TEMPLATE = app CONFIG += debug exists($$QMAKE_INCDIR_QT"/../qmsystem2/qmkeys.h"){ DEFINES += Q_WS_MAEMO_6 } QT += script \ declarative \ sql \ network TARGET = marketstoday HEADERS += \ cpp/marketstodayqmlview.h \ cpp/configqmlview.h \ cpp/logutility.h \ cpp/connectionutility.h \ cpp/sharedcontext.h SOURCES += cpp/main.cpp \ cpp/marketstodayqmlview.cpp \ cpp/configqmlview.cpp VPATH += cpp MOC_DIR = cpp/.mocs OBJECTS_DIR = cpp/.objs OTHER_FILES += \ qml/Config.qml \ qml/ConfigOptionsComponent.qml \ qml/ConfigParametersComponent.qml \ qml/ConfigTickersComponent.qml \ qml/Library/TitleBar.qml \ qml/Library/ToolBar.qml \ qml/Library/js/DBUtility.js \ qml/Library/js/ISODate.js \ qml/Library/js/Common.js \ qml/Library/js/XMLParser.js \ qml/Library/js/CoreLogic.js \ qml/MarketsTodayWidget.qml \ qml/MarketsTodayApp.qml \ qml/Library/MenuBar.qml \ qml/Library/Button.qml \ qml/StockDetailsComponent.qml \ qml/StockDetailsRow.qml \ qml/Library/Loading.qml \ qml/MarketsTodayLegacyApp.qml \ qml/Library/CustomGestureArea.qml \ qml/StockDetailsComponentLegacy.qml RESOURCES += \ resources.qrc symbian { TARGET.UID3 = 0xE6159209 # Allow network access on Symbian TARGET.CAPABILITY += NetworkServices ReadUserData } else:unix { INSTALLDIR = /../debian/marketstoday INSTALLS += target app icon26 icon32 icon48 icon64 appicon # Maemo 5 specific paths (The exists function is used to make sure the widget is deployed to FREMANTLE_X86 target in Scratchbox # Scratchbox is not identified as maemo or maemo5 platform maemo5 | exists(/usr/bin/hildon-home) { message("Deploying widget") INSTALLS += widget widget.path = /usr/share/applications/hildon-home widget.files += data/marketstoday-widget.desktop app.path = /usr/share/applications/hildon app.files += data/marketstoday-app.desktop } else{ app.path = /usr/share/applications app.files += data/marketstoday-app-meego.desktop } target.path = $$INTSALLDIR/opt/marketstoday/ icon26.path = /usr/share/icons/hicolor/26x26/apps icon26.files += data/icons/26x26/marketstoday.png icon32.path = /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps icon32.files += data/icons/32x32/marketstoday.png icon48.path = /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps icon48.files += data/icons/48x48/marketstoday.png icon64.path = /usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps icon64.files += data/icons/64x64/marketstoday.png appicon.path = /usr/share/icons/hicolor/80x80/apps appicon.files += data/icons/marketstoday_icon.png } # Include Qt Maemo 5 Home screen widget adaptor include(qmaemo5homescreenadaptor/qmaemo5homescreenadaptor.pri)