0.9.37 Fixed the closechroot icon, added back oo icon & fullscreen key 0.9.38 Fixed top menu in LXDE and added ctrl-space fullscreen key. 0.9.39 Tweaked top menu in LXDE 0.9.40 New image (m5-v3), new icons for HW keys, closechroot and Evince, improved installer 0.9.41: Fixed closechroot icon conflict with easy-chroot pkg 0.9.42: Changed icon and .desktop name for Evince to avoid conflict with Maemo pkg, improved installer. 0.9.43: Removed Evince icon; Maemo version is just as good. Don't overwrite user's .xbindkeysrc 0.9.44: Added notification (noise, vibration, LED) to install script, ready to push to Extras! 0.9.45: Fixed ~/.xbindkeysrc file to work with all keyboards. Installer now triggers synchroot script. 0.9.46: Deleted theme line from /home/user/.config/lxde/config