ ui/friendlistview.h \ ui/friendlistitemdelegate.h \ ui/friendlistitem.h \ engine/engine.h \ user/user.h QT += network \ webkit # use don't use OpenGL when building in scratchbox !maemo5 { QT += opengl message(OpenGL built in) message(Make sure you have OpenGL development headers installed) message(install headers with: sudo apt-get install libgl-dev libglu-dev) message(QJson built in) message(Make sure you have QJson development headers installed) message(install headers with: sudo apt-get install libqjson-dev) } maemo5 { message(QJson built in) message(Make sure you have QJson development headers installed) message(add: deb http://repository.maemo.org/extras-devel fremantle free non-free) message(and deb-src http://repository.maemo.org/extras-devel fremantle free non-free) message(to scratchbox's sources.list in /etc/apt) message(run: apt-get update) message(install headers with: apt-get install libqjson-dev) } # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Debian packetizing additions # ----------------------------------------------------------------- unix { # VARIABLES isEmpty(PREFIX):PREFIX = /usr BINDIR = $$PREFIX/bin DATADIR = $$PREFIX/share DEFINES += DATADIR=\\\"$$DATADIR\\\" \ PKGDATADIR=\\\"$$PKGDATADIR\\\" # MAKE INSTALL desktop.path = $$DATADIR/applications/hildon desktop.files += situare.desktop INSTALLS += desktop icon48.path = $$DATADIR/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps icon48.files += ../res/icon/48x48/situare.png INSTALLS += icon48 icon64.path = $$DATADIR/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps icon64.files += ../res/icon/64x64/situare.png INSTALLS += icon64 target.path = $$BINDIR INSTALLS += target } RESOURCES +=