/* Copyright 2009-2010 Yorba Foundation * * This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License * (version 2.1 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution. */ class TrackSeparator : Gtk.HSeparator { //this class is referenced in the resource file } class FillmoreTrackView : Gtk.VBox, TrackView { TrackView track_view; public FillmoreTrackView(TrackView track_view) { this.track_view = track_view; track_view.clip_view_added.connect(on_clip_view_added); pack_start(track_view, true, true, 0); pack_start(new TrackSeparator(), false, false, 0); can_focus = false; } public void move_to_top(ClipView clip_view) { track_view.move_to_top(clip_view); } public void resize() { track_view.resize(); } public Model.Track get_track() { return track_view.get_track(); } public int get_track_height() { return track_view.get_track_height(); } void on_clip_view_added(ClipView clip_view) { clip_view_added(clip_view); } Gtk.Widget? find_child(double x, double y) { return track_view.find_child(x, y); } void select_all() { track_view.select_all(); } } public class FillmoreClassFactory : ClassFactory { public override TrackView get_track_view(Model.Track track, TimeLine timeline) { TrackView track_view = base.get_track_view(track, timeline); return new FillmoreTrackView(track_view); } }