
A Universal Infrared Remote Control

Version 0.6

A tasty little app for controlling all your infrared devices. As of this version, the keysets are still limited and mostly untested. If you find problems or if you'd like to see keysets for more devices added, please send me a note at jpietrzak8@gmail.com or leave a post on the Pierogi message board. Thank you!

For more information, please visit the Pierogi website.

Pierogi is a free open-source program! Use it however you like. But if you wish to send a few appreciative dollars my way, I do accept donations. Thank you!

Copyright (C) 2012 by John Pietrzak. Released under the GPL version 2.0 or later.

Icons provided under a Creative Commons license by Gentleface.

Please send any questions or comments to: jpietrzak8@gmail.com