##### Probably don't want to edit below this line ##### SET( QT_USE_QTTEST TRUE ) # Use it INCLUDE( ${QT_USE_FILE} ) INCLUDE(AddFileDependencies) # Include the library include directories, and the current build directory (moc) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( ../../src ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ) SET( UNIT_TESTS testserializer ) # Build the tests FOREACH(test ${UNIT_TESTS}) MESSAGE(STATUS "Building ${test}") QT4_WRAP_CPP(MOC_SOURCE ${test}.cpp) ADD_EXECUTABLE( ${test} ${test}.cpp ) ADD_FILE_DEPENDENCIES(${test}.cpp ${MOC_SOURCE}) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES( ${test} ${QT_LIBRARIES} qjson ) if (QJSON_TEST_OUTPUT STREQUAL "xml") # produce XML output add_test( ${test} ${test} -xml -o ${test}.tml ) else (QJSON_TEST_OUTPUT STREQUAL "xml") add_test( ${test} ${test} ) endif (QJSON_TEST_OUTPUT STREQUAL "xml") ENDFOREACH()