BookmarksMenuFolderTitle=Ponuka Záložky BookmarksToolbarFolderTitle=Panel záložiek UnsortedBookmarksFolderTitle=Nezaradené záložky TagsFolderTitle=Značky # LOCALIZATION NOTE (dateName): # These are used to generate history containers when history is grouped by date finduri-AgeInDays-is-0=Dnes finduri-AgeInDays-is-1=Včera finduri-AgeInDays-is=Pred %S dňami finduri-AgeInDays-last-is=Posledných %S dní finduri-AgeInDays-isgreater=Staršie ako %S dní finduri-AgeInMonths-is-0=Tento mesiac finduri-AgeInMonths-isgreater=Staršie ako %S mesiacov # LOCALIZATION NOTE (localFiles): # This is used to generate local files container when history is grouped by site localhost=(lokálne súbory) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (bookmarksArchiveFilename): # %S will be replaced by the current date in ISO 8601 format, YYYY-MM-DD. # The resulting string will be suggested as a filename, so make sure that you're # only using characters legal for file names. Consider falling back to the # en-US value if you have to use non-ascii characters. bookmarksArchiveFilename=záložky-%S.json