Check-Script: md5sums Author: Christian Schwarz Abbrev: md5 Type: binary Unpack-Level: 1 Needs-Info: md5sums Info: This script checks if md5sum control files are valid, if they are provided by a binary package. Tag: no-md5sums-control-file Type: info Info: This package does not contain an md5sums control file. This control file listing the MD5 checksums of the contents of the package is not required, but if present debsums can use it to verify that no files shipped with your package have been modified. Providing it is recommended. . If you are using debhelper to create your package, just add a call to dh_md5sums at the end of your binary-indep or binary-arch target, right before dh_builddeb. Tag: malformed-md5sums-control-file Type: error Info: The indicated line of the md5sums control file for this package was malformed. Each line of an md5sums control file should contain an MD5 checksum, some whitespace, and then the path to the file corresponding to that checksum. Tag: md5sum-mismatch Type: error Info: The md5sum listed for the file does not match the actual file contents. . Usually, this error occurs during the package build process, if the debian/tmp/ directory is touched after dh_md5sums or debstd is run. Tag: md5sums-lists-nonexisting-file Type: error Info: The md5sums control file lists a file which is not included in the package. . Usually, this error occurs during the package build process, if the debian/tmp/ directory is touched after dh_md5sums or debstd is run. . If all the files in the DEBIAN/ subdirectory are listed above, the problem was probably caused by building the package using a buggy debstd/debmake. In this case, rebuilding the package with an updated debstd should fix the problem. Tag: file-missing-in-md5sums Type: warning Info: The package contains a file which isn't listed in the md5sums control file. . Usually, this error occurs during the package build process, if the debian/tmp/ directory is touched after dh_md5sums or debstd is run.