
ModestConf —


GObject*    modest_conf_new                 (void);
gchar*      modest_conf_get_string          (ModestConf *self,
                                             const gchar *key,
                                             GError **err);
int         modest_conf_get_int             (ModestConf *self,
                                             const gchar *key,
                                             GError **err);
gboolean    modest_conf_get_bool            (ModestConf *self,
                                             const gchar *key,
                                             GError **err);
gboolean    modest_conf_set_string          (ModestConf *self,
                                             const gchar *key,
                                             const gchar *val,
                                             GError **err);
gboolean    modest_conf_set_int             (ModestConf *self,
                                             const gchar *key,
                                             int val,
                                             GError **err);
gboolean    modest_conf_set_bool            (ModestConf *self,
                                             const gchar *key,
                                             gboolean val,
                                             GError **err);
GSList*     modest_conf_list_subkeys        (ModestConf *self,
                                             const gchar *key,
                                             GError **err);
gboolean    modest_conf_remove_key          (ModestConf *self,
                                             const gchar *key,
                                             GError **err);
gboolean    modest_conf_key_exists          (ModestConf *self,
                                             const gchar *key,
                                             GError **err);




typedef struct {
	 GObject parent;
} ModestConf;

modest_conf_new ()

GObject*    modest_conf_new                 (void);

create a new modest ModestConf object.

Returns : a new ModestConf instance, or NULL in case of any error

modest_conf_get_string ()

gchar*      modest_conf_get_string          (ModestConf *self,
                                             const gchar *key,
                                             GError **err);

get a string from the configuration system

self : self a ModestConf instance
key : the key of the value to retrieve
err : a GError ptr, or NULL to ignore.
Returns : a newly allocated string with the value for the key, or NULL in case of error. err gives details in case of error

modest_conf_get_int ()

int         modest_conf_get_int             (ModestConf *self,
                                             const gchar *key,
                                             GError **err);

get an integer from the configuration system

self : self a ModestConf instance
key : the key of the value to retrieve
err : a GError ptr, or NULL to ignore.
Returns : an integer with the value for the key, or -1 in case of error (of course, -1 can also be returned in non-error cases). err gives details in case of error

modest_conf_get_bool ()

gboolean    modest_conf_get_bool            (ModestConf *self,
                                             const gchar *key,
                                             GError **err);

get a boolean value from the configuration system

self : self a ModestConf instance
key : the key of the value to retrieve
err : a GError ptr, or NULL to ignore.
Returns : a boolean value with the value for the key, or -1 in case of error (of course, -1 can also be returned in non-error cases). err gives details in case of error

modest_conf_set_string ()

gboolean    modest_conf_set_string          (ModestConf *self,
                                             const gchar *key,
                                             const gchar *val,
                                             GError **err);

store a string value in the configuration system

self : a ModestConf instance
key : the key of the value to set
val : the value to set
err : a GError ptr, or NULL if not interested.
Returns : TRUE if succeeded or FALSE in case of error. err gives details in case of error

modest_conf_set_int ()

gboolean    modest_conf_set_int             (ModestConf *self,
                                             const gchar *key,
                                             int val,
                                             GError **err);

store an integer value in the configuration system

self : a ModestConf instance
key : the key of the value to set
val : the value to set
err : a GError ptr, or NULL if not interested.
Returns : TRUE if succeeded or FALSE in case of error. err gives details in case of error

modest_conf_set_bool ()

gboolean    modest_conf_set_bool            (ModestConf *self,
                                             const gchar *key,
                                             gboolean val,
                                             GError **err);

store a boolean value in the configuration system

self : a ModestConf instance
key : the key of the value to set
val : the value to set
err : a GError ptr, or NULL if not interested.
Returns : TRUE if succeeded or FALSE in case of error. err gives details in case of error

modest_conf_list_subkeys ()

GSList*     modest_conf_list_subkeys        (ModestConf *self,
                                             const gchar *key,
                                             GError **err);

list all the subkeys for a given key

self : a ModestConf instance
key : the key whose subkeys will be listed
err : a GError ptr, or NULL if not interested.
Returns : a newly allocated list or NULL in case of error the returned GSList must be freed by the caller err gives details in case of error

modest_conf_remove_key ()

gboolean    modest_conf_remove_key          (ModestConf *self,
                                             const gchar *key,
                                             GError **err);

attempts to remove key and all its subkeys

self : a ModestConf instance
key : the key to remove
err : a GError ptr, or NULL if not interested.
Returns : TRUE if succeeded or FALSE in case of error. err gives details in case of error

modest_conf_key_exists ()

gboolean    modest_conf_key_exists          (ModestConf *self,
                                             const gchar *key,
                                             GError **err);

checks if the given key exists in the configuration system

self : a ModestConf instance
key : the key to remove
err : a GError ptr, or NULL if not interested.
Returns : TRUE if exists, FALSE otherwise. err gives details in case of error