Move the sources to trunk
[opencv] / apps / StereoGR / resource.h
2 // Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.\r
3 // Used by StereoGR.rc\r
4 //\r
5 #define IDD_ABOUTBOX                    100\r
6 #define IDR_MAINFRAME                   128\r
7 #define IDR_STEREOTYPE                  129\r
8 #define IDD_PTOFFLINE                   130\r
9 #define IDD_DYNGEST                     131\r
10 #define IDD_GESTREC                     133\r
11 #define IDD_PTOPTIONS                   135\r
12 #define IDD_GROPTIONS                   137\r
13 #define IDD_HMM_SETTINGS                138\r
14 #define IDD_GEST_STAT                   139\r
15 #define IDI_ICON1                       140\r
16 #define IDI_ICON2                       141\r
17 #define IDC_EDITFRAMESCOUNT             1000\r
18 #define IDC_SPINFRAMESCOUNT             1001\r
19 #define IDC_EDITPTSAVEFILE              1002\r
20 #define IDC_BUTTON_BROWSESAVEFILE       1003\r
21 #define IDC_DGNAME                      1005\r
22 #define IDC_DGSAVE                      1006\r
23 #define IDC_ESAVEPATH                   1007\r
24 #define IDC_RTRAIN                      1008\r
25 #define IDC_RRECO                       1009\r
26 #define IDC_GESTLIST                    1010\r
27 #define IDC_GRINFO                      1012\r
28 #define IDC_RNOTHING                    1013\r
29 #define IDC_BCLEARGEST                  1014\r
30 #define IDC_BSAVEGEST                   1015\r
31 #define IDC_BLOADGEST                   1016\r
32 #define IDC_PTMINDISP                   1016\r
33 #define IDC_SPIN1                       1017\r
34 #define IDC_PTMAXDISP                   1018\r
35 #define IDC_SPIN6                       1018\r
36 #define IDC_SPIN2                       1019\r
37 #define IDC_PTSTEREORES                 1021\r
38 #define IDC_PTRAWRES                    1022\r
39 #define IDC_CHECKCONTOUR                1023\r
40 #define IDC_DIFFTHRESH                  1024\r
41 #define IDC_SPIN3                       1025\r
42 #define IDC_DISPHRESH                   1026\r
43 #define IDC_SEGTHRESH                   1026\r
44 #define IDC_SPIN4                       1027\r
45 #define IDC_SFRAMECOUNT                 1027\r
46 #define IDC_DEPTHTHRESH                 1028\r
47 #define IDC_MASKIMPROVE                 1028\r
48 #define IDC_SPIN5                       1029\r
49 #define IDC_DGCOLLECT                   1030\r
50 #define IDC_NUM_STATE                   1031\r
51 #define IDC_NUM_MIX                     1032\r
52 #define IDC_DGSTAT_LIST                 1033\r
53 #define IDC_DGSTAT_NUMSEQ               1034\r
54 #define IDC_DGSTAT_TRAINED              1035\r
55 #define IDC_DELETE_DG                   1036\r
56 #define ID_VIEW1                        32771\r
57 #define ID_VIEW2                        32772\r
58 #define ID_VIEW3                        32773\r
59 #define ID_VIEW4                        32774\r
60 #define ID_VIEW5                        32775\r
61 #define ID_VIEW6                        32776\r
62 #define ID_VIEW7                        32777\r
63 #define ID_VIEW8                        32778\r
64 #define ID_VIEW9                        32779\r
65 #define ID_VIEW10                       32780\r
66 #define ID_VIEW11                       32781\r
67 #define ID_VIEW12                       32782\r
68 #define ID_PT_PROP                      32790\r
69 #define ID_PT_WHITEBALANCE              32791\r
70 #define ID_PTPROCESS_FRAMES             32792\r
71 #define ID_PTOFFLINE                    32793\r
72 #define ID_CAPTURE_BACK                 32794\r
73 #define ID_DGOPTIONS                    32796\r
74 #define ID_RUNGESTREC                   32797\r
75 #define ID_SETTINGS                     32798\r
76 #define ID_TRAIN                        32799\r
77 #define ID_DGRECOG                      32800\r
78 #define ID_DYN_GEST_PROC                32801\r
79 #define ID_SAVE_HMM                     32802\r
80 #define ID_RECOG_FILE_DG                32802\r
81 #define ID_SAVE_DGPARAMS                32808\r
82 #define ID_LOAD_DGPARAMS                32809\r
83 #define ID_SAVE_BASE                    32810\r
84 #define ID_LOAD_BASE                    32811\r
85 #define ID_DELETE_HMM                   32812\r
86 #define ID_REMOVE_ALL_DG                32814\r
87 #define ID_PTVIEW1                      61446\r
88 \r
89 // Next default values for new objects\r
90 // \r
93 #define _APS_3D_CONTROLS                     1\r
94 #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        144\r
95 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         32815\r
96 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         1037\r
97 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           101\r
98 #endif\r
99 #endif\r