* Fix POD to pass t/02_pod_coverage.t. * Update documentation with regard to the various limitations which have been removed recently. * Tests for ssl_read_until. * Fix this issue on hpux: two major diffs to the rest of the world: 1. libssl.sl instead of libssl.so The default installation still expects .so files, so the sysadm needs to make symlinks to find those Tux 2. HP-UX uses SHLIB_PATH alongside LD_LIBRARY_PATH Tux HP-UX allows both, and allows them together. The search sequence can be set in each library itself If you find your libs in Makefile.PL, you should extend LD_LIBRARY_PATH with that location, also in MAKEFILE to make 'make test' pass * Better test coverage + Write a test for http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=9611 + Test if exports work correctly * Changelogging! * Improve the search for installed openssl and zlib libs so it will recognize them only runtime is installed without the headers required for building the module. * Instruction on how to the the prerequisites Installing OpenSSL ------------------ On Debian and Debian based Operating systems one can install by typing: apt-get install libssl-dev On some Ubuntu versions libssl-dev seems to be broken as it doesn't depend on zlib1g-dev. apt-get install zlib1g fixes that.