* Neverball * * REQUIREMENTS SDL http://www.libsdl.org/download-1.2.php SDL_ttf http://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_ttf/ PhysicsFS http://icculus.org/physfs/ libvorbis http://xiph.org/vorbis/ libpng http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html libjpeg To build Neverball with native language support on systems not using the GNU C library, an additional library may have to be installed: libintl http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/ To build Neverball with Nintendo Wii Remote support on Linux, the "official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack" or BlueZ and the libwiimote library must be installed and configured: BlueZ http://www.bluez.org/ libwiimote http://libwiimote.sourceforge.net/ To build Neverball with Hillcrest Labs Loop support enabled, the libfreespace and libusb libraries must be installed and configured: libusb-1.0 http://www.libusb.org/wiki/Libusb1.0 libfreespace http://libfreespace.hillcrestlabs.com/ * FONTS The Deja Vu font used by Neverball is not suitable for all translations included with the game. Due to file size concerns, another font is not included with Neverball; however, additional fonts can be installed in these locations: ttf/wqy-zenhei.ttc Simplified Chinese ttf/wqy-microhei.ttc Traditional Chinese The Wen Quan Yi Chinese fonts may be obtained from here: Wen Quan Yi http://wenq.org/en/ * COMPILATION Under Unix and Linux, simply run make Certain features can be enabled/disabled at compile time by passing additional arguments to Make in the form "NAME=VALUE", where NAME is one of those listed below and VALUE is typically 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled. ENABLE_NLS=1 Enable native language support. May require additional libraries. ENABLE_TILT=wii Enable Wii Remote support. Requires additional libraries and system configuration. ENABLE_TILT=loop Enable Hillcrest Labs Loop support. Requires additional libraries and system configuration. Under Mac OS X, build using the provided Xcode project files. For Windows builds, the MinGW cross-compilation environment is supported. (Native builds are theoretically possible using MinGW and MSYS. Although care is taken to preserve compatibility with MSYS, no support exists and no actual testing is done.) By default, an uninstalled build may be executed in place. * INSTALLATION The game searches for game assets in the following three places, in this order. If the game is to be installed globally, at least one of them must be set. 1. The directory specified as argument to '--data' (or '-d') option on the command line. 2. The directory given by the NEVERBALL_DATA environment variable. 3. The directory given by the CONFIG_DATA macro defined in share/base_config.h (which corresponds to the DATADIR Makefile variable). A normal Linux installation would probably copy the data directory to "/usr/local/share/games/neverball/" and set DATADIR to match. * DISTRIBUTION The dist subdirectory contains some miscellaneous files: * "Desktop entry" or .desktop files. * Icons in PNG, SVG and ICO formats. Web: