imlib2 fixed, i forgot when the window size changes we totally destroy the pixmap...
[monky] / data / text.lua
1 --[[TEXT WIDGET v1.. by Wlourf 25/06/2010
2 This widget can drawn texts set in the "text_settings" table with some parameters
5 The parameters (all optionals) are :
6 text        - text to display, default = "Conky is good for you"
7                           use conky_parse to display conky value ie text=conly_parse("${cpu cpu1}")
8             - coordinates below are relative to top left corner of the conky window
9 x           - x coordinate of first letter (bottom-left), default = center of conky window
10 y           - y coordinate of first letter (bottom-left), default = center of conky window
11 h_align         - horizontal alignement of text relative to point (x,y), default="l"
12                           available values are "l": left, "c" : center, "r" : right
13 v_align         - vertical alignment of text relative to point (x,y), default="b"
14                           available values "t" : top, "m" : middle, "b" : bottom
15 font_name   - name of font to use, default = Free Sans
16 font_size   - size of font to use, default = 14
17 italic      - display text in italic (true/false), default=false
18 oblique     - display text in oblique (true/false), default=false (I don' see the difference with italic!)
19 bold        - display text in bold (true/false), default=false
20 angle       - rotation of text in degrees, default = 0 (horizontal)
21 colour      - table of colours for text, default = plain white {{1,0xFFFFFF,1}}
22                           this table contains one or more tables with format {P,C,A}
23               P=position of gradient (0 = beginning of text, 1= end of text)
24               C=hexadecimal colour 
25               A=alpha (opacity) of color (0=invisible,1=opacity 100%)
26               Examples :
27               for a plain color {{1,0x00FF00,0.5}}
28               for a gradient with two colours {{0,0x00FF00,0.5},{1,0x000033,1}}
29               or {{0.5,0x00FF00,1},{1,0x000033,1}} -with this one, gradient will start in the middle of the text
30               for a gradient with three colours {{0,0x00FF00,0.5},{0.5,0x000033,1},{1,0x440033,1}}
31                           and so on ...
32 orientation     - in case of gradient, "orientation" defines the starting point of the gradient, default="ww"
33                           there are 8 available starting points : "nw","nn","ne","ee","se","ss","sw","ww"
34                           (n for north, w for west ...)
35                           theses 8 points are the 4 corners + the 4 middles of text's outline
36                           so a gradient "nn" will go from "nn" to "ss" (top to bottom, parallele to text)
37                           a gradient "nw" will go from "nw" to "se" (left-top corner to right-bottom corner)
38 radial          - define a radial gradient (if present at the same time as "orientation", "orientation" will have no effect)
39                           this parameter is a table with 6 numbers : {xa,ya,ra,xb,yb,rb}
40                           they define two circle for the gradient :
41                           xa, ya, xb and yb are relative to x and y values above
42 reflection_alpha    - add a reflection effect (values from 0 to 1) default = 0 = no reflection
43                       other values = starting opacity
44 reflection_scale    - scale of the reflection (default = 1 = height of text)
45 reflection_length   - length of reflection, define where the opacity will be set to zero
46                                           calues from 0 to 1, default =1
47 skew_x,skew_y    - skew text around x or y axis
50 Needs conky 1.8.0 
52 To call this script in the conkyrc, in before-TEXT section:
53     lua_load /path/to/the/lua/script/text.lua
54     lua_draw_hook_pre draw_text
56 v1.0    07/06/2010, Original release
57 v1.1    10/06/2010      Add "orientation" parameter
58 v1.2    15/06/2010  Add "h_align", "v_align" and "radial" parameters
59 v1.3    25/06/2010  Add "reflection_alpha", "reflection_length", "reflection_scale", 
60                     "skew_x" et "skew_y"
63 ]]
65 require 'cairo'
67 function conky_draw_text()
68         local col0,col1,col2=0xFFFFCC,0xCCFF99,0x99FF00
69         local colbg=0x99CCFF
70     local text_settings={
71                 {
72                                 text=conky_parse("${time %I:%M%p %D}"),
73                                 font_size=24,
74                                 bold=true,
75                                 font_name="Nokia Pure",
76                                 h_align="l",
77                                 v_align="t",
78                                 x=5,
79                                 y=5,
80                                 reflection_alpha=0,
81                                 reflection_length=0,
82  colour={
83          {0.98,    0xFF0000,1},
84          {0.99,    0xFFCC00,1},
85          {1.00,    0xFF0000,1},
86          },
87  radial={400,-700,0,100,-1000,1024}
88                 }, 
89                 {
90                                 text=conky_parse("$sysname $kernel on $machine - $uptime"),
91                                 font_size=16,
92                                 bold=true,
93                                 font_name="Nokia Pure",
94                                 h_align="r",
95                                 x=800,
96                                 y=15,
97                                 reflection_alpha=0,
98                                 reflection_length=0,
99                                 colour={{0,col0,0.75},{1,colbg,0.75}},
101                 }, 
102                 {
103                                 text=conky_parse("$freq MHz"),
104                                 font_name="Nokia Pure",
105                                 font_size=16,
106                                 h_align="l",
107                                 v_align="t",
108                                 bold=true,
109                                 x=20,
110                                 y=60,
111                                 reflection_alpha=0,
112                                 reflection_length=0,
113                                 colour={{0,col0,1},{0.5,colbg,1}},
114                                 orientation="nn",
115                 },
116                 {
117                     text=conky_parse("${battery_temp}").."\194\176",--yes i had to do the degree symbol like that...
118                         x=794,
119                     y=69,
120                     v_align="m",
121                     h_align="r",
122                     font_name="Nokia Pure",
123                     font_size=14,
124                         colour={{0,col0,1},{0.5,colbg,1}},
125                                 orientation="nn",
126                 reflection_alpha=0,
127                 reflection_length=0,                    
128         }, 
129         {
130                     text=conky_parse("${battery_short} ${battery_volts}mV"),
131                         x=794,
132                     y=45,
133                     v_align="m",
134                     h_align="r",
135                     font_name="Nokia Pure",
136                     font_size=14,
137                         colour={{0,col0,1},{0.5,colbg,1}},
138                                 orientation="nn",
139                 reflection_alpha=0,
140                 reflection_length=0,                    
141         }, 
142         {
143                     text=conky_parse("${cell_radio_dbm}".."dBm"),
144                         x=510,
145                     y=50,
146                     font_name="Nokia Pure",
147                     font_size=14,
148                         colour={{0,col0,1},{0.5,colbg,1}},
149                                 orientation="nn",
150                 reflection_alpha=0.0,
151                 reflection_length=0.0,                  
152         },
153         {
154                     text=conky_parse('${cpu}').."%",
155                         x=223,
156                     y=65,
157                     v_align="t",
158                     h_align="l",
159                     font_name="Nokia Pure",
160                     font_size=18,
161                         colour={{0,col0,1},{0.5,colbg,1}},
162                                 orientation="ww",
163                 reflection_alpha=0,
164                 reflection_length=0,                    
165         },  
166         {
167                     text=conky_parse('${memperc}').."%",
168                     x=223,
169                     y=91,
170                     v_align="t",
171                     font_name="Nokia Pure",
172                     font_size=18,
173                         colour={{0,col0,1},{0.5,colbg,1}},
174                                 orientation="nn",
175                                 reflection_alpha=0,
176                                 reflection_length=0,
177         },
178         {
179                     text=conky_parse('${fs_used /} / ${fs_size /} (${fs_free /})'),
180                     x=5,
181                     y=115,
182                     v_align="t",
183                     font_name="Nokia Pure",
184                     font_size=16,
185                         colour={{conky_parse('${fs_used_perc /}')/100,0x000000,1},{1,0xFFFFFF,1}},
186                                 orientation="ww",
187                                 reflection_alpha=0,
188                                 reflection_length=0,
189         },
190         {
191                     text="/",
192                     x=220,
193                     y=114,
194                     v_align="t",
195                     font_name="Nokia Pure",
196                     font_size=18,
197                         colour={{0,0x336633,1},{1,col0,1}},
198                         bold=true,
199                                 orientation="ww",
200                                 reflection_alpha=0,
201                                 reflection_length=0,
202         },
203         {
204                     text=conky_parse('${fs_used /home} / ${fs_size /home} (${fs_free /home})'),
205                     x=5,
206                     y=135,
207                     v_align="t",
208                     font_name="Nokia Pure",
209                     font_size=16,
210                         colour={{conky_parse('${fs_used_perc /home}')/100,0x000000,1},{1,0xFFFFFF,1}},
211                                 orientation="ww",
212                                 reflection_alpha=0,
213                                 reflection_length=0,
214         },
215         {
216                     text="/home",
217                     x=220,
218                     y=134,
219                     v_align="t",
220                     font_name="Nokia Pure",
221                     font_size=18,
222                         colour={{0,0x336633,1},{1,col0,1}},
223                         bold=true,
224                                 orientation="ww",
225                                 reflection_alpha=0,
226                                 reflection_length=0,
227         },
228         {
229                     text=conky_parse('${fs_used /home/user/MyDocs} / ${fs_size /home/user/MyDocs} (${fs_free /home/user/MyDocs})'),
230                     x=5,
231                     y=155,
232                     v_align="t",
233                     font_name="Nokia Pure",
234                     font_size=16,
235                         colour={{conky_parse('${fs_used_perc /home/user/MyDocs}')/100-.1,0x000000,1},{1,0xFFFFFF,1}},
236                                 orientation="ww",
237                                 reflection_alpha=0,
238                                 reflection_length=0,
239                                 DrawMe=conky_parse("${if_mounted /home/user/MyDocs}1$endif")
240         },
241         {
242                     text="MyDocs",
243                     x=220,
244                     y=154,
245                     v_align="t",
246                     font_name="Nokia Pure",
247                     font_size=18,
248                         colour={{0,0x336633,1},{1,col0,1}},
249                         bold=true,
250                                 orientation="ww",
251                                 reflection_alpha=0,
252                                 reflection_length=0,
253                                 DrawMe=conky_parse("${if_mounted /home/user/MyDocs}1$endif")
254         },
255  --[[       {
256                     text=conky_parse('${fs_used /media/mmc1} / ${fs_size /media/mmc1} (${fs_free /media/mmc1})'),
257                     x=5,
258                     y=175,
259                     v_align="t",
260                     font_name="Nokia Pure",
261                     font_size=16,
262                         colour={{conky_parse('${fs_used_perc /media/mmc1}')/100-.1,0x000000,1},{1,0xFFFFFF,1}},
263                                 orientation="ww",
264                                 reflection_alpha=0,
265                                 reflection_length=0,
266                                 DrawMe=conky_parse("${if_mounted /media/mmc1}1$endif")
267         },
268         {
269                     text="SDCard",
270                     x=220,
271                     y=174,
272                     v_align="t",
273                     font_name="Nokia Pure",
274                     font_size=18,
275                         colour={{0,0x336633,1},{1,col0,1}},
276                         bold=true,
277                                 orientation="ww",
278                                 reflection_alpha=0,
279                                 reflection_length=0,
280                                 DrawMe=conky_parse("${if_mounted /media/mmc1}1$endif"),
281         },
282                 ]]
283         {
284                     text=conky_parse('${wireless_essid wlan0}'),
285                         x=375,
286                     y=201,
287                     h_align="c",
288                     v_align="m",
289                     font_name="Nokia Pure",
290                     font_size=18,
291                         colour={{0,col0,1},{0.5,colbg,1}},
292                                 orientation="nn",
293                 reflection_alpha=0,
294                 reflection_length=0,
295                 DrawMe=conky_parse("${if_up wlan0}1${else}0$endif"),
296         },
297         {
298                     text="GPRS",
299                         x=430,
300                     y=201,
301                     h_align="l",
302                     v_align="m",
303                     font_name="Nokia Pure",
304                     font_size=18,
305                         colour={{0,col0,1},{0.5,colbg,1}},
306                                 orientation="nn",
307                 reflection_alpha=0,
308                 reflection_length=0,
309                 DrawMe=conky_parse("${if_up gprs0}1${else}0$endif"),
310         },
311         {
312                     text=conky_parse('${wireless_link_qual_perc wlan0}')..'%',
313                         x=400,
314                     y=228,
315                     h_align="l",
316                     v_align="m",
317                     font_name="Nokia Pure",
318                     font_size=14,
319                         colour={{0,col0,1},{0.5,colbg,1}},
320                                 orientation="nn",
321                 reflection_alpha=0,
322                 reflection_length=0,
323                 DrawMe=conky_parse("${if_up wlan0}1${else}0$endif"),
324         },
325         {
326                     text='Up '..conky_parse('${upspeedf wlan0}') + conky_parse('${upspeedf gprs0}'),
327                         x=225,
328                     y=223,
329                     h_align="l",
330                     v_align="m",
331                     font_name="LEDFont",
332                     font_size=22,
333                     bold=true,
334                         colour={{0,0xcc0066,1}},
335                                 orientation="ww",
336                 reflection_alpha=0,
337                 reflection_length=0,
338                 DrawMe=conky_parse("${if_up wlan0}1${else}0$endif"),
339         },
340         {
341                     text=conky_parse('${downspeedf wlan0}') + conky_parse('${downspeedf gprs0}')..' Down',
342                         x=650,
343                     y=223,
344                     h_align="r",
345                     v_align="m",
346                     font_name="LEDFont",
347                     font_size=22,
348                     bold=true,
349                         colour={{0,0xcc0066,1}},
350                                 orientation="ww",
351                 reflection_alpha=0,
352                 reflection_length=0,
353                 DrawMe=conky_parse("${if_up wlan0}1${else}0$endif"),
354         },
355    --[[     {
356                     text='Up '..conky_parse('${upspeed gprs0}'),
357                         x=225,
358                     y=223,
359                     h_align="l",
360                     v_align="m",
361                     font_name="LEDFont",
362                     font_size=22,
363                     bold=true,
364                         colour={{0,0xcc0066,1}},
365                                 orientation="ww",
366                 reflection_alpha=0,
367                 reflection_length=0,
368                 DrawMe=conky_parse("${if_up gprs0}1${else}0$endif"),
369         },
370         {
371                     text=conky_parse('${downspeed gprs0}')..' Down',
372                         x=650,
373                     y=223,
374                     h_align="r",
375                     v_align="m",
376                     font_name="LEDFont",
377                     font_size=22,
378                     bold=true,
379                         colour={{0,0xcc0066,1}},
380                                 orientation="ww",
381                 reflection_alpha=0,
382                 reflection_length=0,
383                 DrawMe=conky_parse("${if_up gprs0}1${else}0$endif"),
384         },]]  
385     }
386     if conky_window == nil then return end
387     if tonumber(conky_parse("$updates"))<3 then return end
388         local cs = cairo_xlib_surface_create(conky_window.display, conky_window.drawable, conky_window.visual, conky_window.width, conky_window.height)
389     for i,v in pairs(text_settings) do  
390         cr = cairo_create (cs)
391                         display_text(v)
392             cairo_destroy(cr)
393             cr = nil
394     end
395         cairo_surface_destroy(cs)
396 end
398 function rgb_to_r_g_b2(tcolour)
399     local colour,alpha=tcolour[2],tcolour[3]
400     return ((colour / 0x10000) % 0x100) / 255., ((colour / 0x100) % 0x100) / 255., (colour % 0x100) / 255., alpha
401 end
403 function display_text(t)
404         if t.DrawMe~=nil and t.DrawMe ~= "1" then return end
405         local function set_pattern(te)
406                 --this function set the pattern
407                 if #t.colour==1 then 
408                     cairo_set_source_rgba(cr,rgb_to_r_g_b2(t.colour[1]))
409                 else
410                         local pat
411                         if t.radial==nil then
412                                 local pts=linear_orientation(t,te)
413                                 pat = cairo_pattern_create_linear (pts[1],pts[2],pts[3],pts[4])
414                         else
415                                 pat = cairo_pattern_create_radial (t.radial[1],t.radial[2],t.radial[3],t.radial[4],t.radial[5],t.radial[6])
416                         end
417                     for i=1, #t.colour do
418                         cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (pat, t.colour[i][1], rgb_to_r_g_b2(t.colour[i]))
419                     end
420                     cairo_set_source (cr, pat)
421                         cairo_pattern_destroy(pat)
422                 end
423     end
425     --set default values if needed
426     if t.text==nil then t.text="Conky is good for you !" end
427     if t.x==nil then t.x = conky_window.width/2 end
428     if t.y==nil then t.y = conky_window.height/2 end
429     if t.colour==nil then t.colour={{1,0xFFFFFF,1}} end
430     if t.font_name==nil then t.font_name="Free Sans" end
431     if t.font_size==nil then t.font_size=14 end
432     if t.angle==nil then t.angle=0 end
433     if t.italic==nil then t.italic=false end
434     if t.oblique==nil then t.oblique=false end
435     if t.bold==nil then t.bold=false end
436     if t.radial ~= nil then
437         if #t.radial~=6 then 
438                 print ("error in radial table")
439                 t.radial=nil 
440         end
441     end
442     if t.orientation==nil then t.orientation="ww" end
443     if t.h_align==nil then t.h_align="l" end
444     if t.v_align==nil then t.v_align="b" end    
445     if t.reflection_alpha == nil then t.reflection_alpha=0 end
446     if t.reflection_length == nil then t.reflection_length=1 end
447     if t.reflection_scale == nil then t.reflection_scale=1 end
448     if t.rotx==nil then t.rotx=0 end
449     if t.roty==nil then t.roty=0 end    
450     cairo_translate(cr,t.x,t.y)
451     cairo_rotate(cr,t.angle*math.pi/180)
452     cairo_save(cr)       
453     local slant = CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL
454     local weight = CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL
455     if t.italic then slant = CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_ITALIC end
456     if t.oblique then slant = CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_OBLIQUE end
457     if t.bold then weight = CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD end
458     cairo_select_font_face(cr, t.font_name, slant,weight)
459     for i=1, #t.colour do    
460         if #t.colour[i]~=3 then 
461                 print ("error in color table")
462                 t.colour[i]={1,0xFFFFFF,1} 
463         end
464     end
465         local matrix0 = cairo_matrix_t:create()
466         tolua.takeownership(matrix0) 
467         local rotx,roty=t.rotx/t.font_size,t.roty/t.font_size
468         cairo_matrix_init (matrix0, 1,roty,rotx,1,0,0)
469         cairo_transform(cr,matrix0)
470         cairo_set_font_size(cr,t.font_size)
471         local te=cairo_text_extents_t:create()
472         tolua.takeownership(te) 
473     cairo_text_extents (cr,t.text,te)
474         set_pattern(te)
475     local mx,my=0,0
476     if t.h_align=="c" then
477             mx=-te.width/2
478     elseif t.h_align=="r" then
479             mx=-te.width
480         end
481     if t.v_align=="m" then
482             my=-te.height/2-te.y_bearing
483     elseif t.v_align=="t" then
484             my=-te.y_bearing
485         end
486         cairo_move_to(cr,mx,my)
487     cairo_show_text(cr,t.text)
489    if t.reflection_alpha ~= 0 then 
490                 local matrix1 = cairo_matrix_t:create()
491                 tolua.takeownership(matrix1) 
492                 cairo_set_font_size(cr,t.font_size)
493                 cairo_matrix_init (matrix1,1,0,0,-1*t.reflection_scale,0,(te.height+te.y_bearing+my)*(1+t.reflection_scale))
494                 cairo_set_font_size(cr,t.font_size)
495                 te=nil
496                 local te=cairo_text_extents_t:create()
497                 tolua.takeownership(te) 
498                 cairo_text_extents (cr,t.text,te)               
499                 cairo_transform(cr,matrix1)
500                 set_pattern(te)
501                 cairo_move_to(cr,mx,my)
502                 cairo_show_text(cr,t.text)
503                 local pat2 = cairo_pattern_create_linear (0,
504                                                                                 (te.y_bearing+te.height+my),
505                                                                                 0,
506                                                                                 te.y_bearing+my)
507                 cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (pat2, 0,1,0,0,1-t.reflection_alpha)
508                 cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (pat2, t.reflection_length,0,0,0,1)   
509                 cairo_set_line_width(cr,0)
510                 local dy=te.x_bearing
511                 if dy<0 then dy=dy*(-1) end
512                 cairo_rectangle(cr,mx+te.x_bearing,te.y_bearing+te.height+my,te.width+dy,-te.height*1.05)
513                 cairo_clip_preserve(cr)
514                 cairo_set_operator(cr,CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR)
515                 --cairo_stroke(cr)
516                 cairo_mask(cr,pat2)
517                 cairo_pattern_destroy(pat2)
518                 cairo_set_operator(cr,CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER)
519                 te=nil
520     end
521 end
524  function linear_orientation(t,te)
525         local w,h=te.width,te.height
526         local xb,yb=te.x_bearing,te.y_bearing
528     if t.h_align=="c" then
529             xb=xb-w/2
530     elseif t.h_align=="r" then
531             xb=xb-w
532         end     
533     if t.v_align=="m" then
534             yb=-h/2
535     elseif t.v_align=="t" then
536             yb=0
537         end     
538         local p=0
539         if t.orientation=="nn" then
540                 p={xb+w/2,yb,xb+w/2,yb+h}
541         elseif t.orientation=="ne" then
542                 p={xb+w,yb,xb,yb+h}
543         elseif t.orientation=="ww" then
544                 p={xb,h/2,xb+w,h/2}
545         elseif vorientation=="se" then
546                 p={xb+w,yb+h,xb,yb}
547         elseif t.orientation=="ss" then
548                 p={xb+w/2,yb+h,xb+w/2,yb}
549         elseif vorientation=="ee" then
550                 p={xb+w,h/2,xb,h/2}             
551         elseif t.orientation=="sw" then
552                 p={xb,yb+h,xb+w,yb}
553         elseif t.orientation=="nw" then
554                 p={xb,yb,xb+w,yb+h}
555         end
556         return p
557 end