import QtQuick 1.1 import 1.0 import "UIConstants.js" as UIConstants import "ExtrasConstants.js" as ExtrasConstants Page { tools: commonTools Image { id: logo source: 'logo.png' anchors { topMargin: 25 top: horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } } SelectionDialog { id: lineSelector titleText: 'Select line' model: ListModel { id: lineSelectorModel Component.onCompleted: { var lines = itip.get_lines() for (var idx in lines) { lineSelectorModel.append({'name': lines[idx]}) } } } // XXX It would be nice if we could make a delegate with // icons (i.e. U1, U2, ... in the right colors), but we // would have to "copy" the default delegate style onAccepted: { console.log('accepted: ' + selectedIndex) gline.text = lineSelectorModel.get(selectedIndex).name } } TextField { placeholderText: 'Line' id: gline anchors { top: logo.bottom left: parent.left topMargin: 20 leftMargin: 10 rightMargin: 10 right: lineSearchButton.left } onTextChanged: { // TODO: Check if text matches an item in lineSelectorModel and // set selectedIndex in lineSelector to the right item if (lineSelector.selectedIndex == -1) { return } // Disable selection in line selector if user changes the text if (lineSelectorModel.get(lineSelector.selectedIndex).name != text) { lineSelector.selectedIndex = -1 } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent gline drag.axis: Drag.YAxis drag.minimumY: 0 drag.maximumY: parent.height } } Button { id: lineSearchButton anchors { top: bottom: gline.bottom right: parent.right rightMargin: 10 } width: 60 iconSource: 'image://theme/icon-m-common-search' onClicked: } TextField { placeholderText: 'Station' id: gstation anchors { top: gline.bottom left: parent.left right: stationPickerButton.left topMargin: 10 leftMargin: 10 rightMargin: 10*stationPickerButton.opacity } onTextChanged: { directionLabel.currentDirection = '' } } Sheet { id: stationSheet property string currentLine: '' property string currentDirection: '' property string currentStation: '' acceptButtonText: 'Select' rejectButtonText: 'Cancel' function loadData(lineName) { stationSheet.currentLine = lineName directionChooser.direction1 = '' directionChooser.direction2 = '' directionChooserBusyIndicator.running = true itip.load_directions(stationSheet.currentLine) firstDirection.clicked() directionChooser.checkedButton = firstDirection } Connections { target: itip onDirectionsLoaded: { directionChooserBusyIndicator.running = false directionChooser.direction1 = itip.get_direction(0) directionChooser.direction2 = itip.get_direction(1) firstDirection.clicked() directionChooser.checkedButton = firstDirection } } content: Item { anchors.fill: parent ButtonColumn { id: directionChooser property string direction1 property string direction2 visible: !directionChooserBusyIndicator.running function chosen(idx) { console.log('direction chosen: '+ idx) stationSelectorListView.selectedIndex = -1 if (idx == 1) { stationSheet.currentDirection = directionChooser.direction1 } else { stationSheet.currentDirection = directionChooser.direction2 } directionChooserModel.clear() var stations = itip.get_stations(stationSheet.currentLine, stationSheet.currentDirection) for (var s in stations) { directionChooserModel.append({'station': stations[s]}) } } anchors { margins: 10 top: left: parent.left right: parent.right } Button { id: firstDirection text: 'Richtung ' + directionChooser.direction1 onClicked: directionChooser.chosen(1) } Button { id: secondDirection text: 'Richtung ' + directionChooser.direction2 onClicked: directionChooser.chosen(2) } } ListView { id: stationSelectorListView visible: !directionChooserBusyIndicator.running property int selectedIndex: -1 onSelectedIndexChanged: { console.log('current index: ' + selectedIndex) } anchors { margins: 10 top: directionChooser.bottom left: parent.left right: parent.right bottom: parent.bottom } clip: true model: ListModel { id: directionChooserModel } delegate: StationListItem { selector: stationSelectorListView } } ScrollDecorator { flickableItem: stationSelectorListView } BusyIndicator { id: directionChooserBusyIndicator anchors.centerIn: parent visible: running platformStyle: BusyIndicatorStyle { size: 'large' } } } onAccepted: { if (stationSelectorListView.selectedIndex == -1) { gstation.text = '' } else { gstation.text = directionChooserModel.get(stationSelectorListView.selectedIndex).station } directionLabel.currentDirection = stationSheet.currentDirection } } Button { id: stationPickerButton anchors { top: bottom: gstation.bottom right: parent.right rightMargin: 10 } Behavior on opacity { PropertyAnimation { } } opacity: gline.text != '' // XXX: Check if the line is valid width: lineSearchButton.width * opacity //iconSource: 'image://theme/icon-m-common-location-picker' iconSource: 'image://theme/icon-m-toolbar-list' onClicked: { stationSheet.loadData(gline.text) } } ResultRealtime { id: resu } Label { id: directionLabel property string currentDirection: '' text: 'Richtung ' + currentDirection anchors { left: parent.left right: parent.right top: gstation.bottom margins: 20*directionLabel.opacity } font.pixelSize: UIConstants.FONT_SMALL opacity: currentDirection != '' scale: opacity Behavior on opacity { PropertyAnimation { } } } Button { id: btnSearch text: 'Search' anchors { top: directionLabel.bottom topMargin: 10 horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } onClicked: { resu.gline = gline.text resu.gstation = gstation.text pageStack.push(resu), gstation.text) resu.busy = false } } }