#don't modify this file directly because an update could overwrite your changes! #copy any files you modify to /home/user/MyDocs and update the path below and also in the loadAll.lua file #conky will load the .conf file from there unless you are using mass storage usb at that moment lua_load /etc/conky/LoadAll.lua #lua_load /home/user/MyDocs/LoadAll.lua lua_draw_hook_pre main alignment top_left background no maximum_width 854 border_width 1 cpu_avg_samples 2 default_outline_color white default_shade_color white diskio_avg_samples 10 draw_borders no draw_graph_borders yes draw_outline no draw_shades no double_buffer yes gap_x 20 gap_y 60 minimum_size 5 5 net_avg_samples 2 no_buffers yes out_to_console no own_window yes own_window_class Conky own_window_type normal own_window_transparent no own_window_hints fullscreen #own_window_colour ff0000 override_utf8_locale yes show_graph_scale no show_graph_range no short_units yes stippled_borders 0 temperature_unit celsius update_interval 1.5 update_interval_on_battery 4 update_heartbeat_min 4 update_heartbeat_max 6 update_heartbeat_battery_skip 1 update_skips_when_sleeping 5 uppercase no use_spacer none use_xft yes xftfont Nokia Sans CN:size=11 #xftfont NokiaPureTextMELight:size=11 #xftfont tahoma:size=11 xftalpha 0.8 default_color FFFFFF TEXT ${image /etc/conky/n950-kobol.jpg} ${voffset -5} ${goto 269}${color 4072a5}Load1 avg: ${goto 517}${color 4072a5}Processes:$color $processes ${color 4072a5}${goto 269}Load 1/5/15: $color$loadavg${goto 517}${color 4072a5}Running:${goto 620}$color$running_processes ${voffset 11} ${color 33cc99}CONNECTIONS [$color${tcp_portmon 1 65535 count}${color 33cc99}] (lport:rservice:rport):$color ${goto 437}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 lservice 0}${goto 482}:${scroll 32 5${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rhost 0}}${goto 776}:${scroll 12 2 ${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rservice 0}} $color${tcp_portmon 1 65535 lservice 1}${goto 50}:${scroll 32 5${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rhost 1}}${goto 345}:${scroll 12 2${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rservice 1}}${goto 437}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 lservice 2}${goto 482}:${scroll 32 5${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rhost 2}}${goto 776}:${scroll 12 2 ${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rservice 2}} $color${tcp_portmon 1 65535 lservice 3}${goto 50}:${scroll 32 5${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rhost 3}}${goto 345}:${scroll 12 2${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rservice 3}}${goto 437}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 lservice 4}${goto 482}:${scroll 32 5${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rhost 4}}${goto 776}:${scroll 12 2 ${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rservice 4}} $color${tcp_portmon 1 65535 lservice 5}${goto 50}:${scroll 32 5${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rhost 5}}${goto 345}:${scroll 12 2${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rservice 5}}${goto 437}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 lservice 6}${goto 482}:${scroll 32 5${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rhost 6}}${goto 776}:${scroll 12 2 ${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rservice 6}} $color${tcp_portmon 1 65535 lservice 7}${goto 50}:${scroll 32 5${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rhost 7}}${goto 345}:${scroll 12 2${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rservice 7}}${goto 437}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 lservice 8}${goto 482}:${scroll 32 5${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rhost 8}}${goto 776}:${scroll 12 2 ${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rservice 8}} $color${tcp_portmon 1 65535 lservice 9}${goto 50}:${scroll 32 5${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rhost 9}}${goto 345}:${scroll 12 2${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rservice 9}}${goto 437}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 lservice 10}${goto 482}:${scroll 32 5${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rhost 10}}${goto 776}:${scroll 12 2 ${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rservice 10}} ${voffset 6}${color 4072a5}Top CPU%${goto 110} CPU%${goto 160} MEM% ${goto 257}${color 4072a5} | ${color 4072a5}Top Total Memory${goto 390} RAM ${goto 440} VM ${goto 555}${color 4072a5}| ${color 4072a5}Top CPU TIME ${goto 680} MM:SS.cs ${goto 750} CPU% ${lua_parse top_cpu_colour 1} ${goto 257}${color 4072a5} | ${lua_parse top_mem_colour 1} ${goto 555}${color 4072a5}| ${color }${top_time name 1}${goto 680}${top_time time 1}${goto 750}${top_time cpu 1} $color${top name 2}${goto 110}${top cpu 2}${goto 160}${top mem 2} ${goto 257}${color 4072a5} | ${lua_parse top_mem_colour 2} ${goto 555}${color 4072a5}| ${color }${top_time name 2}${goto 680}${top_time time 2}${goto 750}${top_time cpu 2} $color${top name 3}${goto 110}${top cpu 3}${goto 160}${top mem 3} ${goto 257}${color 4072a5} | ${lua_parse top_mem_colour 3} ${goto 555}${color 4072a5}| ${color }${top_time name 3}${goto 680}${top_time time 3}${goto 750}${top_time cpu 3} $color${top name 4}${goto 110}${top cpu 4}${goto 160}${top mem 4} ${goto 257}${color 4072a5} | ${lua_parse top_mem_colour 4} ${goto 555}${color 4072a5}| ${color }${top_time name 4}${goto 680}${top_time time 4}${goto 750}${top_time cpu 4} $color${top name 5}${goto 110}${top cpu 5}${goto 160}${top mem 5} ${goto 257}${color 4072a5} | ${lua_parse top_mem_colour 5} ${goto 555}${color 4072a5}| ${color }${top_time name 5}${goto 680}${top_time time 5}${goto 750}${top_time cpu 5}