- Fixed a bug: main window of configuration editor remained disabled, if the editor window was closed from window manager and not by 'Done' button. - Database changes, delete old database: $ emufront reset - or update your database: $ sqlite3 ~/my.db.sqlite > alter table file add column extname; > .quit 0.1.2a 2010-11-07 - Added temp directory configuration - Changed selection model in file list - Layout fixes - Database changes, delete old database: $ emufront reset - or update your database: $ sqlite3 ~/my.db.sqlite > CREATE TABLE config (tmpdirpath text); > .quit 0.1.1a 2010-11-05 - Fixed a bug with setup editor (user could make multiple instances of setup editor and this caused crashes) 0.01a 2010-11-05 - 1st public release - basic functionality roughly implemented