Removed unneded qRegisterMetaType() call
[quandoparte] / rpm / quandoparte.yaml
1 Name: quandoparte
2 Summary: Quando Parte
3 Version: 0.7.0
4 Release: 0
5 Group: Qt/Qt
6 License: GPL v2 or above
7 Sources:
8 - '%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2'
9 SCM:
10 URL:
11 Description: |-
12   Virtual Arrivals and Departures board for Italian trains quandoparte
13   uses the Trenitalia data to show arrival and departure times of trains of a given station, with delay or suppression information.
14 Configure: none
15 Builder: qtc5
16 QMakeOptions: VERSION=%{version} TARGET=%{name} CONFIG+=sailfish
17 PkgConfigBR:
18 - qdeclarative5-boostable
19 - Qt5WebKitWidgets
20 - Qt5WebKit
21 - Qt5Quick
22 - Qt5Qml
23 - Qt5Core
24 - Qt5Concurrent
25 - Qt5Location
26 Requires:
27 - qt5-qtdeclarative-import-location
28 - mapplauncherd-booster-silica-qt5
29 - sailfishsilica-qt5
30 - qt5-qtlocation
31 - qt5-qtconcurrent
32 Files:
33 - '%{_bindir}'
34 - '%{_datadir}/apps/quandoparte/qml'
35 - '%{_datadir}/apps/quandoparte/stations'
36 - '%{_datadir}/apps/quandoparte/i18n'
37 - '%{_datadir}/applications'
38 - '%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/86x86/apps'
39 PkgBR: []