Added method to queue requests if not connected to network.
[situare] / src /
1 # -------------------------------------------------
2 # Project created by QtCreator 2010-03-26T07:57:35
3 # -------------------------------------------------
4 TARGET = ../situare
5 TEMPLATE = app
6 INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/qjson /usr/include/glib-2.0 /usr/lib/glib-2.0/include
7 LIBS += -lqjson
8 CONFIG += icd2 qdbus
9 RESOURCES += ../images.qrc
10 SOURCES += main.cpp \
11     ui/mainwindow.cpp \
12     situareservice/situareservice.cpp \
13     situareservice/imagefetcher.cpp \
14     facebookservice/facebookcredentials.cpp \
15     facebookservice/facebookauthentication.cpp \
16     map/mapengine.cpp \
17     map/mapview.cpp \
18     map/mapscene.cpp \
19     map/maptile.cpp \
20     map/mapfetcher.cpp \
21     map/ownlocationitem.cpp \
22     map/baselocationitem.cpp \
23     map/friendlocationitem.cpp \
24     ui/updatelocation/updatelocationdialog.cpp \
25     ui/updatelocation/texteditautoresizer.cpp \
26     ui/friendlistview.cpp \
27     ui/friendlistitem.cpp \
28     user/user.cpp \
29     ui/avatarimage.cpp \
30     engine/engine.cpp \
31     ui/settingsdialog.cpp \
32     ui/logindialog.cpp \
33     map/maptilerequest.cpp \
34     ui/imagebutton.cpp \
35     ui/friendlistpanel.cpp \
36     ui/userinfopanel.cpp \
37     ui/panelsidebar.cpp \
38     ui/panelsliderbar.cpp \
39     map/friendgroupitem.cpp \
40     map/frienditemshandler.cpp \
41     gps/gpsposition.cpp \
42     map/gpslocationitem.cpp \
43     ui/zoombuttonpanel.cpp \
44     ui/userinfo.cpp \
45     engine/networkhandler.cpp \
46     ui/sidepanel.cpp \
47     engine/networkaccessmanager.cpp \
48     engine/networkreply.cpp
49 HEADERS += ui/mainwindow.h \
50     map/mapengine.h \
51     map/mapview.h \
52     map/mapscene.h \
53     map/maptile.h \
54     map/mapfetcher.h \
55     map/mapcommon.h \
56     map/ownlocationitem.h \
57     map/baselocationitem.h \
58     map/friendlocationitem.h \
59     ui/updatelocation/updatelocationdialog.h \
60     ui/updatelocation/texteditautoresizer.h \
61     situareservice/situareservice.h \
62     situareservice/situarecommon.h \
63     situareservice/imagefetcher.h \
64     facebookservice/facebookcredentials.h \
65     facebookservice/facebookauthentication.h \
66     facebookservice/facebookcommon.h \
67     ui/friendlistview.h \
68     ui/friendlistitem.h \
69     user/user.h \
70     ui/avatarimage.h \
71     engine/engine.h \
72     ui/settingsdialog.h \
73     ui/logindialog.h \
74     map/maptilerequest.h \
75     ui/imagebutton.h \
76     ui/friendlistpanel.h \
77     ui/userinfopanel.h \
78     ui/panelcommon.h \
79     ui/panelsidebar.h \
80     ui/panelsliderbar.h \
81     map/friendgroupitem.h \
82     map/frienditemshandler.h \
83     gps/gpsposition.h \
84     map/gpslocationitem.h \
85     gps/gpscommon.h \
86     ui/zoombuttonpanel.h \
87     common.h \
88     ui/userinfo.h \
89     engine/networkhandler.h \
90     ui/sidepanel.h \
91     engine/networkaccessmanager.h \
92     engine/networkreply.h
93 QT += network \
94     webkit
98 maemo5 | simulator {
99     SOURCES += gps/gpspositionprivate.cpp
100     HEADERS += gps/gpspositionprivate.h
101     QT += maemo5
102     CONFIG += mobility
103     MOBILITY = location
104     message([QJson])
105     message(Make sure you have QJson development headers installed)
106     message(add: deb fremantle free non-free)
107     message(to Scratchbox's sources.list in /etc/apt)
108     message(run: apt-get update)
109     message(install headers with: apt-get install libqjson-dev)
110     message([QtMobility])
111     message(Make sure you have QtMobility development headers installed)
112     message(install headers with: apt-get install libqtm-dev)
113 }
114 else {
115     SOURCES += gps/gpspositionprivatestub.cpp
116     HEADERS += gps/gpspositionprivatestub.h
117     message(QJson built in)
118     message(Make sure you have QJson development headers installed)
119     message(install headers with: sudo apt-get install libqjson-dev)
120 }
123 # -----------------------------------------------------------------
124 # Debian packetizing additions
125 # -----------------------------------------------------------------
126 unix {
127     # VARIABLES
128     isEmpty(PREFIX):PREFIX = /usr
129     BINDIR = $$PREFIX/bin
130     DATADIR = $$PREFIX/share
131     DEFINES += DATADIR=\\\"$$DATADIR\\\" \
132         PKGDATADIR=\\\"$$PKGDATADIR\\\"
134     # MAKE INSTALL
135     desktop.path = $$DATADIR/applications/hildon
136     desktop.files += situare.desktop
137     INSTALLS += desktop
138     icon48.path = $$DATADIR/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps
139     icon48.files += ../res/icon/48x48/situare.png
140     INSTALLS += icon48
141     icon64.path = $$DATADIR/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps
142     icon64.files += ../res/icon/64x64/situare.png
143     INSTALLS += icon64
144     target.path = $$BINDIR
145     INSTALLS += target
146 }