using GLib; class IMDbDownloadServer : Object, IMDbDownloader { MainLoop loop; Cancellable cancellable; int64 sofar; int64 total; bool running; unowned IMDbSqlite sqlite; string[] mirrors = { "", "", "" }; delegate void ParseLineFunction (string line); construct { loop = new MainLoop (null, false); cancellable = new Cancellable (); } // IMDbDownloader implementation public void download (string mirror, int flags) throws DBus.Error { if (running) { message ("Download in progress. Abort.\n"); return; } running = true; message ("Download started (%x).", flags); progress (0); download_imdb_async.begin ("ftp://anonymous@" + mirror, flags, Priority.DEFAULT_IDLE); message ("Download finished."); } public void cancel () throws DBus.Error { cancellable.cancel (); } public string[] get_mirrors () throws DBus.Error { return mirrors; } // Private methods async void download_imdb_async (string mirror, int flags, int io_priority) { Mount m; File movies = File.new_for_uri (mirror + "/movies.list.gz"); File genres = File.new_for_uri (mirror + "/genres.list.gz"); File ratings = File.new_for_uri (mirror + "/ratings.list.gz"); description_changed ("Connecting to FTP ..."); progress (0); try { m = yield movies.find_enclosing_mount_async(io_priority, cancellable); } catch (Error e0) { try { bool mounted = yield movies.mount_enclosing_volume (MountMountFlags.NONE, null, cancellable); if (mounted) { m = yield movies.find_enclosing_mount_async(io_priority, cancellable); } else { running = false; return; } } catch (Error e1) { critical ("Failed to mount: %s\n", e1.message); running = false; return; } } stdout.printf ("Mounted: %s\n", m.get_name ()); description_changed ("Querying file sizes ..."); try { FileInfo info; if (MOVIES in flags) { info = yield movies.query_info_async ("", FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, io_priority, cancellable); total += info.get_size (); } if (GENRES in flags) { info = yield genres.query_info_async ("", FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, io_priority, cancellable); total += info.get_size (); } if (RATINGS in flags) { info = yield ratings.query_info_async ("", FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, io_priority, cancellable); total += info.get_size (); } } catch (Error e3) { warning ("Failed to get size: %s\n", e3.message); total = 0; } var cache_dir = Path.build_filename (Environment.get_user_cache_dir (), "cinaest"); DirUtils.create_with_parents (cache_dir, 0770); var _sqlite = new IMDbSqlite (Path.build_filename (cache_dir, "imdb.db")); sqlite = _sqlite; _sqlite.clear (); try { var movie_parser = new MovieLineParser (sqlite); var genre_parser = new GenreLineParser (sqlite); var rating_parser = new RatingLineParser (sqlite); sofar = 0; if (MOVIES in flags) { description_changed ("Downloading movie list ..."); yield download_async(movies, movie_parser, io_priority); } if (GENRES in flags) { description_changed ("Downloading genre data ..."); yield download_async(genres, genre_parser, io_priority); } if (RATINGS in flags) { description_changed ("Downloading rating data ..."); yield download_async(ratings, rating_parser, io_priority); } } catch (Error e2) { if (e2 is IOError.CANCELLED) message ("Download cancelled.\n"); else warning ("Failed to open/read stream: %s\n", e2.message); } if (!cancellable.is_cancelled ()) { stdout.printf ("Download complete.\n"); progress (100); } try { bool unmounted = yield m.unmount(MountUnmountFlags.NONE, null); if (!unmounted) { warning ("Failed to unmount.\n"); } } catch (Error e4) { warning ("Failed to unmount: %s\n", e4.message); } sqlite = null; running = false; // FIXME - use a timeout? loop.quit (); } async void download_async (File f, LineParser parser, int io_priority) throws Error { int percent = 0; unowned string line = null; var stream = new GzipInputStream (yield f.read_async (io_priority, cancellable)); var data = new DataInputStream(stream); do { size_t l; line = yield data.read_line_async (io_priority, cancellable, out l); if (line != null) parser.parse_line (line); if (total == 0) continue; int p = (int) (100 * (sofar + stream.total_in ()) / total); if (p > percent) { percent = p; progress (p); } } while (line != null); sofar += stream.total_in (); yield stream.close_async (io_priority, cancellable); } public void run () { (); } public static void main () { try { var conn = DBus.Bus.get (DBus.BusType.SESSION); dynamic DBus.Object bus = conn.get_object ("org.freedesktop.DBus", "/org/freedesktop/DBus", "org.freedesktop.DBus"); // Try to register service in session bus uint request_name_result = bus.request_name (DBUS_SERVICE, (uint) 0); if (request_name_result == DBus.RequestNameReply.PRIMARY_OWNER) { // Start server var server = new IMDbDownloadServer (); conn.register_object (DBUS_OBJECT, server); (); } else { critical ("Service \"org.maemo.cinaest.IMDb\" already registered. Abort.\n"); } } catch (Error e) { critical ("Oops: %s\n", e.message); } } } abstract class LineParser { internal unowned IMDbSqlite sqlite; public LineParser (IMDbSqlite _sqlite) { sqlite = _sqlite; } public abstract void parse_line (string line); internal bool skip_title (string title) { if (title.has_suffix ("(TV)")) { return true; } if (title.has_suffix ("(V)")) { return true; } if (title.has_suffix ("(VG)")) { return true; } return false; } } class MovieLineParser : LineParser { Regex re_movie; public MovieLineParser (IMDbSqlite _sqlite) { base (_sqlite); try { re_movie = new Regex ("^([^\t]+)\t+([0-9]+)$"); } catch (RegexError e) { critical ("Failed to initialize regex: %s\n", e.message); } } public override void parse_line (string line) { MatchInfo matchinfo; // Skip series episodes if (line[0] == '"') return; if (!re_movie.match(line, 0, out matchinfo)) return; string title; string year = matchinfo.fetch (2); try { title = convert(matchinfo.fetch (1), -1, "utf-8", "latin1"); } catch (ConvertError e) { return; } if (skip_title (title)) return; sqlite.add_movie (title, year.to_int ()); } } class GenreLineParser : LineParser { Regex re_genre; public GenreLineParser (IMDbSqlite _sqlite) { base (_sqlite); try { re_genre = new Regex ("^([^\t]+)\t+([A-Za-z-]+)$"); } catch (RegexError e) { critical ("Failed to initialize regex: %s\n", e.message); } } public override void parse_line (string line) { MatchInfo matchinfo; // Skip series episodes if (line[0] == '"') return; if (!re_genre.match(line, 0, out matchinfo)) return; string title; string genre = matchinfo.fetch (2); try { title = convert(matchinfo.fetch (1), -1, "utf-8", "latin1"); } catch (ConvertError e) { return; } sqlite.movie_add_genre (title, genre); } } class RatingLineParser : LineParser { Regex re_rating; public RatingLineParser (IMDbSqlite _sqlite) { base (_sqlite); try { re_rating = new Regex ("^ .+ +[0-9]+ +([0-9.]+) +(.+)$"); } catch (RegexError e) { critical ("Failed to initialize regex: %s\n", e.message); } } public override void parse_line (string line) { MatchInfo matchinfo; // Skip series episodes if (line[0] == '"') return; if (!re_rating.match(line, 0, out matchinfo)) return; string title; string rating = matchinfo.fetch (1); try { title = convert(matchinfo.fetch (2), -1, "utf-8", "latin1"); } catch (ConvertError e) { return; } // Skip series episodes if (title[0] == '"') return; if (skip_title (title)) return; sqlite.movie_set_rating (title, (int) (rating.to_double () * 10)); } }