#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import argparse import sys from gotovienna.routing import * parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Get public transport route for Vienna') parser.add_argument('-ot', metavar='type', type=str, help='origin type: %s' % ' | '.join(POSITION_TYPES), default='stop', choices=POSITION_TYPES) parser.add_argument('-dt', metavar='type', type=str, help='destination type: %s' % ' | '.join(POSITION_TYPES), default='stop', choices=POSITION_TYPES) parser.add_argument('origin', nargs='?') parser.add_argument('destination', nargs='?') args = parser.parse_args() if not args.origin: args.origin = raw_input('Origin: ') if not args.destination: args.destination = raw_input('Destination: ') print >>sys.stderr, 'Searching...', html = search((args.origin, args.ot), (args.destination, args.dt)).read() print >>sys.stderr, 'done.' finished = False while not finished: html = search((args.origin, args.ot), (args.destination, args.dt)).read() parser = sParser(html) state = parser.check_page() if state == PageType.CORRECTION: try: cor = parser.get_correction() origin, origin_place = split_station(args.origin) destination, destination_place = split_station(args.destination) # FIXME refactoring if cor.has_key('origin'): print print '* Origin ambiguous:' l = None while not l or not l.isdigit() or int(l) > len(cor['origin']): i = 1 for c in cor['origin']: print '%d. %s' % (i, c) i += 1 l = sys.stdin.readline().strip() origin = cor['origin'][int(l) - 1] if cor.has_key('destination'): print print '* Destination ambiguous:' l = None while not l or not l.isdigit() or int(l) > len(cor['destination']): i = 1 for c in cor['destination']: print '%d. %s' % (i, c) i += 1 l = sys.stdin.readline().strip() destination = cor['destination'][int(l) - 1] if cor.has_key('origin_place'): print print '* Origin place ambiguous:' l = None while not l or not l.isdigit() or int(l) > len(cor['origin_place']): i = 1 for c in cor['origin_place']: print '%d. %s' % (i, c) i += 1 l = sys.stdin.readline().strip() origin_place = cor['origin_place'][int(l) - 1] if cor.has_key('destination_place'): print print '* Destination place ambiguous:' l = None while not l or not l.isdigit() or int(l) > len(cor['destination_place']): i = 1 for c in cor['destination_place']: print '%d. %s' % (i, c) i += 1 l = sys.stdin.readline().strip() destination_place = cor['destination_place'][int(l) - 1] args.origin = '%s, %s' % (origin, origin_place) args.destination = '%s, %s' %(destination, destination_place) except ParserError: print 'PANIC at correction page' finished = True elif state == PageType.RESULT: parser = rParser(html) try: overviews = parser.overview details = parser.details l = '' while not l == 'q': for idx, overview in enumerate(overviews): if not overview['date'] or not overview['time']: # XXX: Bogus data for e.g. Pilgramgasse->Karlsplatz?! continue print '%d. [%s] %s-%s (%s)' % (idx + 1, overview['date'], overview['time'][0], overview['time'][1], overview['duration']) print 'q. Quit' l = sys.stdin.readline().strip() print print '~' * 80 if l.isdigit() and int(l) <= len(details): for detail in details[int(l) - 1]: if detail['time'] and detail['station']: time = '%s - %s' % (detail['time'][0].strftime(TIMEFORMAT), detail['time'][1].strftime(TIMEFORMAT)) print '[%s] %s\n%s' % (time, ' -> '.join(detail['station']), '\n'.join(detail['info'])) else: print '\n'.join(detail['info']) print '-' * 80 print finished = True except ParserError: print 'parsererror' elif state == PageType.UNKNOWN: print 'PANIC unknown result'