Parse the "code" element in the qpl file
[quandoparte] / www / index.html
2 <html lang="en_US">
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4                 <title>Quando Parte</title>
5                 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> 
6                 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="default.css" />
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9         <body>
10                 <div class="header">
11                         <div id="icon"><img alt="Quando Parte" src="./quandoparte-icon-80.png"/></div>
12                         <h1>Quando Parte</h1>
13                         <div class="navigation">
14                                 <a href="./index.html">Home</a> &nbsp;
15                                 <a href="">Download</a> &nbsp;
16                                 <a href="./screenshots.html">Screenshots</a>
17                         </div>
18                         <p>Quickly check train schedules and delays at your station</p>
19                 </div>
20                 <div class="bodymatter">
21                         <p><b>Quando Parte</b> (Italian: <i>When is it leaving?</i>) is a program designed to quickly check
22                         (Italian) railway timetables and delays at train stations you use. It is
23                         based on the 
24                         <a href=""></a>
25                         service of the Trenitalia railways operator, and on
26                         train station data collected by 
27                         <a href="">Openstreetmap</a>.</p>
28                         <p>The aim of the program is to be a quick tool to manage
29                         your time when commuting; timetable lookup and other
30                         informations may come at a later stage, but they are
31                         out of the initial scope of the project.</p>
32                         <p>The project is young, a few features have yet to be written. More informations are coming!</p>
33                         <p>The initial version is for the 
34                         <a href="">Nokia N900</a>, 
35                         there may soon be ports to other platforms where the Qt libraries are available.</p>
36                         <h2>News and Announcements</h2>
37                         <p>You can find news and announcements about new versions of <b>Quando Parte</b> in the 
38                         <a href="">news</a> section of the project page.</p>
39                 </div>
40                 <div class="footer">
41                         <div class="copy">© 2011 Luciano Montanaro</div>
42                         <div class="note">The program is maintained in the <a href="">Maemo Garage</a>.</div>     
43                 </div>
44         </body>
45 </html>