import Qt 4.7 import "common" as Common // Depends on qt4-declarative-qmlviewer Item { width: 480 height: 640 anchors.fill: parent id: screen Rectangle { id: container anchors.fill: parent; color: "#343434"; anchors.centerIn: parent //transformOrigin: Item.Center property bool editMode: false property bool inPortrait: width < height function categoryClicked(catid) { feedsItem.catid = catid; feedsItem.reload(); categoriesItem.isShown = false; feedsItem.visible = true; } function feedClicked(feedid, updating) { flipper.feedid = feedid; flipper.reload(); toolBar.feedUpdating = updating; flipper.visible = true; } function backClicked() { if (flipper.visible && flipper.articleShown) { // We're viewing an article, and going back to article listing flipper.articleShown = false; flipper.reload() //flipper.articleid = ""; //flipper.value = 1; //articlesItem.reload() return; } if (flipper.visible) { feedsItem.reload(); toolBar.feedUpdating = false; flipper.visible = false; flipper.feedid = ""; flipper.reload(); return; } if (feedsItem.visible) { // Viewing feeds, going back to categories //feedsItem.catid = ""; feedsItem.visible = false; //feedsItem.reload(); categoriesItem.isShown = true; return; } if (!feedsItem.visible) { // Viewing categories, quitting Qt.quit(); } } function categoryDeleted(catid) { confirmationMessage.catid=catid; confirmationMessage.state="deleteCat"; } function feedDeleted(catid, feedid) { confirmationMessage.catid=catid; confirmationMessage.feedid=feedid; confirmationMessage.state="deleteFeed"; } function feedEdit(feedname, feedid, url) { addFeed.feedEdit = true; addFeed.feedName = feedname; addFeed.feedUrl = url; addFeed.visible = true; } function addCategory(categoryName) { controller.addCategory(categoryName) categoriesItem.reload(); addCat.visible=false; } function addFeed(catid, feedName, feedURL) { controller.addFeed(feedName, feedURL, catid) var doc = new XMLHttpRequest(); feedsItem.reload(); addFeedDialog.visible=false; } function updateClicked(feedid) { controller.updateFeed(feedid); } function updateAllClicked() { controller.updateAll(); } Common.Menu { id: config z: 5 property string hideReadFeeds : "False" property string hideReadArticles : "False" property bool isShown: false; //width: parent.width; height: parent.height; //height: 0 states: State { name: "shown"; when: config.isShown == true PropertyChanges { target: config; y: 66 } } transitions: Transition { NumberAnimation { properties: "y"; duration: 300; easing.type: "InOutQuad" } } } Common.ConfirmationMessage { id: confirmationMessage; property string catid: ""; property string feedid: ""; function action() { if (state=="markAll") { flipper.markAllAsRead(); state="hidden" feedsItem.reload() return; } if (state=="deleteCat") { var doc = new XMLHttpRequest(); var url = "http://localhost:8000/deleteCat/"+catid"GET", url); doc.send(); categoriesItem.reload(); state="hidden"; return; } if (state=="deleteFeed") { var doc = new XMLHttpRequest(); var url = "http://localhost:8000/deleteFeed/"+catid+"/"+feedid"GET", url); doc.send(); feedsItem.reload(); state="hidden"; return; } } visible: false onOkClicked: action() onCancelClicked: visible=false state: "hidden" states: [ State {name: "markAll"; PropertyChanges { target: confirmationMessage; text: qsTr("Do you want to mark all items as read?") } PropertyChanges { target: confirmationMessage; visible: true; } }, State {name: "deleteCat"; PropertyChanges { target: confirmationMessage; text: qsTr("Do you want to delete this category?") } PropertyChanges { target: confirmationMessage; visible: true; } }, State {name: "deleteFeed"; PropertyChanges { target: confirmationMessage; text: qsTr("Do you want to delete this feed and all its articles?") } PropertyChanges { target: confirmationMessage; visible: true; } }, State {name: "hidden"; PropertyChanges { target: confirmationMessage; visible: false; } } ] } Common.ToolBar { id: toolBar; z: 7 height: 66;; width: parent.width; opacity: 0.9 menuLabel: qsTr("Config"); backLabel: qsTr("Back") nextLabel: qsTr("Next"); prevLabel: qsTr("Previous") markAllLabel: qsTr("Mark All As Read"); zoomLabel: qsTr("Zoom") taskSwitcherLabel: qsTr("Task Switch") onMenuClicked: config.isShown = !config.isShown; onBackClicked: container.backClicked() onPrevClicked: flipper.prev(); onNextClicked:; onMarkAllClicked: { confirmationMessage.state = "markAll"; } onZoomClicked: { flipper.zoomEnabled = !flipper.zoomEnabled; } onTaskSwitcherClicked: { var doc = new XMLHttpRequest(); var url = "http://localhost:8000/task""GET", url); doc.send(); } onAddClicked: { if (feedsItem.visible) { addFeedDialog.feedName=""; addFeedDialog.catid = feedsItem.catid; addFeedDialog.visible = true; return; } if (categoriesItem.visible) { addCat.catName=""; addCat.visible=true; return; } } onUpdateClicked: { if (flipper.visible) { toolBar.feedUpdating = true container.updateClicked(flipper.feedid); } else { container.updateAllClicked(); } } states: [ State { name: "navButtons"; when: flipper.articleShown PropertyChanges { target: toolBar; nextVisible: !container.inPortrait; } PropertyChanges { target: toolBar; prevVisible: !container.inPortrait; } //PropertyChanges { target: toolBar; zoomVisible: true; } PropertyChanges { target: toolBar; addVisible: false; } }, State { name: "feedButtons"; when: (flipper.visible)&&(!flipper.articleShown) PropertyChanges { target: toolBar; markAllVisible: true; } PropertyChanges { target: toolBar; addVisible: false; } PropertyChanges { target: toolBar; updateVisible: true; } }, State { name: "quitButton"; when: (!feedsItem.visible) PropertyChanges { target: toolBar; quitVisible: true;} PropertyChanges { target: toolBar; updateVisible: true; } //PropertyChanges { target: toolBar; addVisible: true; } } ] } Item { id: views //x: 2; //y:66; width: parent.width // - 4 height: parent.height-toolBar.height; toolBar.bottom; anchors.bottom: parent.bottom y: toolBar.height; Common.AddCat { visible: false; id: addCat width: parent.width; height: parent.height; z: 10; } Common.AddFeed { visible: false; id: addFeedDialog width: parent.width; height: parent.height; z: 10; } Timer { function checkUpdates() { if (categoriesItem.visible && !feedsItem.visible) { var doc = new XMLHttpRequest(); var url = "http://localhost:8000/isUpdating/" doc.onreadystatechange = function() { if (doc.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { var xmlDoc = doc.responseXML.documentElement; //var els = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("updating"); var isUpdating = xmlDoc.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue; //console.log(isUpdating); if (isUpdating=="True") { toolBar.feedUpdating = true; } else { if (toolBar.feedUpdating) { // We changed from updating to not updating, so we reload the listing toolBar.feedUpdating = false; categoriesItem.reload(); } } var commands = xmlDoc.lastChild.childNodes; for (var ii = 0; ii < commands.length; ++ii) { // process the commands var command = commands[ii].attributes[0].value; //("c") //console.log(command) if (command=="openFeed") { // Open feed feed var catid = commands[ii].attributes[1].value; var feedid = commands[ii].firstChild.nodeValue; if (!flipper.visible) { container.categoryClicked(catid); container.feedClicked(feedid,false); console.log("feedid: " + feedid); } } if (command=="openArticle") { // Open feed and article var catid = commands[ii].attributes[1].value; var feedid = commands[ii].attributes[2].value; //("key"); var articleid = commands[ii].firstChild.nodeValue; if (!flipper.visible) { container.categoryClicked(catid); container.feedClicked(feedid,false); flipper.viewArticle(articleid) } } if (command=="addFeed") { // Open the addFeed dialog var url = commands[ii].firstChild.nodeValue; //console.log("add: "+url) } } } }"GET", url); doc.send(); //categoriesItem.reload() } if (feedsItem.visible && !flipper.visible) { //feedsItem.reload() } if (flipper.visible) { var doc = new XMLHttpRequest(); var url = "http://localhost:8000/isUpdating/" + flipper.feedid doc.onreadystatechange = function() { if (doc.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { var xmlDoc = doc.responseXML.documentElement; var isUpdating = xmlDoc.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue; //console.log(isUpdating); if (isUpdating=="True") { toolBar.feedUpdating = true; } else { if (toolBar.feedUpdating) { // We changed from updating to not updating, so we reload the listing toolBar.feedUpdating = false; flipper.reload(); } } } }"GET", url); doc.send(); //flipper.reload() } } interval: 2000; running: false; repeat: true onTriggered: checkUpdates(); } Categories { // Loads the categoryList view and delegate id: categoriesItem property bool isShown: true; inEditMode: container.editMode; states: State { name: "shown"; when: categoriesItem.isShown == false PropertyChanges { target: categoriesItem; x: -screen.width } } transitions: Transition { NumberAnimation { properties: "x"; duration: 300; easing.type: "InOutQuad" } } } Feeds { // Loads the feedList view and delegate id: feedsItem; property string hideReadFeeds: config.hideReadFeeds visible: false; inEditMode: container.editMode; states: [ State { name: "articlesShown"; when: flipper.visible; PropertyChanges { target: feedsItem; x: -parent.width } }, State { name: "shown"; when: feedsItem.visible; PropertyChanges { target: feedsItem; x: 0 } } ] transitions: Transition { NumberAnimation { properties: "x"; duration: 300; easing.type: "InOutQuad" } } } ArticleViewer { id: flipper visible: false; property string hideReadArticles: config.hideReadArticles property string feedid: "" x: parent.width states: State { name: "shown"; when: flipper.visible; PropertyChanges { target: flipper; x: 0 } } transitions: Transition { NumberAnimation { properties: "x"; duration: 300; easing.type: "InOutQuad" } } } } // Text { // x: container.width/2 // y:container.height/2 // text: runtime.orientation; // } } }